Chapter 920

But at this moment, a figure flew from a distance.

Before people arrive, a huge coercion first crushes it.

“The Demon Race Holy Order is here!”

Han Kun’s all four changed.

However, Su Chen looked complacent, he knew that he must be here to swallow the sky.

Originally wanted to trouble Tuntian, since he took the initiative to come here, it would save trouble.

Soon, an old man wearing animal skins came to the front.

When he saw Su Chen’s face clearly, his eyelids suddenly twitched, and the pressure on his body also receded, and he tentatively asked, “Is this Su Chen?”

“Exactly.” Su Chen said lightly.

Judging from his expression, he didn’t put the other person To put in one’s eyes at all.

The old man slapped his tongue, and a smile appeared on his face, “I have long heard of Brother Su Qi Yu Xuanang, and he really deserves his reputation when I saw it today! The old man swallowed the sky and saw Brother Su.”

Tuntian’s posture was very low, and the words were faintly flattering.

The four of Han Kun were dumbfounded.

The dignified monster holy rank actually took the initiative to befriend Su Chen?

And it seemed that he was very afraid of Su Chen.

Su Chen froze for a while, then sneered: “Am I familiar with you? Don’t get close to me!”

He couldn’t figure out what kind of medicine Tuntian actually sold in Calabash now.

It stands to reason that he killed countless demon races, even if he didn’t do anything, he shouldn’t use any attitude?

After being scolded by Su Chen, Tuntian not only was not angry, but smirked, “What the old brother Su taught is that I was abrupt.”


The four of Han Kun were completely dumbfounded.

When Tuntian was scolded, he actually took the initiative to apologize to Su Chen.

Is the monster holy rank so easy to talk about?

In front of Su Chen?

“Old Tun, you should be clear about the purpose of my coming here, right?” Su Chen said lightly.

Don’t hit the smiley man with his hand, Tuntian is so witty, it’s a bit inapplicable to him.


Tuntian nodded, pointed at Han Kun and said, “It must be them.”

“The four of them are my friends, but you arrested them. Tell me, what should I do with this matter?”

Su Chen squinted his eyes, a cold light flickered in his eyes, and his voice became much colder.

Swallowing and spitting, he hurriedly replied: “Heaven and earth conscience, the old man brought them here for their safety!”


Su Chen raised his brows slightly.

Tuntian’s answer was beyond his expectation.

Tuntian continued to explain: “On that day, all forces rushed into Qianyu Island and mercilessly slaughtered the human race. If I didn’t take the opportunity to buy them back, they would definitely die on Qianyu Island.”

“So I still want to thank you?” Su Chen chuckled lightly.

“Don’t dare!”

Tuntian trembling replied.

“Tell me about your purpose.” Su Chen said coldly.

Not only did he and the Yaozu have no friendship, but also had a lot of grievances.

Why would Tuntian help him?

There must be a purpose.

Tuntian said truthfully: “Our demons once offended you. The main purpose of my doing this is to make up for the mistakes and pray for your forgiveness.”

Su Chen’s murderous name has spread to every alien race, acting without scruples, and killing people at every turn.

In the mainland, almost no one can suppress Su Chen.

Afraid of Su Chen’s revenge, he can only do something that satisfies Su Chen.

When Han Kun heard these words, their hearts shook violently.

At this moment, they realized that Su Chen should be very strong, so strong that even the demon clan’s holy ranks would be downgraded against him.

“Could it be that Su Chen is also a holy order?”

Thinking of this, Han Kun took a deep breath.

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