There were cities stacked on top of each other below, which stopped him from blasting them open.

After searching in the ruins for a while, he found a piece of bluestone slab in the soft soil layer that he had blasted away.

After digging away the surrounding soil and rocks, he found a bluestone floor.

""What's the point of laying a layer of bluestone here?"

He was curious. Judging from the depth, it should not have been reburied after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Therefore, these bluestones should be from the Daoguang period.

The bluestones have been buried underground for a long time and have been rammed very firmly, but in front of his power, they are still not worth mentioning.

After digging up this piece of bluestone, there are still bluestones under the bluestones, but in the middle of this circle of bluestones, there is rammed soil.

His intuition told him that there should be something in the soil.

He continued to dig the soil, and a rusty iron box came into view.

When he opened the iron box, there was still soil inside!


Ao Xin cursed inwardly, bury something if you want to, why get so much soil?

He poured out the soil bit by bit, and his fingers touched a hard object. After taking it out and wiping some soil on the surface, it turned out to be a broken jade plate!

On the jade plate, there is a word"jade". Although part of it is missing, the shape of the word can still be seen.

"Why would such a thing be buried with such great effort?"

He picked up the jade token and suddenly thought of his previous experience. He placed the jade token on the back of his left hand and stared at the silver dot on the back of his hand to see if there would be any changes.

Unfortunately, the jade token did not glow, and the silver dot remained silent.

It seemed that this was just an ordinary broken jade token.

But he did not believe that this was just an ordinary jade token.

"Before, Yao Kexin had a small jade pendant hanging around her neck. It was a token from some secret realm. Could this thing have a similar function?"

He handed Yao Kexin's jade token to Ao Chen, and it is now in Ao Chen's treasure space.

Because the jade token is often worn, it is more lustrous, unlike the one in his hand, which looks gray.

But this broken jade token is larger than that jade token, about twice the size of that one.

Hold it in the palm of your hand, and take it with you first to see if it is useful.

Some seemingly ordinary things before the end of the world became magical at some point.

For example, the steel whip in Leizu Temple, and the decoration on the roof of Longting.

Since it is temporarily impossible to enter the underground, it is better to leave for the time being. With these two things as a harvest, it is not in vain.

Just as he was about to get up, he suddenly saw that the soil layer that had just been dug was a little moist. He squatted down again, stretched out his hand and touched it, and it was indeed a little moist. It was obviously dry when he dug it just now.

What's the matter?

Continue to dig down. After digging for a while, you can see something wrong with your peripheral vision. Turning your head, you can see that the traces of moisture are spreading rapidly around!


As he was astonished, the ground collapsed and he fell with the collapsed ground.

He didn't see What was surprising was that when he just fell into the soil layer in the pit, the broken jade pendant in his hand suddenly flashed a red light, and then a black hole appeared on the ground below him, swallowing him.

The field of vision changed from dust and soil to pitch black.

He also felt the force of swallowing and pulling just now, and quickly changed into human-beast form, and was about to summon Yanyun to fly out directly.

But he was still a step slower and was dragged into this unknown darkness.

Yanyun also appeared at his feet at this time, standing on Yanyun, and did not continue to fall.

A roar of thunder spewed out, and the thunder illuminated the darkness and saw the surrounding environment clearly.

This looks like a street, with ancient houses on both sides of the street.

However, both the streets and houses are covered with mud.

The yellow silt is piled up, and it is unknown how long it has been, and the silt is still a little wet.

But the weird thing is that there are pedestrians and merchants on the street, carrying loads, buying and selling, eating, and even women from brothels soliciting customers!

However, like the streets and houses, they are also covered with a layer of yellow-brown silt!

"No! Is this a secret realm?"

He clenched the steel whip in his hand, and another roar of thunder spurted out, illuminating a wider range of darkness.

This is a world completely different from the present world. Although he had never experienced such a scene in his previous life, from his understanding, this wonder that seemed to travel through time and space had only one explanation: that is the secret realm!

The secret realm can be understood as another world different from the real world, or another time and space.

And this place obviously meets this characteristic.

He landed carefully from the cloud head, and when he got closer, he could see clearly that these people who were covered in mud but still lived as usual had stiff expressions. In addition to some shallow mud on their bodies, some red hair was exposed.

These were not people, but hairy corpses!

And there were a lot of hairy corpses!

""Brother, come and play!"

He was standing under a brothel at this time. Through the open window, mud was slowly falling. The girl sitting by the window was holding a plate and applying blush.

Next to her was another woman who was soaked in mud. She waved to him while the mud on her sleeves fell off.

As some of the mud fell off, Ao Xin clearly saw the red hair on her body!

These two prostitutes were also hairy corpses!

"Oh, that's right! This is the scene I'm familiar with!"

Ao Xin sneered, and roared with thunder, smashing the roof of the brothel. The mud on the two brothel women was also dried by thunder.

Black smoke came out of their bodies, and their eyes instantly became terrifying and weird.

"Cruel person! Why do you treat me like this!"

They jumped down from the window, showing their fangs.

As the two of them jumped down, the"people" living in the mud who seemed to be living a normal life turned around and besieged him!

Under the mud, red hair appeared faintly. If these hairy corpses were released, it would be a disaster for any city!

A dragon roar resounded in the space, and a breath of hot air spurted out, burning the hairy corpses to pieces. The steel whip fell, smashing a head every time.


The two brothel girls were killed by him first.

""King Kong·Dysprosium!"

A column of stick energy blasted forward, and those hairy corpses whose skin and flesh had been burned by the heat were instantly killed.

"A mob!"

The steel whip was invincible, and these hairy corpses were no match for him.

He took a look at the broken jade token he had been holding in his hand. Fortunately, it was still there.

He wanted to find a way to leave.

Of course, it would be best to find the possible benefits in this secret realm first!

He strode forward. Although he seemed invincible, he did not relax.

Even these ordinary people were hairy corpses. There must be more terrifying existences here.

No wonder the monster could grow to that extent underground.

The nourishment of a secret realm is naturally enough!

But, if the monster came from this secret realm, what about the coffin?

Isn't it said that it was a corpse buried underground?

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