Chapter 342

With a move, Su Chen asked in a hurry, “Boss, where is that plant?”

The essence fruit tree is one of the sacred objects of the demon planting a vein. The fruit it produces can be Ascension Mental Energy.

The value is so high that Su Chen has already coveted it if it is not under the Shouyuan fruit tree.

It was an opportunity to know the whereabouts of the Jingyuan fruit tree here, and he would naturally not miss it.

“I was bought by someone.” The stall owner said casually.

He didn’t know the Jingyuan Fruit Tree at all, and only sold it as an unknown Medicinal herbs, so he didn’t care about it.

“Who bought it?” Su Chen was a little anxious.

The essence of fruit tree is too important for him, because although his three major professions are all 4th, but compared to the mage and evolve, the spiritual master is the weakest.

If you don’t hurry up, Ascension may end up being a tasteless one.

This is something he absolutely does not want to see.

“There are too many people buying my things, who can remember.” The stall owner shook his head.

In fact, he still has some impressions.

However, Su Chen didn’t buy his things, so why should he tell?

“Think about it again.”

Su Chen grabbed a handful of energy stones and stuffed it into the hands of the stall owner.

Seeing the sparkling energy stone in his hand, the stall owner’s eyes straightened, and his face was also full of smiles, and he said hurriedly: “I remember it, it seems that I was bought by the Yulin shop in Tongtian City.”

“How long have they been away?” Su Chen’s heart moved.

If the people in Yulin shop hadn’t left for long, he would be able to snatch the Jingyuan fruit tree back.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been away, and it’s time to return to Tongtian City.” The stall owner thought for a while and replied.

Su Chen looked sad, nodded, and then left here with the second daughter of Tan Lin.

Since the people in Yulin shop have been away for so long, it is too late to chase after them.

However, he originally planned to go to Tongtian City, as long as he knows who the buyer is, whether he spends money to buy it or snatches it, he must get the essence fruit tree in his hand.

“Su Chen, that plant is important to you?” Tan Lin asked curiously.

He had never seen Su Chen caring so much about something.

“Very important.” Su Chen replied.

“Then let’s go to Tongtian City now.” Tan Lin suggested.

“No hurry, finally come to the market, let’s talk about it later.” Su Chen smiled.

Anyway, I have to go to Tongtian City sooner or later, and I am not in a hurry.

After that, the three of them turned around for a while and bought a lot of things they hadn’t seen before.

When he was about to return to the [Smart Chariot], Su Chen suddenly spotted an acquaintance, and stepped forward to say hello, “Old man, it’s a coincidence that I ran into it here.”

This acquaintance is the gray old man who entered Yulin District before.

“It’s you!”

When it was clear that it was Su Chen, the gray old man was full of horror, as if he had seen a ghost, Sa Yazi ran away.

Seeing that the other party quickly disappeared into the crowd, Su Chen looked astonished and murmured, “Is there something wrong with this old guy?”

Where did Su Chen know that since the last time he met Sun Tiangang in Tongtian City, the white old man already knew that Su Chen was killing people everywhere in the fake Qilin Mountain.

If this is close to Su Chen, if someone finds out, it will cause a murderous disaster.

Su Chen didn’t think much, and continued to walk towards [Smart Chariot].

But before he took a few steps, a fierce quarrel suddenly came out not far away.

“It’s Yang Hao’s voice.” Yang Qian’s face changed suddenly.

Su Chen also heard it. In the quarrel, not only Yang Hao but also Cao Ran and others were among them.

“Go, go over and take a look.”

Su Chensheng was afraid that Yang Hao and the others would suffer, and walked towards the quarrel first.

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