Chapter 307

[Intelligent Chariot] Raise the speed and run across the city gate.

There are the most green turtles and zombies gathered at the gate of the city, so it is most suitable to choose this place to hunt.

[Intelligent Chariot] arrived and soon attracted the attention of the opponent.

Suddenly, a large number of Green Turtles and zombies rushed over.

“Xiaozhi, stop.” Su Chen ordered.

When the [Smart Chariot] stopped, the first one rushed out of the car.

The others followed Su Chen’s pace and got off the car one after another.

According to the previous plan, this time they did not fight on their own.

Wu Yang and Yang Lingtian are combined, they are both Level 3 evolutionaries, even if they are strong in the Green Turtle Clan, there will be no problems.

The remaining people formed a large team, and the three women of Tan Lin used the [pulse pistol] to shoot and kill them remotely.

Yang Hao and the three upgraded wolves are responsible for the defense.

Su Chen and [Mechanical Soldiers] were too strong, so they killed the enemy alone.

Soon, the two sides collided fiercely.

As Su Chen and others took action one after another, the Green Turtle tribe and the zombies who rushed up first fell in pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the [Smart Chariot] also opened the killing mode.




[Classless Gatling Gun], [Level 2 Pulse Cannon] and the magnetic storm grid are fully fired, harvesting lives like wheat.

Almost in a blink of an eye, thousands of zombies and Green Turtle tribesmen have been killed as if they were killed.

At the gate of the city, a sea of ​​blood, like purgatory.

With the rise of Su Chen killing, he drove to the gate of the city alone with a knife, but anyone who blocked him was cut into two pieces.

Whether it is a zombie or the Green Turtle Clan, under his sword, there is no enemy of one, and all have become dead souls under the sword.

Gradually, Su Chen killed thousands of zombies and the Green Turtle tribe with his own power. The hunting speed was not much slower than the [Smart Chariot].

The Green Turtles teamed up with dozens of masters to besieged Su Chen, but the bones that were slashed by Su Chen were gone.

Seeing this, all the Green Tortoise tribe people are terrified.

Although they were large in number and supported by tens of thousands of zombies, they couldn’t have the slightest courage to confront Su Chen’s killing gods.

Su Chen’s strength completely exceeded their cognition.

It also made them soberly aware that in front of the real strong, quantity is just a concept.

No matter how large the number is, it is not enough for others to cut with a single knife.

Recognizing this, the few strong men left in the Green Turtle Clan began to figure it out.

If you continue to stay here, you will definitely be slaughtered and you must evacuate as soon as possible.

After some discussions, they decided to let the zombies stop Su Chen and the others, and they took the tribe to flee here.

Suddenly, no matter it was the zombies outside the city or inside the city, they gathered together one after another and crushed them towards Su.

Su Chen was overwhelmed by a wave of zombies.

However, the body [eternal gods and demons] ignores any attacks of the same rank.

What’s more, the highest level among the zombies is only level 2. Wanting to hurt Su Chen is tantamount to wishful thinking!

And the zombies are all gathered together, which is more conducive to killing.

Su Chen kept releasing spells, and every spell would kill hundreds of zombies.

However, although his hunting speed is fast, there are more than 10,000 zombies after all, and it is impossible to kill all of them in a short time.

The Green Turtles took advantage of the gap where Su Chen was trapped, and fled in one direction quickly.

Naturally, Su Chen would not let them run away, and shouted at Wu Yang: “Captain of the military, stop the zombies, I will chase and kill those turtles.”

Without saying a word, Wu Yang rushed up with someone.

Su Chen played a [Heavenly Horse Meteor Fist] to kill all the zombies in front of him, and then turned on [Rapid Boots] to chase the Green Turtles.

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