Chapter 768

During this period, the [Smart Chariot] also found a relatively weak boundary, and can leave here at any time.

Through the communication with [Intelligent Chariot], Su Chen learned that he would enter another realm when he shuttled out of the deserted land.

This boundary is not fixed, it may be a human continent, or it may be a continent of other races.

For this, Su Chen didn’t care.

With his current strength, even if he encounters the first stage of the holy order, he can compete against him.

What’s more, in the mainland, even the strength of the false saints will be suppressed to the 10th level.

So for him, no matter which continent he traveled to, he always walked sideways.

As he left, Su Chen planned to celebrate.

Afterwards, he called everyone out and prepared food together.

After a lot of work, the people were filled with more than a dozen types of upgraded beast barbecues, various fruits and drinks.

Li Kuiyang has never seen so much rich food before, saliva drips from the corners of his mouth.

Under Su Chen’s signal, everyone began to feast.

After drinking and eating, Su Chen called Li Kuiyang to his side.

“Senior, once you leave the deserted land, will you fall at any time?” Su Chen tentatively said.

“My longevity has long been exhausted. Once I leave, I definitely won’t survive for three days.” Li Kuiyang replied affirmatively.

Although he knew he was about to die, he didn’t have the slightest melancholy, but a trace of relief.

After hearing this, Su Chen pondered for a while, and then said: “If you take some spiritual materials that increase longevity before leaving, can you survive?”

During this period of time with Li Kuiyang, he felt that Li Kuiyang was a good person, and coupled with his strength reached the level of a false saint, he planned to keep him by his side.

“It can be, but the spiritual materials that can increase lifespan are all treasures that can be encountered and cannot be found. Let alone abandoned places, it is difficult to find even outside.” Li Kuiyang sighed.

Su Chen’s eyes lit up and continued: “Senior, if you swear to stay by my side and help, I can provide some spiritual materials to increase longevity.”

“you have?”

Li Kuiyang looked at Su Chen in surprise.

He found that he couldn’t see through Su Chen more and more.

Su Chen is young, but has the strength to crush the false saints, and the good things on him are countless.

Maybe there are spiritual materials to increase longevity.

Thinking of this, Li Kuiyang’s breathing became a little short.

If you can leave here and survive, of course it is the best choice.

How about even surrendering to Su Chen?

Su Chen is talented and unmatched in strength. It is very likely that he will become the peak powerhouse in the universe.

It’s not ashamed to follow such a strong person, and even get a chance.

“As long as the senior agrees, I will give something immediately.” Su Chen said solemnly.

“I promise.”

Li Kuiyang did not hesitate.

Su Chen was overjoyed, and then took out the oath stone.

When Li Kuiyang swore an oath, he took out a Shouyuan fruit and delivered it to his hand, and said: “Senior, this is a Shouyuan fruit. After taking it, it can increase the ten-year lifespan.”

“ten years?”

Li Kuiyang slapped his tongue with surprise on his face.

One fruit can increase ten years of life, which shows that the fruit of life is definitely the most precious thing in the world.

Li Kuiyang tremblingly held the Shouyuan fruit, and said with a sigh of relief: “It is a waste to eat it now. I will take it when I leave here.”

After speaking, he returned the Shouyuan Fruit to Su Chen’s hands.

Su Chen did not answer, and said with a smile: “Senior, take it yourself.”

After Li Kuiyang swears, he is his own, and there is no need to guard.

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