Chapter 926 Let’s Go Together, Fuck Him!

Since Su Chen didn’t want to let him go, Ji Cangzi would not sit still.

It’s best if you can take the opportunity to kill Su Chen, if it’s not your opponent, it’s a big deal to escape.

“as you wish!”

Su Chen squinted his eyes and slammed his hand out.

In Muran, a hundred golden fist shadows appeared in the air, slamming their heads towards Ji Cangzi.

“Small bugs!”

Ji Cangzi sneered, and a purple armor suddenly appeared on his body, completely enveloping him.

Bang bang bang…

A hundred golden fist shadows all fell, accompanied by two screams, but saw the two 10th-level cultivators of the dwarf race, turned into two pools of fleshy mud, and died on the spot.

As for Ji Cangzi, it was only slightly shaken a few times without any damage.

“Ha ha!”

Ji Cangzi laughed wildly and said: “Su Chen, what else do you have? Use everything!”

Easily blocked Su Chen’s Fist Technique secret technique, Ji Cangzi’s confidence greatly increased, and Su Chen felt that it was nothing more than that.

“This guy is going to be unlucky!”

Wuyazi sneered in his heart.

Since Ji Cangzi still dared to provoke Su Chen, with Su Chen’s style of acting, he would surely endure him to death.

“I will fulfill your request!”

Su Chen snorted coldly, then opened the [Pet Feeding Space] and storage bag, and summoned a group of spirit pets and golden puppets.

I just played a [Heavenly Horse Meteor Fist] just to verify Ji Cangzi’s defense.

The purpose of letting a group of spirit pets shoot is also very simple. Powerful people like Ji Cangzi are rare, and fighting with them can increase a lot of combat experience.

It is not too late for him to kill Ji Cangzi when the many spiritual pets are over.

In Moonlight City, Ji Cangzi couldn’t fly with wings.

“So many high-level spiritual pets…”

Ji Cangzi opened his mouth slightly, froze for a moment, and then roared: “Su Chen, what is the ability to let the pets deal with me? If you have the ability, you can do it yourself!”

Su Chen ignored it, waved a big hand, and issued an order, “Go on together and fuck him!”

The Golden Devourer and other spirit pets rushed forward as if they were crazy, each of them wanted to show off.

“Su Chen, am I going too?”

The golden puppet asked.

Golden Devourer, Vajra Willow, and Flame Phoenix are all strong among the strong, and Xuan Tian Bawang Turtle and [Super Devouring Ancient Vajra Mosquito] are also not weak.

They work together to deal with one person, enough to crush.

The golden puppet felt that if he rushed forward, there was no chance of it.

“You don’t need to make a move for the time being, just take the cold and give him a few powerful shots.” Su Chen said with a smile.


The golden puppet slowly walked up.

Su Chen meant that he wanted him to carry out a sneak attack, and he understood.

On the other side, the five golden worms have been killed with Ji Cangzi.

Although Ji Cangzi is a second-stage sacred existence, his attack power is very limited, and he is not even as good as Wuyazi.

It’s just that relying on a holy armor, the defensive power far exceeds the same rank.

Under the joint attack of the five great spirit pets, he was quickly knocked to the ground, and suffered a storm-like attack, without the ability to counterattack at all.

“Su Chen, your spiritual pet is getting stronger and stronger!” Wu Yazi sighed with emotion.

Seeing Ji Cangzi being ravaged, he felt more comfortable in his heart.

“It’s okay.” Su Chen smiled.

The five spirit pets have been promoted to the level of 10 after swallowing [10th-level constitution potion].

In the same rank, apart from him, I am afraid that no one can resist their joint attack.

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