Chapter 807

Su Chen’s face also condensed slightly, and he pondered for a while, and asked Wuyazi: “Senior, there are forces in the void?”

According to his previous understanding, most of the void is spatial turbulence, and there is no place at all.

By what means did the Qi family stand in the void?

Wu Yazi replied: “You should know the Void Battlefield? The Void Battlefield is actually a small continent in the void, and the Void Battlefield is also a small continent.”

“Besides, they exist in the void, and they will be attacked by the void beasts all the time, but the Qi family has always stood firm. This shows how powerful their strength is.”


Su Chen nodded, secretly marveling at the strength of the Qi family.

Among other things, being able to fight against the void beast is enough to prove that the Qi family is definitely not a leisurely person!

“Humans, since they know our identity, do they dare to arrest us? Don’t hurry up to hand over the Swift Bird and our weapons, and pray for our forgiveness?”

Qi Muxue said triumphantly.

In her opinion, Qi Jia was shocking the world, and Su Chen must have been shocked at this time.

Hearing that, when Su Chen’s eyes gradually narrowed, Mental Energy was released without warning, and while restraining Qi Muxue, he slapped Qi Muxue and slapped it.

A clear and crisp sound suddenly resounded.

All around, suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Not only Qi Muxue and the others were dull, but even Wuyazi and the others were a little dazed.

Qi Muxue is a direct descendant of the Qi family, and there is a super power in the fifth stage of the holy stage, so Su Chen just hit it?

However, after thinking of Su Chen’s behavior style, Wu Yazi and others were relieved.

Since I met Su Chen, I have never seen anyone Su Chen feared.

Especially in the mainland, Su Chen is simply walking sideways.

What about the fifth stage of the holy stage? As long as you dare to descend on the mainland, you will still be abused by Su Chen.

If you have strength, you have confidence!

It is normal for a junior from the same family to dare to yell in front of Su Chen and be taught a lesson.

“Do you dare to hit me?”

Qi Muxue clutched half of her raised face, her eyes filled with incomparable anger.

Su Chen stared at the eyeballs and yelled: “Dare to beep again, I will kill you on the spot!”

Is it possible that Qi Muxue wants to behave in front of him?

He wouldn’t be used to Qi Muxue’s problems!


The corners of Qi Muxue’s mouth trembled.

Originally wanted to scold him, but under Su Chen’s gaze, he couldn’t produce the slightest courage, so he closed his mouth obediently.

“Friend, are you a bit too much?” Qi Muyu said with a sullen face, displeased.

The Qi family is well-known, why don’t you give it a thin face?

But Su Chen didn’t say anything about her face, and even shot in public, which made her very angry.


Su Chen sneered, and then coldly snorted: “You have attacked me first, and you want to snatch my spiritual pet. Are you embarrassed to say that I am too much? Don’t wanting face anymore?”

Under Su Chen’s voice questioning, Qi Muyu was speechless.

As Su Chen said, it was indeed their fault first.

“Then how can you let us go?” Qi Muyu thought for a while and tentatively asked.

Su Chen’s mind slowly turned.

Killing Qi Muyu two people can harvest at least thousands of fragments, plus two sacred artifacts.

However, in this way, he and Qi family forged a death feud, which is not conducive to walking in the void in the future.

It would be more cost-effective to take the opportunity to blackmail.

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