Tang Yingying noticed Han Shuang's abnormality.

She was surprised and said,"Look at the way she looks at the zombies, as if the zombies are delicious food!"

"No way?"

The young man thought Tang Yingying was overthinking:"Who would want to eat zombie meat? It's so disgusting!"

Even Luo Yi thought that Tang Yingying's idea was too outrageous:"Okay Yingying, don't be so sensitive. How can people eat zombie meat?"

Tang Yingying curled her lips:"Okay, maybe I'm overthinking."

And then continued to appreciate Ao Xin's heroic fighting posture.

It was so handsome!

After killing all the zombies that surrounded them, and breaking the limbs and spines of the meat corpses, Ao Xin returned with a steel whip:"Let your people go."

"After cleaning up this wave of corpses, let Tang Yingying lead the surrounding zombies over."

Luo Yi and others looked at the empty streets. Is this still the end of the world they know?

He said to the young man beside him:"Xiao Shi, you take people to kill these disabled corpses. You must remember the number clearly. Don't be greedy for even a single point!"

He was terrified by Ao Xin's strength. Those corpses were all destroyed by him. If he remembered the number, and someone on his side became greedy, wouldn't that push them all into the fire pit?

Shi Yu nodded and left, calling ten people in the crowd:"Follow me!"

He first checked the specific number, and then asked these people to start chopping off the heads of the corpses.

The bodies of the corpses are much stronger than zombies, and their bones are harder. It is not an easy task for these people to chop off their heads.

Ao Xin glanced at the work over there and stopped paying attention to it. He came to Han Shuang:

"Are you hungry?"

He could see the desire for zombie meat in Han Shuang's eyes:"If you are hungry, go and eat it."

"Don't worry, I'm here, no one dares to target you!"

His words were so decisive that Han Shuang's dead heart felt a little warmer, but she still held back:

"No, this will bring bad luck to you."

If others saw her eating zombie meat, not only would she be regarded as a monster, but Ao Xin's reputation would also be damaged.

She didn't want to see this.

In the end times, Ao Xin might be the only one who was willing to accept her as a crystal person.

She couldn't let Ao Xin down.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care about this."

Ao Xin looked up at the sky:"Reputation? What this world needs is strength! As long as I am strong enough, others will shut up!"

"But if I am not strong, I can only be bullied by others."

Just like Han Shuang in the past, she was a weak girl who was forced to eat zombie meat and turned into a crystal person.

Is it because she did something bad?

No, it's because she is too weak!

Therefore, the rule that Ao Xin follows is: those who obey me pay protection fees, and those who disobey me will all kneel!

Han Shuang still shook her head and resisted the desire to eat.

Not far away, Shi Yu led these people to harvest the heads of the flesh corpses.

It only took Ao Xin five minutes to cripple them, but it took Shi Yu and others a full hour to chop off the heads of these flesh corpses!

"I don't know if this group of people can chop off the head of the hairy corpse."

He muttered to himself, not holding out hope for the strength of these people.

The only one who might be of some use might be Shi Yu.

With the blessing of the ability of the animal-type fruit, his physique is much stronger than others. His attack power is naturally stronger.

He might still have a chance to chop off the head of the zombie.

If it really doesn't work, Luo Yi can only try.

However, Luo Yi's strength has entered the bronze skin realm, and he can only get 100,000 points after killing the hairy corpse.

When Shi Yu and others finished the harvest, they came to report to him:

"There are a total of sixty-eight flesh corpses, and a total of six thousand eight hundred points! According to the agreement, you will be given 6120 points, which I will transfer to you now."

Ao Xin nodded, added Shi Yu as a friend in the God-given space, and received 6120 points.

For these people, getting 680 points in an hour without fighting is simply getting rich! They couldn't get so many points even if they worked hard to kill zombies in the past.

Although they also know the rule that the reward for cross-level kills is multiplied tenfold, there are constant zombies outside. Even if Luo Yi has the strength to destroy the flesh corpses, who dares to go out and chop off their heads?

Therefore, although they only get one-tenth, these people are already very satisfied.

Ao Xin looked at Tang Yingying:"Go on, this time, attract zombies, and do your best to attract more zombies."

Tang Yingying nodded seriously, and no longer paid attention to Han Shuang's abnormality.

Climbing up the platform again, a fragrance that humans cannot smell spread in all directions

"Boss, you have to kill them quickly. The zombies can easily destroy our defensive barriers."

When Tang Yingying led the zombies, Shi Yu was chatting with Ao Xin.

This legendary figure who has only been seen in the video of the God-given Space Communication Channel, there are not many opportunities to see it in person.

"Don't worry."

Ao Xin said lightly.

Not long after, as the fragrance spread, a zombie jumped from the south street.

It raised its hands and its legs were straight.

But it jumped very fast, and in the blink of an eye it had arrived in front of the defensive position at the crossroads.

Faced with the flesh and blood of countless creatures, the zombie was extremely excited, opened its mouth wide, and was about to kill.

But what greeted it was a steel whip.


With a muffled sound, the zombie's sternum was directly broken!

Ao Xin used the razor to follow up, and his hands kept moving. After a few consecutive hits, he broke the zombie's limbs and spine, and kicked it in front of the defensive position.

"The first one!"

Just as he finished speaking, zombies appeared on the east and west streets at the same time.

Ao Xin used razor to move continuously, and before the zombies on the east street could react, they were broken by his whip.

He carried the zombies back, and on the way, he whipped them a few more times, breaking their limbs and throwing them in front of the position.

Then, he jumped high and jumped directly over the position.

He stepped hard on the air and actually walked two steps in the air!

It was the Moon Step!

But before he could be happy, he couldn't stand in the air for the third time and fell down.

But it doesn't matter, this is a good start.

His figure flashed out, He shaved his way to the zombie and used the same method to destroy it. The zombie was destroyed!

On the high platform, Tang Yingying saw how easily he destroyed the zombie, and she activated her ability to the maximum, trying to make the fragrance spread further.

Beads of sweat dripped from her fair forehead, which was the result of fully exerting her ability.

Luo Yi and the others were completely numb.

They were not on the same level at all!

Zombies were lured in from a distance, and were easily crippled by Ao Xin and thrown in front of the defensive position at the intersection.

When Tang Yingying was panting and finally unable to continue to activate her ability, there were no more zombies on the streets.

"Let's get started!"

Ao Xin returned to Han Shuang and asked Shi Yu to lead people to behead the zombies whose bones were broken.


A man holding an ordinary pirate knife swung it down with all his might, but it was like cutting on steel, causing his wrist to hurt!

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