In fact, Luo Ya already had an idea in his heart, but he just didn’t say it.

As for the decision, it depends on getting the remaining two world origins, and then what the choice given by the system is.

If I am not mistaken, at the beginning, the system told him like this: If you gather the origin of the five elements of the world, you will have a certain chance to leave this world!

And not necessarily back to that earth!

Therefore, Luo Ya was also a little apprehensive in his heart.

If you can’t return to Earth, and you can’t leave this pirate world, then you have to make a good plan.

At the moment, killing Draco and Admiral, and destroying the Advance City and releasing many sea thieves, has already offended the world government.

In other words, even if the world government may not deal with itself in the open right now, sooner or later it will come to the door.

If you can’t solve yourself, then for the world government, it is a shame-shattering thing, and even can shake the foundation.

Even the three emperors of the New World, if they do the same thing as themselves, presumably the navy will exert all its strength and destroy it after paying a big price.

Of course, now the navy can still swallow its anger and even grant knighthoods, which is nothing more than fear that it can overwhelm them, or that the existence that can compete with itself has not yet arrived.

I have to say that strength is really a good thing, strong as the navy, but also to bow a few points.


Luo Ya felt that if he wanted to break through this situation, he could only go all the way to the black and overthrow the world government! Be king yourself!

That legendary Void Throne!

Thinking of this, Roa was a little moved.

After all, being the king of a world, no matter which man, dare not say that he does not have the slightest yearning.


Roya’s slightly changed little expression, maybe Klockdar and Hawkeye can’t see it, but how can he hide it from Rayleigh, the old fox, Roya has the mind in this aspect, he naturally likes to hear it.

Of course, he still needs to push and add.

“The boss pushed into the city battle, spilled a little favor to go out, and now go to the new world, it is okay to take it back. The new world is dangerous, and it is inevitable that a few of us will not expect things to happen, especially the two chicks Robin and Hancock…”

Reilly brought little Robin and Xiao, which made Roya couldn’t help but nod.

What he is more worried about now is little Robin and little Han Cook.

Seeing his teacher nodding, he had himself in his heart, and little Robin and little Han Cook, who were eating cake not far away, showed sweet smiles.

“If the boss finds trouble, these miscellaneous things can be left to me.”

Klockdar said first, making Hawkeye on the side roll his eyes: Don’t worry, I won’t grab such a shoeshine thing with you!

“Not for now, I’ll tell you when I need it.” Well, that’s the end of today, three days off from tomorrow, one hundred thousand beri per person, everyone go to be happy. ”

Roa stretched and finally ended the discussion session.

His words made everyone present cheer, long live the boss.

“Hmph! Henry, this bastard, I’m going to win his casino this time. ”

Reilly, the gambler, was the most excited, and had already begun to rub his fists, ready to fight.

Of course, he was still a little afraid of the lack of money, and wanted to ask for more from Luo Ya: “Boss, 100,000 berry, it’s a little not enough to play.” ”

This made Luo Ya almost kick him and said angrily: “Are you ready to lose how much you have not even started gambling?” My money is not easy to earn, these 100,000 berry, just when you pay me back the debt interest! ”

“No, no, I drank too much, confused, and talked nonsense.”

As soon as Reilly heard this, he was immediately anxious, and quickly apologized, and Klockdahl, who was happy to cover his mouth with Hawkeye, smiled secretly.

But they didn’t dare to let Reilly see it, otherwise they would suffer again, which made them hold it very hard, and they all quickly left their seats, not daring to stay here.

However, Little Han Cook said without the slightest mercy: “Uncle Reilly, if I remember correctly, you lost several million beri in the capital of seven waters this month, and your debt from Teacher Roya seems to have thirty million berry.” ”

Reilly sneered, “You! ”

Then he rolled his eyes and said, “By the way, what were you doing in front of the boss’s door in the middle of the night yesterday?” ”

This sentence made little Robin, who had already taken out a book and was reading it, suddenly startled, and then closed the book and stared at Little Han Cook.

Although little Han Cook’s three-color domineering practice progress is extremely fast, and his strength is not much worse than Little Robin, he is still not as good as Little Robin’s at the moment, especially the flower fruit is too unexpectedly powerful, so she has repeatedly lost battles for a while, so she is still a little jealous of Little Robin.

“I didn’t do anything again! I just went to the toilet and passed by! ”

Little Han Cook blushed like a red apple, dropped a sentence and ran.

“Damn, you explain this matter to me first!” Little Robin wouldn’t let her go so easily. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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