Chapter 835

Su Chen turned on [Speed ​​Boots], as if a bolt of lightning rushed towards Yueling.

In the middle of the journey, he struck a punch far away.

This punch seemed ordinary, but in fact it used the supernatural power of the mood [Drunk Life and Dream of Death].

Even though the sacred tree of the elven race was a sacred-level existence, under the influence of [Drunken Life and Dream of Death], it was stupefied for a moment.

Su Chen took the opportunity to rush to Yue Ling’s side, hugged him, turned back and returned to the original place.

“Su Chen…”

Yue Ling was relieved, his face was flushed.

“Give me something.”

Su Chen involuntarily took the Mechanical Heart and Saint-Step Puppet in Yueling’s hand, then opened the storage bag and installed the Mechanical Heart on the golden puppet.

The golden puppet was originally a holy puppet, even if it was suppressed from the Cultivation Base, its strength was still higher than that of the Golden Devourer and the Vajra Willow.

The situation is critical now, and one more help will have more confidence in winning.

The golden puppet was installed with the Mechanical Heart and quickly recovered, and said excitedly: “Su Chen, I found the Mechanical Heart so soon!”

“Datie, I am in danger now and need your help.”

Su Chen didn’t have time to explain anything, and directly summoned the golden puppet.

Although the golden puppet did not have any relationship with him, he believed that the golden puppet would definitely help him.

There was a boom.

The moment the golden puppet appeared, the entire auction trembled.

“Whoever dares to bully you, I will kill whoever!”

As soon as the golden puppet Pu appeared, he laughed wildly, with a powerful domineering voice in his voice, as if he were arrogant.

Su Chen felt that the golden puppet was a bit pretending, and slapped his tongue, and reached out his hand to point to the sacred tree of the elf clan, “It’s him, can you do it?”

The golden puppet turned his huge head and looked towards the sacred tree of the elf clan. When he felt the violent aura emanating from the sacred tree, his huge body trembled suddenly, lowered his head and said to Su Chen: “How could this guy be a sacred tree? Order?”

Its Cultivation Base has been suppressed to level 10. Why can the elven holy tree have a holy Cultivation Base?

This makes it very difficult to understand.

“Aren’t you scared?”

The corner of Su Chen’s mouth curled slightly and chuckled.

“A little bit.”

The golden puppet said truthfully.

If it is the same rank, he is not afraid of any opponent.

But facing a holy order, it can indeed bring him great pressure.

“Do you think that one more holy puppet can survive?”

The sacred tree of the elves squinted at Su Chen and others, sneered and said, “Today, you are all going to die!”

When the words fell, it waved a white awn-winded branch and smashed it down in the air.

“Don’t be rampant!”

The golden puppet gritted his teeth and rushed forward bravely.

Su Chen knew that the golden puppet would definitely not be the opponent of the sacred tree of the Elf race with the power of faith, and it might be broken all at once.

Therefore, he quickly took out the [City of Faith] and threw it into the air.

Between Muran, a powerful suction was released from it.

This suction doesn’t work for anything else, but it is the nemesis of the power of faith.

I saw the white awns on the thick branches, like a long whale absorbing water, pouring into the [City of Faith].

“What the hell?”

The elven tribe sacred tree took a big jump, and quickly put away the power of faith.

But at this moment, the golden puppet had collided with the thick note.

Even if there is little power of faith, the golden puppet is not an opponent.

There was a muffled bang.

The golden puppet was beaten back again and again, and in the process of retreating, even the ground under his feet collapsed.

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