Chapter 850

“It didn’t work before, but now it’s okay. That piece of Spirit Stones is on the level 10 cultivation person in the middle.” [Intelligent Chariot] replied.


Su Chen nodded.

Originally, he thought that Spirit Stones were unowned, but now it seems that it should be the Spirit Stones gathered by the dozens of human beings to snatch this 10th-level cultivator.

But no matter what the situation is, since I met him, gathering Spirit Stones must belong to him.

[Intelligent Chariot] Falling from the sky, it immediately attracted the attention of those humans.

They opened their eyes wide, and looked at [Smart Chariot] vigilantly.

“You are all waiting in the car, I’ll go out and have a look.”

When the [Smart Chariot] landed, Su Chen got out of the car alone.

“Boy, what are you doing here? If you don’t want to die, get out of here!”

An old man with a pleated face suddenly relaxed when he saw that Su Chen was just a young man, and he yelled at Su Chen.

“Who do you think you are!”

Su Chen snorted coldly, then turned to the besieged 10th-level cultivator and said, “You have a piece of Spirit Stones on your body? Give it to me. Can I help you solve them?”

The besieged 10th-level cultivation person was a dark-faced middle-aged man. After listening to Su Chen’s words, his expression suddenly stagnated.

You know, these people who surrounded him are all powerhouses above level 9.

And Su Chen seems to be less than twenty years old. How strong can he be at twenty?

Who said this to his courage?

It’s simply not ashamed.

“Ha ha…”

All around suddenly thought of a burst of laughter.

The dozen or so people looked at Su Chen like a fool.

“Boy, where did you jump out? Do you know who we are? You want to kill us? Is your brain flooded?”

A bald man of Level 9 Cultivation Base, mercilessly taunting Su Chen.

“It’s just a dead person, but there are a lot of words.”

Su Chen curled his lips and instantly released Mental Energy.

There was a loud bang.

Before the bald man even reacted, his head burst and he died on the spot.


Seeing this scene, there was a sound of air-conditioning all around.

“You are a level 10 spiritual teacher!”

The level 10 old man with pleated faces looked at Su Chen in surprise.

As a 9th-level evolutionary, the bald man was killed in seconds without any resistance.

This shows that Su Chen is definitely a level 10 spiritual teacher.

The attacks of the spiritual masters are known for their weirdness, killing people invisible.

When I learned that Su Chen was a 10 spiritual teacher, everyone present had a strong psychological pressure.

Su Chen ignored the 10th-level old man, and turned to the dark middle-aged man and said, “Do you agree to my proposal?”

The dark middle-aged man hesitated a little, gritted his teeth and said, “I agree.”

Su Chen is a ten spiritual teacher, which he had never expected.

Moreover, Su Chen has always had a composure expression, as if he didn’t put everyone in To put in one’s eyes.

This is an expression of extreme confidence in yourself.

On the other hand, Su Chen had the certainty to kill everyone.

He even suspected that if he didn’t hand over the Spirit Stones, he would be beheaded?

“Your choice is very wise!”

Su Chen applauded and cast his gaze on the 10th-level elder.

“Wait, I have something to say.”

Touching Su Chen’s gaze for a while, the 10th-level elder felt a fierce murderous force coming, and there was a sudden tremor in his heart.

Although both were level 10, the pressure Su Chen brought to him was unprecedented.

Under this pressure, he didn’t want to engage with Su Chen.

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