Chapter 828

“Does Yao Zhi’s holy rank exist?”

Feeling the aura of the holy rank radiating from this big tree, Su Chen murmured.

“It’s not a demon planting holy step, it’s a holy tree of the elves!” Qi Mufeng explained.

The sacred tree of the elves?

What does it mean to appear here?

Su Chen became more confused and asked in a low voice: “Brother Qi, what is the origin of this sacred tree?”

Qi Mufeng took a deep breath and slowly said, “This sacred tree is known as the patron saint of the elves. It is precisely because of its existence that the elves can occupy a place among the ten thousand races.”

“So it’s very strong?”

Su Chen groaned, and then asked: “How many stages of the Cultivation Base is it?”

“The fifth stage of the holy stage!” Qi Mufeng said in a deep voice.


Shang Caili and the others took a breath.

Su Chen couldn’t help but slap his tongue.

At first, he felt that this sacred tree was very strong, but he never thought it would be so strong.

The Cultivation Base of the fifth stage of the holy stage is on the same level as the ancestors of the Qi family.

In the face of this kind of powerhouse, the sum of all the people present may not be enough to kill it alone.

“The Cultivation Base of the fifth stage of the sacred tree of the elves is true, but there have been rumors a hundred years ago that its expiration is approaching. The Cultivation Base is not as good as before, and now it should not have the strength of the fifth stage of the sacred stage.” Wuyazi Said suddenly.

He was once the holy rank of the dwarves, and it was reasonable to be able to hear this news.

Qi Mufeng nodded in agreement: “I’ve also heard of this rumor.”

Su Chen’s heart moved, and he immediately contacted [Smart Chariot], “Xiaozhi, what kind of Cultivation Base is that sacred tree?”

“The first stage of the holy stage.” [Smart Chariot] quickly replied.

After hearing this, Su Chen let out a long sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the Cultivation Base of the sacred tree of the elven clan has dropped a lot, and only the sacred stage is not enough to cause a fatal threat to him.

The uneasy feeling of kicking and kicking also calmed down.

“Su Chen, do we still want to leave here?” Qi Mufeng asked.

The appearance of the sacred tree of the elven clan caused extreme psychological pressure on him.

If he can, he can’t wait to flee here right away.

“Don’t hurry.” Su Chen replied.

The sacred tree of the elven clan appears here. It must have a purpose and leave rashly. It is easy to attract its attention and be attacked.

It’s better to watch the changes and see what attention it does.

“Box No. 1, Box No. 17… No. 1,350, hand over your things.”

Suddenly, Yueling’s cold voice came from the auction hall.

Su Chen noticed that the things mentioned by Yueling were just the bidding for Mechanical Heart and Saint-Step Puppet.

“What do you elves mean, if you want to snatch it, you can’t do it?”

An angry roar came from Box One.

Immediately afterwards, with a bang, the whole box burst open, and a majestic alien old man walked out of it.

“Li Changhong from Wanjiapu.”

Qi Mufeng recognized this person at a glance.

Wanjiapu is also a relatively large force in the void, and Li Changhong is also a holy powerhouse.

The holy rank powerhouses have their own dignity, how can they easily submit to the oppression of the elves.

“Who am I? It turns out to be from Wanjiapu.”

An old face suddenly appeared on the main trunk of the sacred tree of the elven race. After taking a look at Li Changhong, Yin & Yang said strangely.

“Let’s talk about it, what is your purpose?”

Li Changhong snorted coldly.

“Hand over everything on you, otherwise you will be killed!”

The elven holy tree smiled gloomily, and its voice was as cold as a glacier.

It seems that if Li Changhong didn’t follow his statement, he would really kill him.

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