Chapter 321

“How do you want to solve it?”

The burly man was faintly displeased, he had already lowered his posture, and taught his subordinates again, which was enough to give Su Chen’s Face.

Unexpectedly, Su Chen was still so aggressive.

Even Qilin Mountain can’t bully people like this, right?

There is also a backer behind them, and no one can get off the stage if they have to get a dead fish and break the net.

“The way is very simple, hand over all the energy stones you received as compensation.” Su Chen said with a smile.

Hearing this, the people around me were surprised.

The young man from Qilin Mountain actually blackmailed the guards?

You know, behind these guards, there are big forces backing them.

Su Chen dared to do this, it was lawless.

The burly man’s face darkened.

The tolls collected here are not what he said, he also has to pay them.

Su Chen opened his mouth and asked for all the energy stones, obviously not wanting to settle things down.

“Your appetite is too big, right?” The burly man snorted coldly.

Su Chen rubbed his nose and said faintly: “You just say to give it or not to give it?”

The burly Han suddenly hesitated.

Su Chen looked harmless to humans and animals, but he exuded a murderous aura.

Give him a feeling of palpitations.

He could even think that as long as he said a ‘no’, maybe The next moment would die on the spot.


The burly man gritted his teeth and greeted a guard behind him: “Bring the energy stone collected today.”

Soon, a guard trot over with a cloth bag.

“There are more than 2,700 energy stones in it, your Excellency put it away.”

The burly man took the cloth bag and delivered it to Su Chen’s hands.

Su Chen didn’t even look at it, and threw it directly into the storage bag, then curled the corner of his mouth, “I accept the energy stone, let’s talk about other things.”

His original intention was not for this energy stone, but to make matters worse.

How can it make a big deal?

I’m afraid it won’t happen if you don’t kill someone.

“En?” The burly man was dumbfounded.

Listening to Su Chen’s tone, it seemed that things were not over yet.

But he has already handed over the energy stone, which is a big step back. What else does Su Chen want to do?

“Your Excellency, what else do you want to do?” asked the burly man, holding back his anger.

Su pointed his finger at the guard who scolded him before, and hummed softly: “This guy ran into me before. He has to pay a price?”

“What’s the price? Didn’t I teach him a lesson?”

The burly man froze for a moment, as if thinking of something, his eyelids suddenly twitched, and he lost his voice: “You mean…”

“you guessed right.”

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Su Chen exploded the guard’s head with a punch.


Seeing this scene, people all around were frightened inexplicably.

What is arrogance?

What is domineering?

Today, they can see it in Su Chen.

“You…” The corners of the burly man’s mouth trembled.

He originally wanted to scold Su Chen, but when he thought of Su Chen’s identity and strength, he swallowed back.

“If you are dissatisfied, you can go to Qilin Mountain to find me, daddy can change the name or not change the surname, so is Mo Chengkong!” Su Chen squinted his eyes and swept the burly man, and uttered contempt.

The burly man nodded his head heavily, “Okay, I will remember your words.”

Su Chen’s goal was also achieved, and when he returned to the car, he ordered the [intelligent chariot] to enter the tunnel.

When the [Smart Chariot] disappeared from sight, the burly man’s face was completely gloomy, and his mouth kept muttering, “Qilin Mountain, Mo Chengkong…”

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