Chapter 952

“You are… Su Chen!”

After seeing Su Chen’s appearance, Wei Yang was shocked, and then his expression became a little unnatural.

Although Su Chen is a cultivator of ten thousand races, his reputation has spread throughout the void.

Wei Yang not only heard of Su Chen’s name, but also saw Su Chen’s portrait, so he recognized it at a glance.

“He is Su Chen?”

Fang Qishan looked at Su Chen in a daze, and his heart was shocked.

Rumor has it that Su Chen is talented, powerful and extremely cruel. There are countless strong men who die in his hands. Almost every place he goes, he will set off a bloody storm, but no one can stop him.

“Unexpectedly mixed with this murderous god…”

Fang Qishan slapped his tongue fiercely, and his heart was very complicated.

“you know me?”

Su Chen looked at Wei Yang and gave a soft voice.

Wei Yang nodded, and then said: “Su Chen, we have no grievances against you in Black Tooth City, why did you break in? And kill them?”

If he were replaced by a single person, he would definitely not be so Solo and kill the matter directly.

But facing Su Chen, he couldn’t do it.

Since Su Chen’s debut, he hasn’t failed yet, and the number of holy rank powerhouses who died in his hands is almost beyond count.

Even as a strong man of the fourth stage of the holy stage, he did not dare to underestimate Su Chen.

“I’m just borrowing a word, your clansmen have to attack me, there is no way, I can only kill them.” Su Chen said naturally.

“You mean we are wrong?” Wei Yang asked dullly.

This is Blacktooth City, and it is also the place of their Void Beasts. Su Chen came in for no reason, and even bite back, which made him very aura.

“Of course you are wrong.”

Su Chen snorted and said coldly: “My Su Chen’s style of behavior, you should know that if people don’t offend me, I don’t offend people. If they don’t offend me, why should I take action?”

Seeing Su Chen’s plausible expression, Wei Yang didn’t hit him with anger.

It was clearly Su Chen who was wrong, but from Su Chen’s mouth, it seemed that he had become helpless.

“Then what do you want?” Wei Yang asked, holding back his anger.

Even if the anger is extremely extreme, he doesn’t want to tear his face with Su Chen.

Because he was not at all sure that he could kill Su Chen.

And once Su Chen escapes, or is defeated by Su Chen, the consequences are unimaginable.

He cannot afford the price.

“Seeing that you are more measured, give some rewards, and I will leave Black Tooth City.” Su Chen said in a deep voice.

If Wei Yang does not come, he will leave directly.

But since the other party is here, it might as well take the opportunity to get some benefits.

Fang Qishan on the side was stunned.

If others rushed into Black Tooth City, it would be nice to be able to survive.

Su Chen was good. Not only did he kill people here, but he also blackmailed him. It was simply lawless.

Wei Marting’s mouth twitched, hesitated again and again, and finally compromised. He took out two pieces of black ore from his storage bag and threw it to Su Chen.

“What kind of ore is this?”

Su Chen looked intently, and asked if he didn’t recognize this ore.

“It’s called Heizhuo Shi, which can be used to refine sacred artifacts, and it can also help Alien to advance to level.” Wei Yang explained.

He knew that ordinary things, Su Chen, would definitely not look good, and even arouse Su Chen’s anger.

Simply give the black stone, let the evil star Su Chen leave quickly.

Su Chen’s eyes lit up suddenly.

What he needed to help Yihuo to promote his ranks was exactly what he needed urgently.

Unexpectedly, but got it in Black Tooth City, it can indeed be said to be a surprise.

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