Chapter 481

After getting the [Optical Transformation Technique], when Su Chen was about to close his eyes and rest for a while, an alarm sounded on the central control screen.

“Warning, a level 6 alien creature was found hundreds of miles ahead.”

[Intelligent Chariot] It has been a long time since the alarm sounded, and the alarm this time indicates that the level 6 alien creature has a certain threat.

“Xiaozhi, isn’t this level 6 creature coming for us?” Su Chen asked.

His main purpose is to rush to the Xuantian Continent as soon as possible. If this level 6 creature doesn’t come and ask for trouble, he won’t waste time hunting.

“Master, it seems to be coming for us.” [Smart Chariot] reminded.


Su Chen raised his brows and looked on the central control screen, and he really saw a black spot galloping towards here, and the speed was so fast that it was a bit faster than the [Smart Chariot].

“It’s interesting.” Su Chen whispered.

To put in one’s eyes, a 6th-level alien creature is not at all caught by him, but what makes him feel a little strange is that the two are separated by hundreds of miles, why can the other party find themselves?

Does it have the same sensing capabilities as [Smart Chariot]?

Ten minutes later, an unusually large sea Demonic Beasts appeared in front of the [Smart Chariot], more than twice the size of the Xuantian Bawang Turtle.

And his appearance is also very weird. There is a long and narrow mouth on his huge head, but his eyes are as small as gravel. If you don’t distinguish it carefully, you can’t see it at all.

“Humans, catch them with your hands, otherwise I will swallow you all in one bite!”

As soon as this sea Demonic Beasts appeared, it released a huge coercion in an attempt to deter Su Chen.

Su Chen walked out of the cabin alone, took a glance at Demonic Beasts, and said in doubt: “Do you know me?”

Listening to the other party’s tone, it should be specifically for yourself.

But it was the first time he and this sea Demonic Beasts met. There was nothing to do with him. Why did the other party arrest him?


Hai Demonic Beasts grinned, grinning sullenly, “I don’t know you, but I know you must have killed the Protoss’ Jince.”

“That’s how it is.” Su Chen suddenly realized.

As one of the five super races, the Protoss must have many subsidiary forces.

The sea Demonic Beasts in front of him didn’t know that it belonged to that race, but it must belong to the control of the Protoss.

After figuring out the other party’s purpose, Su Chen smiled and said, “Since you know that I killed Jin Ce, you still have the guts to chase me down? Are you not afraid of death?”

“Of course I can’t help you, but I didn’t come alone.”

Hai Demonic Beasts’ big mouth grinned, and it drew a strange arc.

When the words fell, I saw a middle-aged man wearing a purple shirt galloping over in the distance. He was walking on the waves and speeding into the sparks, and almost a few breaths came to the front.

“Fast speed.”

Su Chen frowned.

Generally speaking, the faster the speed, the stronger the strength.

The speed of the man in purple is the fastest he has ever seen, which undoubtedly proves his strength.

As for level 7 or 8?

Su Chen could not be sure for the time being.

“Master, he is an 8-level evolutionary.” [Smart Chariot] reminded.

When it was learned that the person was an 8-level evolutionary, all the people in the car changed in color.

Although Su Chen is very strong, he is only level 6 after all, can he still be an opponent in the face of a powerhouse beyond two levels?

Everyone couldn’t help but began to worry.

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