Chapter 859

“Now you still plan to ask me for a spiritual pet?”

Su Chen turned to look at the shop owner, with a touch of abuse on his face.

“Senior, give you the ore, no more.”

The shop owner shuddered in fright and knelt on the ground with a ‘punk’.

Su Chen even Xiao Yu dared to teach him a lesson.

“Daddy is not rare!”

Su Chen snorted and punched suddenly, and the violent wind swept past, immediately blasting the shop owner into a fan.

Afterwards, he released Mental Energy and put all the ore into the storage bag, and said to Qi Muxue spontaneously, “Take him and go back.”

The anger in Qi Muxue’s heart, Su Chen really used her as a younger brother.

However, in front of Su Chen, she dared not say anything, and honestly dragged Xiao Yu behind.

Unexpectedly, before they took a few steps, there was an angry roar behind them.

“Let go of my son, or you will be broken into pieces!”

Su Chen stopped and swept back, only to see a middle-aged man who was somewhat similar to Xiao Yu glaring at him.

“Father, hurry up and save me!”

Seeing Xiao Fei coming, Xiao Yu roared.

“Give you another chance and let my son go immediately!”

Seeing Xiao Yu was scarred and dragged to the ground like a dog, sparks appeared in Xiao Fei’s eyes, and there was a strong murderous look in his eyes.

“This guy has a big temper!”

Su Chen murmured, and then said to Qi Muxue: “Xiao Qi, it doesn’t matter if you kill him in the past to extinguish his anger.”

Xiao Qi?

Qi Muxue took a deep breath.

Su Chen is obviously not older than her, and Xiao Qi opens her mouth and shuts her mouth. Does she really use her as a younger brother?

Qi Muyu smiled bitterly: “I’ll do it.”

She had already seen that Su Chen was deliberately teasing Qi Muxue.

Qi Mu Xueruo really froze with Su Chen, she must be the one who suffers.

Qi Muyu can only help out.

“You can do it.” Su Chen nodded.

Qi Muyu’s strength was much stronger than Qi Muxue’s, and she would be more secure when she shot.

With Su Chen’s permission, Qi Muyu moved with one step and rushed towards Xiao Fei.

“you wanna die!”

Seeing Qi Muyu dared to shoot himself, Xiao Fei was furious, and a hideous look appeared on his face.

Just as Qi Muyu got close, he suddenly punched.

This fist sinks vigorously, and the void trembles wherever it passes.

Moreover, there is still some space tearing force mixed in the fist wind.

It can be said that this punch is extremely lethal.

Normal level 10 cultivators will definitely suffer a lot from encountering them.

But Qi Muyu was obviously not comparable to ordinary level 10 cultivation. With the silver scimitar in his hand, a space crack suddenly appeared in front of him.

Not only shattered Xiao Fei’s fist wind, but also cut a gap in Xiao Fei’s fist.

If it wasn’t for Xiao Fei to retreat in time when he saw the situation was bad, his hand would be useless.

“You actually have a spatial sacred artifact!”

Xiao Fei took a few steps back and looked at Qi Muyu with lingering fears.

Qi Muyu ignored it, holding a scimitar and continued to kill Xiao Fei.

Seeing this, Xiao Fei’s face showed a vicious look.

“Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!”

With a cold whistle, a golden book stood upright above Xiao Fei’s head.

Immediately afterwards, the golden book slowly flipped to the first page, with the word’sleepy’ clearly written on it.


At this moment, Xiao Fei dignifiedly stretched out his hand and said sternly.

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