Taking off the steel whip on his back, Ao Xin jumped up from the flame cloud and rushed towards the spirit corpse below.

Although he was only at the third level of strength, he was confident that he could fight against the five-star spirit corpse!

If his bloodline factor wants to awaken quickly, he needs to fight fiercely, which is also a great help!

In the original work, after Sanji awakened his bloodline factor, he used his neck to withstand Quinn's sword without being on guard and without opening the armed color, and even broke Quinn's sword.

The only ones who can do this in the entire pirate are Kaido's strongest biological physique and Big Mom's steel balloon!

If Whitebeard had this ability when he was on top, he would not have been pierced by the filial son sword even if he was not on guard!

The invisible black bloodline factor is equivalent to allowing ordinary people to directly obtain the same physique as Kaido and Big Mom, and it also comes with super-speed self-healing and top speed!

Such an ability is comparable to any top devil fruit!

Moreover, he also knows that in the later period of this world, the combat power will exceed that of the pirate world, and the strength of the bloodline factor will be stronger than what Sanji has shown!

The moment the steel whip fell, the spirit corpse also looked up at him.

Suddenly, white bones grew out from under the red hair of the spirit corpse, like bone spurs. The tips of the bone spurs fell off and shot rapidly towards him in mid-air!

This is the ability of the spirit corpse, similar to the corpse bone vein.

The exoskeleton grown by the martial corpse can be freely manipulated by the spirit corpse, and they can also freely generate new exoskeletons.

Not only can it resist the attack of powerful enemies, but it can also be used for attack!

The white substance he shot at Zhu Can before was a bone spur!

"Bad wind!"

Ao Xinlong blew out a gust of wind, the wind was like a sharp blade, and the bone spurs flying towards him were instantly melted in the wind blade.

""King Kong·Dysprosium!"

A column of sticks of energy fell from the sky, and two warrior corpses jumped high from the side of the spirit corpse, but their exoskeletons were shattered by the sticks of energy and fell to the ground.

With a strength close to the fourth level, the ability of the fruit has been deeply developed after using the awakening crystal many times, and there is also a bloodline factor bonus. Ao Xin's full-strength attack is not something that the warrior corpse can contend with.

The spirit corpse stared at him, his mouth opened and closed, making a sizzling sound. He has not yet come into contact with human civilization and has not learned anything.

Even if he has intelligence, he cannot learn language immediately.


The steel whip smashed down, and the spirit corpse's arms also had the same bone arm knives as the warrior corpse.

He held the steel whip with two knives and did not move at all.

The strength of this"food" was not enough to make him retreat.

A dragon roar sounded, Mixed in with the dragon roar was the majestic domineering aura of the Overlord.

After Ao Xin absorbed the aura several times, his talent of the Domineering aura has grown many times, and now the strength of his Domineering aura is not low.

The spirit corpse has intelligence, as well as seven emotions and six desires, as well as fear of life and death.

The Domineering aura impacted the spirit corpse's mind, making him vaguely feel that the creature in front of him was awe-inspiring and inviolable.

But he is a five-star zombie after all, and he cannot be shaken by the current Domineering aura of Ao Xin.


Instantly coming to the side of the spirit corpse, the steel whip smashed down one after another.

This steel whip became heavier and heavier under the nourishment of the domineering aura, but when he swung it, his speed did not decrease at all! The spirit corpse waved its arms, and the defense was also airtight, blocking all his attacks.

""Roaring thunder!"

A loud shout turned into thunder and struck the spirit corpse on the face.

The exoskeleton on the spirit corpse's cheek became charred, but it was not directly shattered.

Another burst of flames spurted out, igniting the spirit corpse's body. The red hair that symbolized ominousness was burning, emitting a disgusting fishy smell, but a layer of exoskeleton covered the body surface, which quickly isolated the burning of the flames.

Only some black burn marks were left on the exoskeleton.

In the distance, a ladybug on the treetop was simply stunned. Was that the Azure Dragon boss that had been rumored on the God-given network? The invincible martial corpse in his eyes had its exoskeleton smashed by his stick. The spirit corpse that was stronger than the martial corpse could not get any advantage in front of him!

This scene shocked him. Can the strong among humans fight monsters of this level?

His live broadcast has not been interrupted. At this moment, seeing Ao Xin showing his power, everyone in the live broadcast room was also stunned

"Is this the Qinglong boss? So strong!"

"He really came to Yanjing. Boss Qinglong, I love you! I want to give birth to a baby for you!"

"You have no chance, our boss has a wife!"

At some point, Ao Xin's men also entered the live broadcast room and boasted:

"This is Ao Xin, the boss of our Hundred Beasts Base! No matter how powerful the monster is, it will be vulnerable in front of our boss!"

This person's words aroused the envy of others:

"I also want to join the Beast Base, but I am too far away from Biancheng!"

"You don't have to go to Biancheng. Don't both the Capital of Gods and the Capital of Demons have branches of the Hundred Beasts Base?"

"But I am in Jiaozhou, which is very far away from the City of Gods and the City of Demons!"......

At this moment in the Magic City, Wu Shuang had just fought off a wave of zombies with Li Mingming and others. While they were taking a break, An Nan sent them the link to this live broadcast.

"Is Ao Xin already that strong?"

Wu Shuang saw the live broadcast of Ao Xin fighting the spirit corpse, and he became more and more shocked by his strength.

"Even if I join forces with An Nan, Li Mingming and others, it is difficult to kill a four-star martial corpse, but can he fight a five-star spirit corpse?"

He sighed and suddenly thought,"That's right! Only in this way can he be worthy of being my boss!"

"However, I have to work harder. I admit that I am not as good as the boss, but I cannot be weaker than others in the Beast Base!" In the capital, Luo Qingyan was leading the combat team to fight against the zombies. Suddenly, Wei Mingxuan, who was resting behind him, exclaimed:"The boss went to Yanjing! And he is fighting that intelligent monster!"

Upon hearing this, Luo Qingyan wrapped all the power of Gengjin around the blade, cut a hairy corpse into two pieces, and rushed directly into the zombie tide. After killing a large number of zombies, he immediately retreated to the rear:

"Send me the live link! Is Xiaobai there?"

The little yellow-haired guy replied as he sent him the link:"Brother Hu is not here. Brother Hu should not be able to intervene in this level of battle."

Luo Qingyan sat on the ground to rest while entering the God-given space and clicking on the link sent by Wei Mingxuan to enter the live broadcast room:

"Brother Xin, is this your true strength? No wonder Xiaobai is so devoted to you!"

She smiled bitterly. She had originally wanted to turn the tables by inciting Xiaobai to defect, but now it seems that their strengths are not at the same level at all!

There is a gap of two levels between the two sides!

""Qingyan, do you miss Little Tiger?"

Lin Ruoyu also came to her side and whispered in her ear.

Exiting the God-given space, Luo Qingyan said:"You should also come and see Brother Xin's battle. We lost to him, which is indeed not a loss."

Beside them, the little yellow-haired boy cheered again:"Yeah! Big brother is awesome! Little Sa, come and see it too!""


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