In the marshal’s office, the steel bone was punched on the desk, making an earth-shattering “bang”, but it could not startle many high-ranking naval officials present.

After all, about Roya, they are already numb.

“This Luo Ya, deceive people too much!!”

Steel Bone Sky roared: “Our navy has been on the sea for so long, only we have always issued ultimatums to others, where can we get others to threaten us?!” ”

Karp picked his nose and flicked: “Then what is the way, you can’t fight and fight, the group fight is not an opponent, I see that Naroya can erase the naval headquarters at any time as long as he wants.” Air Marshal, you still got from him. ”

But the red dog next to him disagreed: “I must not promise him, dare to threaten to erase the island of justice, it has violated the bottom line of our navy, justice must be carried out, and I also asked the marshal to let me go to the capital of seven waters and kill this person.” ”

Karp laughed sneered: “Last time we couldn’t beat any of them, and we sacrificed General Zefa, Sakaski, you have only been a few months, you have such confidence, it’s really good.” ”

“Hmph!” The red dog was speechless.

Although he was very angry and longed to see Luo Ya again and fight with the other party, reason was telling him that he was not the opponent of the other party at the moment.

He could only secretly indignantly say, “I still have to get stronger!!” You still have to work cultivation! ”

Steelbone’s empty eyes glanced at Kuzan, wanting to see one of his pieces, but found that he was sleeping under the small sunglasses, so that he was not angry and was about to attack.

“Then you can only promise him? Or do we report up and let the five old stars appear? With the combat power of the five old stars, it is quite certain to solve this Luoya. ”

Sengoku thought for a moment before speaking.

Hearing the five old stars, Steel Bone Kong’s brows frowned.

It’s already a shame that the headquarters of the Navy can’t solve it, and you have to invite five old stars to appear?

“Five old stars, please? Why not go and ask the general marshal to shoot? ”

Karp shrugged his shoulders and slowly said an opinion, causing the audience to fall silent.

The commander-in-chief of the whole army, who commands all arms under the world government, can exist on an equal footing with the five old stars, and is also the supreme leader of the navy!

Steel Bone touched his chin and quickly ordered: “This proposal is good.” However, I don’t know if the boss is available. ”

Warring States shook his head: “For a long time, Da no longer asks about world affairs, only focuses on martial arts, I heard that the position of general marshal has been resigned several times, but the five old stars do not approve it…”

“In short, first agree to this Luo Ya’s request, and then we have to plan well, as long as the boss is willing to make a move, this time we will definitely destroy the great disaster of Luo Ya!” Can’t miss the slightest! ”

Steel Bone made the final decision.


Everyone was excited and answered loudly in unison.

As the news of advancing the city spread, the reputation of the navy almost fell to the bottom, and they were also punished from above, so most of them hated Roa to the teeth.

To save the face of the Navy, that Loa can only die! There is no other choice!


In the capital of seven waters, in a luxury hotel in the West District, Luo Ya and the others gathered in a room and discussed some things.

At the moment they are all surprised by the Navy’s response, and they can’t come to their senses for half a day.

Who would have thought that the Navy actually agreed, not only exempting Tom from the death penalty, but also awarding Tom some medal of honor through the newspaper in recognition of Tom’s contribution on the sea train.

“Isn’t it? The Navy turned out to be like this? Is this still the Navy I know? Boss, you are amazing! Haha, the Navy has definitely become a laughing stock in the mouths of countless pirates for a while. ”

Klockdar touched his forehead, his face full of disbelief, and a hint of pride on his face.

Hawkeye said disdainfully: “It’s not that they want to instigate, but the boss is too powerful and subdues them all!” Justice Island, like the Justice Gate, is a symbol of the Navy, the boss has already demolished the Justice Gate, if the Justice Island is sunk again, then the word justice on the Navy can be cut off and thrown away, and the headquarters can also be dissolved in place. ”

Reilly touched his short beard: “Don’t be happy too early, I’m afraid that a big storm is coming, let’s start today, we must be fully prepared, if the navy is so easy to yield, then it will not be the navy, nor the ruler of this sea.” ”

“Back then, the Golden Lion and Captain Roger, as well as the Four Emperors, and even the legendary Rocks Pirates, etc., all combined could not shake the absolute authority of the Navy on the sea, Roya, you make such a big move now, the Navy will never tolerate you going down… I’m afraid that soon, that person will come to find you Luo Ya, Luo Ya, you have to be ready at any time, this will be an unprecedented opponent…”

As soon as he heard that there was a threat to Roya, little Robin and little Han Cook quickly asked: “Who is this person?” ”

Even Hawkeye and Klockdar had solemn expressions, and it was obvious that they had heard the man Renly was talking about.

Renly looked a little stunned, as if he was remembering something, and after half a ring, he slowly said: “The commander-in-chief who commands the entire army of the world government!!” “_

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