Chapter 310 Green Turtle Patriarch

When I was a child, the [Smart Chariot] was about to drive into the mine.

Su Chen found on the central control screen that the location of the mine pit was surrounded by a large number of red and black spots.

He originally thought it was the Green Tortoise clan who had entangled with the zombies again.

But when he approached the mine, he discovered that this was not the case at all.

Thousands of Green Turtles gathered on the edge of the mine, but none of the zombies were seen. On the contrary, there were thousands of upgraded beasts.

“How did the Green Turtle Race get together with the Upgraded Beast?”

Everyone is a little puzzled.

Su Chen suddenly thought that when the tide of beasts and zombies broke out a few days ago, those zombies and upgraded beasts were a cooperative relationship.

The current scene made him think, could it be that the Green Turtle Clan controlled the zombies and upgraded beasts?

“Su Chen, what shall we do?” Wu Yang asked.

The green tortoises and upgraded beasts seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and they couldn’t help but make him vigilant.

Although Su Chen felt strange, he was not afraid at all, and said to [Smart Chariot]: “Xiaozhi, drive over and take a look.”


[Intelligent Chariot] drove straight ahead, and stopped this time when it was about ten meters away from the green turtle clan.

Just in case, Su Chen asked other people to stay in the car, and walked out of the car with [Mechanical Soldier].

“Sure enough, this king expected, human beings, you still came to die after all!”

Su Chen just got out of the car, and a dark green green tortoise came out of the green tortoise group opposite, and shouted at Su Chen.

Su Chen rubbed his nose, took a look at the other person, and said lightly, “Are you the patriarch of the Green Turtle Clan?”

To be able to claim to be the “King” must have a high status in the Green Tortoise tribe, and he suspects that he is the patriarch of the Green Tortoise tribe.

“Boy, this king is the patriarch of the Green Turtle Clan.”

The dark green green turtles replied proudly, and then smiled gloomily, “Boy, this time you fall into the hands of this king, let’s see how you escape from birth!”

When the words fell, he made a look, and the Green Turtles around him rushed forward, surrounding Su Chen and [Smart Chariot] in the middle.

The madness and fearlessness of the Green Tortoises made Su Chen a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that the other party should be aware of the methods he used to kill the green turtle tribe and zombies.

Then why did the other party dare to do this?

Thought that if you have a patriarch of a level 4 evolutionary, you can pick him up casually?

Suspicion turned to doubt, but Su did not take it seriously, and sneered: “Just because you group of shrimp soldiers and crabs still want to kill me?”

The Green Tortoise snorted and said coldly: “I have to admit that you are indeed very strong. However, you are also too mad. I don’t know that there are people outside the world, and there are many people in this world who can kill you. ”


When the words fell, there was a cold smirk behind him.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man with a dark complexion in the shape of a dead wood slowly stepped forward.

Feeling the death entwined with the other party, Su Chen brows and said: “Are you from the undead?”

While in Yitian City, he killed three undead people.

The middle-aged man in front of him was very similar to the three undead people in appearance and breath.

“Boy, why do you know the undead?”

The middle man’s brows furrowed deeply, and his cold eyes kept turning.

Su Chen curled his lips and chuckled, “I have not only seen it, but also killed three. But their strength is too weak, only level 3, you should be better than them?”

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