Chapter 346 Earth Star Condensation Stone

“Yang Hao, take that piece of ore and have a look.”

Su Chen turned to Yang Hao to destroy the people who killed the Mad Lion Gate.

Without saying a word, Yang Hao handed the ore to Su Chen’s hand.

Su Chen swept his eyes intently, but saw that the ore in his hand was as black as ink, with a little bit of starlight shining in it.

From the appearance point of view, it does have some similarities with the star-gathering stone.

However, the star-gathering stone exudes the power of thunder and lightning, while the ore in his hand gives people a thick and heavy feeling.

Su Chen weighed it and looked at the stall owner, “Boss, do you still have this kind of ore?”

Although he doesn’t know the origin of the ore, he thinks it should have some value.

If the other party still has them, he will buy them all.

The stall owner shuddered and said hurriedly, “Senior, there is only one piece of this ore.”

“Where did you get it?” Su Chen asked again.

“I bought it from Yuanyang Town a few days ago.” The stall owner replied truthfully.

Su Chen didn’t ask too much, and returned to the [Smart Chariot] with everyone.

As soon as he got on the car, Su Chen communicated with [Smart Chariot].

“Xiaozhi, do you know this ore?”

“Master, this is a ground star condensed gangue, which can upgrade my defense.” [Smart Chariot] was a little excited when he spoke.

Su Chen’s eyes lit up suddenly, and he said anxiously, “How much does it take to upgrade defense?”

[Smart Chariot] The current defense level is level 3, which can resist the attacks of level 3 creatures. After being upgraded, it can resist the attacks of level 4 creatures.

Originally, upgrading to level 4 defense required a large number of level 4 energy stones.

Su Chen couldn’t make it in a short time, but now that he has the condensed gangue of the earth star, he can upgrade in advance.

How can we not excite him?

“It takes about twenty yuan.” [Smart Chariot] thought for a while and replied.

Su Chen nodded slightly, fixed his gaze on the central control screen, and began to look for the location of Yuanyang Town.

Since the Earth Star Condensation Vein Stone appeared in Yuanyang Town, he had to go there.

“Xiaozhi, search for the location of Yuanyang Town.” Su Chen ordered.


As soon as the picture on the central control screen turned, Yuanyang Town was quickly displayed.

Su Chen saw that Yuanyang Town was only a few hundred kilometers away from here, and it was still very close to Tongtian City.

Originally, he planned to go to Tongtian City, which would save a lot of time.

“Xiaozhi, lock in Yuanyang Town and go there first.” Su Chen said.

Before, he wanted to go to Jin’a City to kill the zombies first, but the central control screen showed that there was no zombie in Jin’a City.

I want to come because the zombies there had received the news that Dou had been killed without compensation, and fled Jin’a City.

Without zombies, going to Jin’a City would be meaningless.


[Intelligent chariot] Ignition starts and accelerates the gallop.

Two years ago, [Smart Chariot] came to Yuanyang Town.

Perhaps because of its proximity to Tongtian City, Yuanyang Town still looks quite prosperous.

The town is so crowded with people coming and going.

Su Chen made [Can Chariot] stop outside the town, and entered Yuanyang Town alone.

After spending some energy stones, he easily found out the news of the Earth Star Condensation Vein Stone.

It turned out that the Earth Star Condensation Vein was a meteorite from the sky. It fell in Yuanyuan Town a few days ago and was picked up by a man surnamed Huang.

Because he didn’t know what the Earth Star Condensation Stone was, he was all sold.

Moreover, most of them were bought by Yulin shops in Tongtian City.

“Yulin shops are quite discerning.” Su Chen murmured, narrowing his eyes.

The Jingyuan Fruit Tree also fell into the hands of Yulin Shop, which proves that the people at Yulin Shop really have a hand in appreciating treasures.

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