"Judging from your strength, you must have eaten a lot of zombies."

Ao Xin pinched the crystal man's neck and lifted it up, and the crystal man's face turned red.

Judging from the speed she just showed, she was at least as strong as a flesh corpse.

Moreover, this kind of alien crystal man retains human characteristics, and its combat power is much lower than that of other similar people.

In other words, if the zombies she ate were normal crystal people, they would probably be as strong as zombies!

"Let me go!"

Her voice was distorted, and she barely managed to utter three words, but what greeted her was only Ao Xin's disdainful smile.

"I have never hurt a human being. I only eat zombies. Please, let me go."

Her breathing became more and more difficult, and her brain was a little confused, but her instinct for survival made her persist in saying the words of begging for mercy.

"Let you go?"

Ao Xin smiled and increased the strength in his hands.

"Your brain crystal should have reached the two-star level, let me see it."

The other hand stretched out to her head, and the five fingers formed claws to break her head open and take out the crystal.

The crystal man's body couldn't stop shaking,"Please spare me, please."

A line of tears dripped from her eyes. She didn't want to die, even if she had to eat disgusting zombie meat while alive, she still didn't want to die.

But now, this man with terrifying strength had no mercy and just wanted to take out her brain crystal.

Feeling the hand like a steel claw on her forehead, she closed her eyes in despair.

Or, is she going to die?

However, Ao Xin's hand, which was about to use the finger gun to smash the crystal man's head and take out the crystal, suddenly stopped.

His fingers touched something, took it off and put it in front of his eyes.

This is a very ordinary headband, with a small star on the side of the black headband as decoration.

"This headband."

Ao Xin looked at the skinny crystal man in front of him with sunken cheeks and fell into a certain memory.

"What's your name?"

The hand that was pinching the crystal man loosened a little, allowing her to breathe.

Seeing that Ao Xin did not kill her, but loosened his grip, she hurriedly answered the question, although she did not know his intention:

"My name is Han Shuang."

Boom! This name hit Ao Xin's brain directly.

He slowly put her on the ground and loosened the palm that was strangling her throat.

"Do you have a younger brother named Han Lei?"

"How do you know?"She was put down, still not daring to move.

The young man in front of her was too powerful.

But why did he know her brother?

Could it be someone her brother knew?

"It turned out to be you."

Ao Xin looked at Han Shuang in the darkness with a complicated expression.

In the previous life, he had met her.

At that time, Han Shuang disguised herself as a human and lurked among a group of survivors.

Because of her sunken cheeks and ugly face like a sick ghost, she was not well received.

Only he was willing to talk to her.

Later, her identity as a crystal person was exposed and she had to escape.

At that time, he was still very frightened when he learned about her identity as a crystal person, but she just smiled and ran away by herself.

Later, many years later, he was hunted by the boy who got the power of the devil fruit, and was rescued by her.

Unfortunately, her action exposed herself, and the boy later spread the news, and countless people wanted to take her brain crystal.

As for her final outcome, he didn't know, because after she was restrained by those pursuers, she died in the hands of that boy.

At least, in the previous life, she did not show any malice towards humans.

I have never heard that she devoured human flesh and blood.

Maybe she is really different from other crystal people.

"I owe you a favor."

Ao Xin said this ambiguous sentence, Han Shuang didn't hear it clearly:"Ah?"


Shaking his head, Ao Xin said:"Come with me, as long as you don't eat people, I will keep you safe!"

Han Shuang was still very afraid of him:"I, but I am no longer a human being. I have become this kind of ghost. When I go out, others will definitely kill me when they see me!"

"I'm here, no one can kill you!"

Ao Xin's words were powerful. Although his voice was calm, it inexplicably gave her a strong sense of security.


Her voice became lower and lower, and finally, she actually sobbed.

Ao Xin was not good at comforting people, not to mention that the person in front of him was no longer a human being.

He searched in the basement for a while and finally found a large bottle of soda water.

The purpose of his coming to the basement was to find drinkable fresh water or juice.

Although alcohol is no longer effective for his body, drinking every day does not quench his thirst.

He unscrewed the bottle cap and gulped it down. The cool breath went straight into his stomach and intestines, and he felt refreshed.

After drinking the whole bottle in one breath, he threw away the bottle in his hand with satisfaction.

He found another bottle of mineral water, opened the bottle cap and took a sip. It was not spoiled yet, so he screwed the cap, picked it up and turned away.

He regretted not bringing Ao Chen with him. If Ao Chen's treasure space was there, he could store more fresh water.

But thinking about the battles he had experienced in the past few days, if he really brought his sister out, she would not be able to withstand the hairy corpses and the endless army of zombies.

""Let's go!"

He returned to Han Shuang and greeted him. Han Shuang nodded lightly and followed him out of the basement.

Back to the top of the bar, although it was still dark, the visibility was much better than in the basement.

He found a sofa, threw the mineral water on the sofa, and leaned the steel whip on the sofa. He sat down to rest.

Han Shuang rubbed the corner of his clothes and sat carefully opposite Ao Xin, sitting straight, for fear that he would be dissatisfied.

"Don't be so reserved. If you're hungry, there are zombies I killed outside. You can eat whatever you want!"

There are only two kinds of food for crystal people, humans and zombies.

She doesn't eat humans, so she can only eat zombies. Other foods are useless to her.

Seeing that she was still reserved, Ao Xin started chatting with her and asked some things she didn't want to talk about in her previous life.

For example, the reason why she became a crystal person.

Under normal circumstances, even if a person is starved to death, he will not try to eat zombie meat.

But why did she come to this point?

In her previous life, she was very secretive about her experience and was unwilling to talk about it in depth, but now, under the powerful pressure of Ao Xin, she really said whatever she asked.

"I used to be a waitress in this bar."

Han Shuang talked about her experience.

When the end of the world came, some drug addicts in the bar had low immunity and could not withstand the zombie virus and turned into zombies.

The whole bar was in chaos at that time.

She and several other bar workers fled to the basement in a panic. They survived for a few days relying on the food in the basement.

However, the concentration of zombie viruses in the air became higher and higher, and staying in the basement made the body weak, and soon some people turned into zombies.

Fortunately, they discovered it in time and killed the man just as he turned into a zombie.

But there are many people who lose their bottom line in the end of the world.

A woman, in this environment of civilization collapse What could happen when she was locked up in a basement with several men?

But that didn't matter to her.

As long as she could stay alive.

However, there were always people who were more perverted than one could imagine.

There were zombies everywhere outside the bar, and they didn't dare to go out, and the food was consumed very quickly.

Finally, someone suggested that she eat the meat of the guy who had been killed after turning into a zombie.

She didn't want to, so those people held her down and forced the meat into her mouth.

No matter how she cried and struggled, it was useless.

I don't know if there was a way out for her, but she didn't turn into a zombie, but mutated when her brain was crystallized, becoming a different kind of crystal person.

And kill all those men!

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