The beast, which was already powerful, with the devil fruit and domineering power, has a combat power beyond most people!

He only remembered this person after seeing the zoo, and he is very worthy of recruiting him.

Moreover, the beast has a pure mind, and once it recognizes its master, it is difficult to betray, so it can be regarded as a confidant.

He rushed into the zoo, killed his way through it, and jumped out from the back. He did not find the tiger along the way.

He had two more one-star crystals and one two-star crystal in his hand.

"There is no place to put it, and I can't hold it all the time."

Ao Xin scratched his head, looked around, and went into a store with collapsed walls.

He dug out a garbage bag from the ruins and put the six crystals in it.

"Since he was subdued by the one in the capital, he is most likely heading west."

"But I have to go to the north to seek revenge now, what should I do?"

After thinking for a moment, he decided to seek revenge first.

One more tiger under his command is just icing on the cake. He is a great blue dragon, so how can he lack this white tiger?

But revenge can make his thoughts clear, so revenge is more important.���!

After making up his mind, he stopped hesitating, exchanged for a meat stick and ate it, then turned into a green dragon and flew away.

In the northern part of the provincial capital, on the bank of the Yellow River.

Zhao Changkong was leading people to build a base here.

He was quite powerful, and he got a lot of building materials from the building materials factory, and he also gathered a lot of people under his command with his strong strength.

The fresh water that can be found in the city has been exhausted, and the only hope is the Yellow River.

But he was unlucky. There was a powerful water monster in this section of the Yellow River. Although it was much worse than the black-scaled python in the Bian River, it also caused many casualties among his younger brothers.

And now, he stared at the monster in front of him with a bitter face.

He was three meters tall, wearing a tiger skin with a white background and black stripes. He stood up, and there were jumping and flickering flames around him.

There was also a vertical eye on his forehead!

"Who are you?"

Zhao Changkong gasped. The opponent was too powerful. Even if he joined forces with the other two ability users under his command, he was still injured by this strong man.

It seems that he is an animal-type ability user.

Cat-Cat Fruit·Tiger Form?

Or the more terrifying Cat-Cat Fruit·Phantom Beast·White Tiger Form?

He now strongly suspects that it is the latter.

Because the vertical eyes on the opponent's forehead and the luster lingering on his body are not very extraordinary.

Only the legendary fantasy beast species can have such a vision!

But this strong man said nothing, as if he had to kill them.

He glanced at the blood on his shoulder. If he hadn't dodged quickly just now, he would have been seriously injured at this moment!

Of course, if he wanted to behead him directly, this suspected tiger-type ability user couldn't do it!

Because he was the superhuman type·Zhanzhan Fruit!

His body was as hard as steel!

But steel is not invincible, and he was still injured.

"Sir, why are you so aggressive?"

Zhao Changkong's arms and legs turned into sharp blades, always on guard against the opponent:"You are indeed very strong, but if the three of us join forces, you will also be seriously injured! Why bother?"

He signaled with his eyes to the two people on the side of the white tiger. Although they were standing, they both had animal bodies.

They were animal-type ability users!

One of them was covered with a green exoskeleton, his arms turned into green bone sickles, and there were two pairs of wings behind him!

It was the Bug-Bug Fruit·Mantis Form!

With his sickle arms, his attack power was very good, but now, one of the sickle arms had been broken.

The other man had antelope-like horns, and his hands and feet had turned into hooves.

It was the Bull-Bull Fruit·Antelope Form!

But there were three deep and long wounds on his chest, and blood was constantly flowing, as if his heart was almost taken out.

In the distance, a group of people were hiding here and shivering.

This level of battle was not something they could intervene in.

A pretty girl showed a look of horror in her eyes:"Brother Zhao seems unable to beat him, are we going to die?"

Beside him, a young man with messy hair stared at her plump figure with fiery eyes. Taking advantage of the crowd, he took the opportunity to touch the girl's body twice.

It's a pity that this is the person Zhao Ge likes, so he can't touch her.

But now Zhao Ge himself can't protect himself, so he can't help but have some evil thoughts in his mind.

"Hey! Don't touch me!"

The girl felt someone touching her butt. She looked back with anger on her face and finally locked onto a middle-aged man with a dull expression.

"How disgusting! When Brother Zhao finishes the fight, I will let Brother Zhao kick you out!"

The middle-aged man was horrified and quickly knelt down to beg for mercy:"No, not me! Don't kick me out, I will die if I go out alone!"

The girl kicked him with disgust on her face, and looked at the battle in the distance again, thinking: Brother Zhao is not good enough, if he loses, will that person kill us?

No! Even if others will die, I won't!

With my looks, I just need to expose some flesh to seduce him, I don't believe he won't be moved!

In the distance, the four fought for a while, and the white tiger man also had a few more wounds on his body.

After all, he has not practiced for a long time. Although his foundation is good, his strength is limited.

His body was injured, and the beast's instinct made him want to retreat.

Coupled with the hunger in his stomach, he didn't want to fight anymore.

Zhao Changkong also saw the retreat in his eyes, and he breathed a sigh of relief. His physical strength was almost exhausted. If he continued to fight, he would have to explain here.

"If you want to leave, please do so. We will not stop you!"

Although he was exhausted, he still tried to show that he was sure of victory and asked the other two to step back.

The tiger man hesitated for a moment, roared again, and was about to leave.

"Wow! What a coincidence! So you are here!"

Just as he was about to leave, a man appeared behind him and blocked his way with a smile.


The tiger roar shook the whole area and blew Ao Xin's hair.

But he was unmoved and still stood there blocking his way.

He didn't expect his luck to be so good. This time, he killed two birds with one stone!

"Surrender, or die!"

Ignoring the tiger roar, the domineering color burst out, and the white tiger was frightened. Zhao Changkong and the other two not far away were trembling.

"What a strong Dominant Color! Who is this person?"

Having just dealt with the fierce tiger, he met a real dragon. He complained in his heart, hoping that this big guy would leave after subduing the tiger man.

The Dominant Color was mixed with the dragon's might, and fear appeared in the white tiger's eyes.

This is the survival instinct of wild beasts.

Another Dominant Color rushed out, and the people hiding in the distance knelt down directly.

Zhao Changkong and the other two looked at each other, their legs trembling, and they barely stood.

The white tiger closest to Ao Xin felt that his heart was about to explode!

He crawled on the ground, revealing his true form as a white tiger:"Meow.~~"

This big guy was actually rubbing against Ao Xin's legs while squeezing his throat to make a rough cat meow!

Zhao Changkong was shocked. What the hell was meow?

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