Chapter 885

“Why don’t these guys run away?” Qi Mufeng said strangely.

In recent days, they have been massacred in the Green Turtle Clan mainland, and they have become the devil in the eyes of the Green Turtle tribe.

In the past, no matter how many people from the Green Tortoise tribe they met, they would all run away.

This is the first time I have encountered this situation of not only not running, but putting on a desperate posture.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and this situation has aroused his vigilance.

Su Chen did not rush to give orders for the massacre, but instead set his sights on the four stone sculptures.

After a glance, he asked the Xun bird, “Xiao Xun, does your danger signal come from these four stone sculptures.”


The Swift Bird nodded and said, “Master, I feel that they all have life, not like dead things.”

Hearing this, everyone in the car was taken aback.

All four stone sculptures have life, which even puppets don’t have.

Su Chen pondered for a while, got out of the car, and walked straight to the four stone sculptures.

When the Green Turtle tribe people saw Su Chen coming over, they all retreated in fear.

Su Chen’s main goal was these four stone sculptures, and he ignored the Green Turtles.

When he reached a place fifty meters away from the stone carving, he stopped and said, “Don’t hide your head and show your tail sneakily, come out.”

“Human, do you really want to kill them all and let us green turtle clan make a living?”

Between Muran, an old voice floated in the valley.

And it was one of the four stone sculptures that spoke.

Can stone sculptures speak?

Wuyazi and the others were a little confused.

Su Chen squinted at the stone sculpture that was speaking, and smiled lightly: “It was your Green Turtle tribe who slaughtered my human tribe first. Why should I get rid of you?”

“Humans, you can’t kill people. Although our green turtles are wrong, we have paid a heavy price. I hope you will stop here.”

Another stone sculpture also spoke at this time.

Su Chen curled his lips, and said disdainfully: “If you say nothing, then stop?”

“What else do you want to do?”

The third stone sculpture roared angrily.

“Erase your green turtle clan from this world!”

Su Chenzhou was entwined with a strong murderous, and he responded in a cold voice.

He has already noticed that these four stone sculptures should be the ancestor-level existence of the Green Turtle tribe.

Cultivation Base is likely to reach the level of the holy order.

But so what?

There are a lot of holy ranks he killed recently.

“Too much bullying!”

The third stone sculpture was furious and roared at Su Chen!

Su Chen looked complacent and sneered: “You are just an old tortoise, and you deserve to be a human? What if daddy bullied you?”


The third stone sculpture was about to explode, and shouted at the first stone sculpture: “Boss, let’s fight with him!”

“To shut up!”

The first stone sculpture yelled, then turned to Su Chen and said: “Humans, we can give something to compensate you!”

“It’s okay to pour things, but I don’t like ordinary things. I snorted coldly.

The first puppet asked anxiously: “What do you want?”

Su Chen squinted his eyes, and said lightly: “One hundred level 10 energy stones, one hundred mechanical hearts, or something equivalent to them, I will think about it.”

Whether it is a level 10 energy stone or a mechanical heart, it is extremely precious.

Not to mention a hundred, it would be nice to get one.

The lion opened his mouth like Su Chen, apparently he didn’t intend to talk to the green turtle clan, just playing with them.

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