Chapter 914 Pay attention to quality, otherwise I will beat you!


Wu You Venerable roared inwardly!

The people in the car are all Su Chen’s friends, of course it is Su Chen what he said.

Can these people be witnesses?

Su Chente is too not wanting face!

“Qi Mufeng, tell me, is this the case?”

Wu You Venerable took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and then questioned Qi Mufeng.

He had seen Qi Mufeng before, and he knew better.

He didn’t believe Qi Mufeng would lie.

“Brother Qi, tell the truth.”

Su Chen blinked at Qi Mufeng and said flatly.


Qi Mufeng was speechless for a while, feeling like he was on the cusp of a storm.

Under the gaze of Wu You Venerable and Su Chen, he slowly lowered his head and whispered, “Yes!”

After all, Su Chen is his righteous brother, and he should help Su Chen both in his emotions and in reason.

Even if he knows he is lying, he has no choice.


Wu You Venerable’s angry hair stood up.

He never expected that Qi Mufeng, who had always been proud of himself and acting upright, would actually start to lie!

Damn it extremely!

“Senior, pay attention to quality when speaking!”

Su Chen snorted and reprimanded with an old-fashioned voice: “Don’t think that you can rely on your old age when you are old. If you don’t know how to converge, I will beat you!”

Qi Mufeng swallowed, staring at Su Chen in a daze.

Secretly said: “Su Chen is too cruel, this is going to die Wu You Venerable!”

Sure enough, Wu You Venerable’s chest fluctuated violently, and he had obviously reached the brink of rage.

However, he was still very restrained, looking at Su Chen, and said solemnly: “Su Chen, let’s talk about it, what on earth do you want to do?”

“Senior gives some energy stones as compensation, I don’t care about this.” Su Chen smiled faintly.

“I see.”

Wu You Venerable came to his senses, his teeth itching with anger.

Su Chen found such an excuse, it turned out to be for the energy stone!

“How much do you want?” Wu You Venerable asked in a muffled voice.

“There are 100 energy stones for the 9th and 10th levels.” Su Chen said flatly.

The tone sounds, 9th and 10th energy stones are like Chinese cabbage.

One hundred each?

Qi Mufeng opened his mouth slightly and his expression was dull.

He had guessed that Su Chen would speak loudly with the lion, but he didn’t expect it would be so big!

Two hundred energy stones are still level 9 and 10. Doesn’t this kill Wu You Venerable?

“Su Chen, what if I don’t give it?”

Wu You Venerable’s voice is unusually cold.

As a strong man in the third stage of the holy stage, even in the void, he is a respected existence.

But in Su Chen’s eyes, it seemed to be nothing.

Su Chen’s arrogance has completely angered him, and he does not intend to continue to bear it.

“If you don’t give it, you can only do it!”

Su Chen curled his lips and said indifferently.

“Do you really think you are invincible?” Wu You Venerable whispered coldly.

“In the mainland, I am an invincible existence!”

Su Chen looked solemn and raised his voice.

It doesn’t mean the slightest low-key.

Wu You Venerable slapped his tongue, “I admit that you are really strong in the mainland, and I can’t beat you. But if you want to beat me, it is absolutely impossible!”

“So confident?” Su Chen squinted his eyes and let out a soft voice.

Among the mainland, Wu You Venerable was the first to say such things in front of him.

“If it doesn’t work, you can try it!” Wu You Venerable said seriously.

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