Chapter 804


Su Chen raised his brows and quickly swept around, but found nothing.

Where does the danger come from?

Thinking of the rapid alert bird’s ability to predict danger, Su Chen didn’t care, and quickly contacted [Smart Chariot], “Xiaozhi, search around, is there any change?”

“No.” [Smart Chariot] replied immediately.


Su Chen frowned slightly as he was about to release Mental Energy for investigation.

Right in front of him, ripples suddenly appeared in the void.

Immediately afterwards, a cold light gleamed from it and lased directly at him.

“court death!”

Su Chen snorted coldly, a faint golden light appeared on his palm, and he punched out.

There was only a loud bang.

Su Chen punched in the middle of the cold light, but saw a violent tremor in a certain part of the void, and ripples appeared in circles, and then two beautiful young women appeared from it.

One of them is slender, with a hint of heroism in his beautiful eyes.

The other person is petite and looks a little weird.

And both of them have long silver hair, which makes them look a little more beautiful.

“Human, why is your physical body so powerful?”

The tall woman took a look at Su Chen and gave a soft voice.

There are very few people who can block a blow from her physically, let alone a weak human being.

This made her feel very surprised.

Su Chen ignored it and said in a cold voice: “Your Excellency made a sneak attack, it’s best to give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise I won’t blame me for being polite!”

“You’re welcome? Really think that if you block my blow, they can be rampant in front of me?”

The tall woman chuckled, a look of contempt appeared on her face, and she put on Su Chen’s eyes.

“Sister, don’t say that.”

The petite woman tugged at the tall woman’s arm, then faced Su Chen again, and said embarrassingly: “This human friend, my Big sis dealt with you in a hurry, because you grabbed our spiritual pet. ”

Grabbed your spiritual pet?

Su Chen’s expression was stagnant, and he glanced down at the Swift Bird in his hand, and said in a deep voice, “You mean, this Swift Bird is your spiritual pet?”


The petite woman nodded heavily.

“Humans, for the sake of your ignorance, hand over the Swift Bird, we can assume that nothing has happened.”

The tall woman stared at Su Chen and snorted coldly.

threaten me?

Su Chen snorted, lowered his head and asked the Xun bird: “Xiao Xun, are you their spiritual pet?”

“Master, I’m not their spiritual pet, I was just caught by them before.” Xun Bird replied affirmatively.

When the Swift Bird actually called Master Su Chen, the two tall women changed their colors at the same time.

Once Demonic Beasts recognizes the master, even if they are robbed back, it is difficult to tame.

They spent a lot of time on Swift Bird, and they simply couldn’t accept this.

“Have you two heard that? The Swift Bird is my spiritual pet, and you dare to pay attention to it. You can’t live or die.” Su Chen snorted coldly.

“Damn it!”

The tall woman flew into a thunder, holding a silver spear directly at Su Chen.

“Big sis, don’t do it!”

The petite woman tried to stop it, but it was too late.

Su Chen didn’t care about it, but he felt something was wrong when the silver spear came close.

The silver spear actually has the power of space tearing, which is exactly the same as the power of space tearing released by the [Chaos Splitting Empty Sword].

“Space Hallows!”

Realizing that the silver spear is a spatial holy weapon, Su Chen put away his contempt.

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