Chapter 908

“Don’t think about it!”

The mad old man roared and punched Su Chen fiercely.

The punch of the holy rank powerhouse is definitely not a trifling matter. At the same time as the punch was smashed, the void seemed to be broken, and a click sound was made.


Su Chen snorted coldly, waved his hand, and slapped the fist of the mad old man.

There was a muffled bang.

The mad old man seemed to have been smashed by a mountain, not only his entire fist was shattered, but he himself was beaten back a dozen steps away.

“I can’t help myself!”

Su Chen did not chase, but pinched Yan Shengyi’s neck with one hand, flashed a few times, returned to the original place, and threw Yan Shengyi to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the surroundings fell into a strange silence again.

Su Chentu grabbed Yan Shengyi while he was up and down, and easily defeated the mad old man.

The power of horror is undoubtedly obvious.

At this point, everyone looked at Su Chen’s gaze, no longer with contempt, but with deep awe and horror instead!

Although Su Chen was just a simple random blow, he completely stunned everyone.

“Senior, I was wrong, give me a chance!”

Yan Shengyi knelt at Su Chen’s feet, begging for mercy.

Even the Saint-Rank can’t stop Su Chen, if you want to survive, you can only ask for Su Chen’s forgiveness!

Su Chen swept away his cold eyes and released Mental Energy to crush Yan Shengyi’s limbs.

Along with four violent noises, Yan Shengyi’s limbs burst open, fell into a bloody water, and became a stick!


Yan Shengyi didn’t want to live in pain, and let out a scream like a pig.

It’s so cruel!

Witnessing this bloody scene, all the undead people all around changed their colors, and the fear in their hearts could not help but deepen a bit.

Even the faces of several Saint-Rank experts have become extremely dignified.

“Lao Mo, this guy is yours!”

Abolished Yan Shengyi, Su Chen winked at Mo Rong.

“Thank you, Master!”

Mo Rong knew that Su Chen wanted him to avenge himself.

With a gratitude, he began to torment Yan Shengyi mercilessly.

I have been with Su Chen for a while, and I have learned a little trick.

Click… click…

The creeping sound of broken bones continued to resound.

Every broken sound will make the hearts of those present tremble.

Watching Yan Shengyi being tortured to death and alive, none of the people present dared to come out to stop him.

The reason was the same, Su Chen stood on the side and stared at him.

If anyone dares to stand out without long eyes, I’m afraid The next moment will turn into a cold corpse.

Five minutes later, Yan Shengyi suffered a round of inhuman torture, and finally died of hatred!

“Human, who are you?”

At this time, a one-eyed old man couldn’t help asking.

He is also a holy rank existence, as the top existence of the Undead Clan mainland, he has been disregarding it, letting Su Chen behave unscrupulously, it is impossible to justify.

“My name is Su Chen.”

Su Chen smiled faintly.

Su Chen…

He is Su Chen! ! !

The shadow of the famous tree of man!

In the Undead Clan Continent, even ordinary people know Su Chen’s name, and they are the strongest.

Knowing the true identity of Su Chen, the huge square seemed to be shrouded in haze.

Heavy and depressing.

Everyone started to kick and start to feel uneasy.

Rumor has it that Su Chen is extremely cruel and likes to slaughter aliens the most.

Appearing here at this moment, is it possible to slaughter their undead race?

The one-eyed old man was shocked, looking at Su Chen in a daze, for a moment he didn’t know what to do.

And the mad old man was even more pale.

He had taken the initiative to attack Su Chen before. Will Su Chen let him go?

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