Chapter 923

“Can he escape in the mainland?” Su Chen asked puzzledly.

With his current strength, even if the opponent goes into the sky, he will escape from his palm.

“You don’t know, Li Tianfeng has a teleportation array connected to the void. Once you let him escape into the void, it will be difficult to catch him.” Wuyazi explained.

“It will take some time for him to enter the teleportation formation, right? I can capture or behead him in a very short period of time without giving him a chance to teleport.” Su Chen said.

If he makes a full shot, few people can resist him half-and-half.

So far, only Han Jianqi can do all this.

He didn’t believe that Ji Cangzi also had the strength of Han Jianqi.

Even if there is, it doesn’t matter, because he can also summon a second soul, and in the case of two to one, he can definitely kill the opponent in a second.


Wu Yazi shook his head and said, “He has a defensive holy armor on his body, and his defense is stronger than the armor on Abandoned Land Han Haoyang.”

“Unless you use a killer move, you can’t help him at all.”

After hearing this, Su Chen pondered.

The armor of Han Haoyang was indeed very strong. At that time, he used the [Ten Shadow Fighting Technique] and failed to completely destroy it.

And Ji Cangzi’s defensive holy armor is a level higher, and the difficulty of destroying it has increased several times.

It can only be done with the ultimate move of the fusion of ice and fire magic.

But although this trick is extremely terrifying, it requires a certain amount of time to prepare. Maybe Ji Cangzi will be frightened and run away.

“Senior, if I hide in and destroy the void passage, he won’t have the chance to escape, right?” Su Chen said.

Wu Yazi shook his head, “There is a defensive formation outside the Void Channel, which cannot be destroyed in a short time. Ji Cangzi also has a teleportation symbol on his body that can be transmitted into the Void Channel in the first time.”

“There are so many good things on this guy.” Su Chen sighed.

Ji Cangzi has both defensive holy armor and teleportation talisman, it is really difficult to kill him.

However, none of the people on the kill list by Su Chen could survive.

Even if there are difficulties, they must be overcome.

In short, Ji Cangzi must die!

Su Chen pondered for a while, his eyes suddenly brightened, and then said to Wuyazi: “Senior, I have a solution.”

Wu Yazi pricked his ears and listened quietly.

“We can trap him with Moonlight City.” Su Chen said in a deep voice.

Moonlight City not only has a strong defense capability, it can also block space, even if it has a teleportation talisman in hand, it cannot be used.

Once Ji Cangzi is trapped in it, it is difficult to fly with his wings.

When Su Chen took in Yueling that day, he had thought about this.

Never thought, I used it so soon.

“This is a good way.” Wuyazi was overjoyed.

“Senior, I have to find a way to lead him out.” Su Chen reminded.

Although Moonlight City is a top sacred artifact, if you want to trap the opponent, you must take the initiative to enter it.

“This is easy to solve.”

Wu Yazi said quickly: “You set up Moonlight City in advance, and I will attract Ji Cangzi. The guy who hates me penetrates the bone will definitely chase me crazy. When I hide in Moonlight City, he must also Will follow in.”

“However, be careful not to make Moonlight City too conspicuous, otherwise it will make Ji Cangzi suspicious.”

Su Chen nodded, then turned to [Smart Chariot] and said: “Xiaozhi, search for it, whether there is a holy rank in Li Tianfeng.”

“Master, Li Tianfeng has a strong man in the second stage of the holy stage.” [Smart Chariot] immediately replied.

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