Chapter 336

Jin Xuyang opened his mouth wide, glanced at the lonely knife in his hand, and then at Su Chen.

When he saw that Su Chen was unscathed, his whole body was petrified.

He really couldn’t figure out why his 4th-level evolutionary’s powerful blow hit Su Chen like a tickling.

How powerful is the physical body of this young man in front of him?

I’m afraid that the Level 6 Evolver can’t compare to it?

Is there a way to survive against such a strong man?

Dou Wuxia, who was not far away, also saw this scene. At this moment, he had completely forgotten the pain on his body, his heart was numb, and his breathing was almost stagnant.

Su Chen’s strength brought him unprecedented impact.

There was also an illusion in my heart that in front of Su Chen, he was actually indistinguishable from an ant.

“The golden eagle gang has done a lot of evil, and it is more than guilty to die!”

When Jin Xuyang didn’t react, Su Chen punched out.

There was a loud bang.

Jin Xuyang’s head burst into a bloody blossom, and he died on the spot.

“My God! He’s not a human being!”

“Run for your life now!”

The remaining members of the Golden Eagle Gang, when they saw that the boss of own was dead, they dared to stay here, and fled in fright.

Su Chen had already planned to completely eradicate the Golden Eagle Gang, how could he let them escape?

“Die all!”

Su Chen struck out with a fist, and the shadow of the fist roared down.

The members of the Golden Eagle Gang were crying and howling, and in a blink of an eye, more than two hundred people became a pool of fleshy mud.

Some of those who were far away escaped by fluke, and even ran away desperately.

“Fist Technique secret technique!”

Dou Wuxia’gudong’ swallowed his saliva, and his whole heart sank to the bottom.

More than two hundred evolutionaries were killed with one punch, how terrifying it is!

The level 6 evolution is absolutely unable to do it.

Could it be that he is a 7th level evolutionary?

Thinking of this, Dou Wuxi almost frightened to death.

“Xiao Tie, catch up, don’t leave one.” Su Chen ordered.


[Mechanical Soldier] chased up, constantly waving the machete in his hand.

A scream, followed by resounding.

After eliminating the Golden Eagle Gang, Su Chen set his sights on Dou Wuxia.

Su Chen’s gaze swept away, Dou gratuitously like falling into an ice cellar, cold and sweaty all over.

He knew that Su Chen would not let him go. For the sake of this plan, he could only save his life if he escaped quickly.

“Give it all to me, kill him!”

Dou gratuitously roared and ordered all the zombies to attack Su Chen.

And he himself took the opportunity to flee backwards.

When he wanted to come, thousands of zombies who wanted to kill Su Chen would definitely not be able to kill them, but what could be done for a moment, right?

Just give him a moment to get on the base car and have a chance to escape.

Unfortunately, Su Chen would not give him this opportunity.

【Enchanting Magic Knife】Sweeping out, a blue torrent swept up.

In the thunder and lightning, hundreds of zombies were turned into ashes on the spot.

A vacuum zone also appeared between Su Chen and Dou Gratuitous.

“Can you escape?”

Su Chen smiled contemptuously, purple awns loomed up on his feet, and then moved with one step, like a hurricane, blowing towards Dou for free.

In a blink of an eye, it has appeared in front of Dou Wuxia.

Dou Gratuitously scared his liver and gallbladder, he screamed desperately, “Help me!”

With a bang.

Suddenly, the base car behind Dou Wuxia burst into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, a Demonic Beasts over ten meters in size came out from it.

This beast is covered with a layer of gray fur, shaped like a tiger, and a pair of big copper bell-like eyes exudes a faint blue cold light.

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