"Thank you, but there is actually no need. Avalon has returned. The level of damage..." The Knight King wanted to say something, but was helplessly interrupted by his nominal lord.

"Injury will heal, but it will also be painful! This is something I don't want to see. No matter what, Saber, you are already my friend. Do you think I will watch my friend get hurt and appreciate it silently?"


Hearing Rope's words, Saber's heart warmed.

Although this young man looks very cold, he is a very reliable comrade-in-arms as long as he gets acquainted...

The gaze in Saber's glaze pupils softened, and even with this feeling, she didn't find Luo Pei's weird posture to be an abomination, even a little cute.

"Saber, stop being capricious and free your treasure." Rope continued. "I understand why you are fighting Rider's army alone. But what I want to tell you is that no matter how others misunderstand you or betray you, as your friend, I will definitely support you unreservedly, so don't be here. Drowning in the grief of the past again."

And this sincere feeling of understanding oneself...

"……I see."

Saber let out a long sigh of relief and squeezed the holy sword in his hand.

"Let me come to the last, crush the king's way of conquering the king."

"Walk with you." Luo Pei bowed slightly, with a smile in his words.

In the distance, Iskandar seemed to be ready to fight back, shouting meaningless battle roars and launching the final assault of the Conquer King.

Looking at the billowing smoke and dust, Rope and Saber read out the strongest attack tactics together, offering a salute of return to the great overlord.


"The Unknown Wind of Lake Harry (HarryLakeTheUnknownWind)!!!"

The storm of divine power and the light of the planet converged, and smashed toward the charging Iskandar.

That is an attack that is absolutely impossible to defeat.

But the Macedonian king still didn't stop charging, laughing, and rushing straight up to face the attack, like a moth fighting a fire, but no one on the scene thought he was stupid.

Because that is the belief of a king to carry out his life.

Never flinch! ! ! Never compromise! ! !

Finally, the strongest attack surged and collided with the Wushuang Legion that only existed and imagined.

There was a final sound of ending.

——The fourth war, the last enemy hero, the ancient Macedonian king, Rider Alexander Iskandall, withdrew.

Chapter 94 The Advent of the Holy Grail and the Completion of the Mission

The scene of the yellow sand filled the sky gradually shattered, and the inherent barrier could no longer be maintained after the death of Iskandar. After being corrected by the mighty force of inhibition, the realistic scenery came into Rope's eyes again.

Although Weber closed his eyes, he knew that his king had carried out his beliefs, left the world forever, and returned to his eternal sleep on the throne of heroic spirits.

"Finally solved it."

Rope lifted his transformation, and his whole body was indescribably relaxed.

So far, the victory of the Holy Grail War has truly belonged to him, and there will be no more accidents, and no one will be able to disturb, which also proves that his first trial mission has come to a perfect end.

"Rope, since we have won, we might as well prepare for the coming of the Holy Grail."

Saber ignored Weber and said to Rope eagerly. "Dilum Duoqing, I will fulfill his wish and fight him. You are a magician. Go and see where there is nothing wrong with Alice Fei."

The Holy Grail is already at your fingertips, and you will be able to realize your wish immediately...

"Uh, you just experienced a fierce battle, don't you take a break first..."

I feel sorry for Brother Gun for a second, being so despised...

But what should be coming is still coming. Rope is very entangled now. If Saber is in his current state, he knows that what is in the Holy Grail is not the thing that fulfills the wishes, but the whole evil of human beings. What will be the reaction.

...Will be very desperate.

Thinking of this, he looked at Saber's delicate cheeks with concentration and joy, and his heart felt a little painful.

"The Holy Grail is there, you can't run away."

"Need not!"

Saber said decisively, she picked up her sword and walked in the direction of Dilumudo first.

"Oh... I hope you don't get overwhelmed by reality."

With a sigh, Rope did not follow, but cast his gaze to Webber, who was kneeling on the ground.

"Hey boy, open your eyes, it's okay."

Webber shuddered when he heard the words. Although he was afraid, he opened his eyes and looked directly at Rope stubbornly.

"Huh?" Looking at his eyes, Rope said playfully. "It's very dangerous to look at me like this. It's not easier for me to squeeze you to death than to squeeze an ant... Or do you want revenge for your king?"

"I want to live."

With a hoarse voice, Weber said calmly.

"The king gave orders to pass on his deeds and life posture, so I will not choose to destroy myself."

"I really can't afford to kill someone like you."

Hearing the same answer from Weber and the original, Rope shrugged helplessly.

"Personally, I can't understand your loyalty, but I can see your determination. It has really grown. In just a few days, from the kid who was unwilling to face me, he became a strong man now."

It is useless to stay any longer, he has to go to Alice Phil, and let them solve the battle between Lancer and Saber.

Rope turned around and waved his back to Webber.

"Come on, classmate Webber, I hope we can make friends when we meet next time. I am still a little yearning for the clock tower. Maybe I will go there someday. Don't drive people out because of resentment."


When there was no one around, Weber Wilvert looked up at the dark starry sky, and tears once again wetted his cheeks.

This was also the last time he cried as a boy.


When Rope arrived at the gate of Liudong Temple, there was Alice Phil's cold body lying.

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