Chapter 303

“Want to run? Can you run away?”

The tall Green Turtles sneered and waved a big hand. The other Green Turtles around him rushed towards Su Chen and the others.

Wu Yang and the others couldn’t bear it anymore, but they didn’t rush to do it, they were all watching Su Chen’s meaning.

“All activities are active.” Su Chen smiled.

Although the Green Turtles who rushed over were all evolvers, the strongest were only Level 2 evolvers.

Wu Yang can clean up by himself, let alone a group of people.


With Su Chen’s permission, Shi Daniu rushed up first.

“Human, looking for death!”

A one-eyed green tortoise clansman roared on the opposite side, carrying a mace and fighting with Shi Daniu.

Yang Hao and others are also scrambling to find opponents.

Han Feng originally wanted to step forward to help, but Su Chen dragged him to the spot.

“Su Chen…” Han Feng looked puzzled.

One more person would have more strength, and he was also a Level 1 evolve at any rate, why did Su Chen stop himself from going up to help?

“I’m watching the show.”

There was a meaningful smile on the corner of Su Chen’s mouth.

When Han Feng was a little unsure, he was suddenly attracted by a scream.

When he saw that Shi Daniu smashed a green turtle tribe into meat sauce with one hammer, the expression on his face was wonderful.

what’s the situation?

Isn’t powerful aliens the enemy of one?

Could it be dazzling?

Han Feng rubbed his eyes vigorously, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a second-level green tortoise tribe, who was cut in half by a middle-aged man with a rough face.

Seeing this, Han Feng’s brain buzzed, but the scene in front of him once again deeply stimulated him.

Three women were holding three weird weapons. After three violent noises, three level 1 green turtles rushed up and died on the spot.

When is it so easy to kill level 1 evolutionary?

Han Feng swallowed and turned to look elsewhere.

In his sight, a puppet made of metal, clutching a Level 2 green turtle tribe, squeezed his head with one hand.

It looked extremely relaxed, as if it was not an evolutionary who squeezed, but an ant.

At this moment, he clearly realized that the people around Su Chen were all evolutionaries, and they were all evolutionaries above level 2.

Especially the metal puppet, at least a level 3 or above puppet.

Thinking of this, Han Feng set off a stormy sea in his heart.

Eight evolutionaries above level 2.

A puppet of level 3 or higher.

Plus three level 2 upgraded wolves.

This lineup is enough to crush a medium-sized gathering base.

Moreover, Su Chen hasn’t shot yet.

It seems that he is the real leader of this powerful team.

To be a leader, the strength must be superior.

Could it be that the Level 4 evolution is not successful?


Han Kun took a deep breath and couldn’t imagine it.

A Level 4 evolutionary who is less than twenty years old is too scary!

“No wonder he said he wanted to catch a tortoise. His feelings are not big words or pretense. It turns out that he really has this strength!”

Han Feng looked at Su Chen in a daze, with infinite emotion in his heart.


The tall Green Turtle tribe on the opposite side was dumbfounded at this time.

Own’s subordinates were slaughtered in a blink of an eye, making him feel particularly unreal.

Before, their green tortoises slaughtered everywhere in the city of Vajra, and the humans were killed with their heads in their arms, and there was no way to fight back.

He also believes that humans are weak.

But the scene before him gave him a crisp slap in the face.

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