‘This is because you were too close to the Cthulhu divine system in the last war, so I will give you a reward. The gods of Cthulhu want to see you. ’


Rope sat on the ground in shock.

"All evil gods?! System, no, Acelia, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

‘What am I lie to you? They will generate a subspace when the time comes. Just go in. ’Acelia said without angrily. ‘Don’t worry, I’m here, I won’t let those mad dogs hurt you...The premise is that you can control the temptation.’

Hearing what Acelia said, Luo Pei patted Xiong's mouth with peace of mind.

"I thought that the evil gods were going to kill me, I was thinking too much."

‘I told you not to be close to those guys. You didn’t listen. Now it’s too late to regret. ’

"Actually, I don't hate the Cthulhu divine system either."

Rope smiled and took out the clothes again from the hanger. The set just now had been sacrificed gloriously in strengthening.

"It's just that their legends are a bit scary, and they are not mentally prepared."

‘...Whatever you want,’ Acelia said in a flustered manner.

Oops, what the **** Rope said just now was a bit happy.

Acelia heard Rope’s words, “I don’t hate the myth of Cthulhu.” Her body in the center of the universe started to revel, but she quickly suppressed this joy and became a normal tone again. .

Later, after Luo Pei's fresh energy passed, he finally stopped and lay back on the chuang, closing his eyes and restoring his spirit.

——Prepare for tomorrow's banquet.

Chapter III The Cthulhu's Carnival Feast

This is the outside of the multiverse, the gap between the evil gods and the kingdom of God.

The frantic rulers are very rare to gather together. Some evil gods even abandon the gaps and hatreds they once had. They gather here, open an evil banquet, and wait for the arrival of the important person today——


In the gloomy cave where only a few fires shined, a middle-aged man ran desperately. Judging from his crazy expression, he should have witnessed the supreme bitter chrysanthemum that shattered his reason.

He kept looking back as he ran, as if a monster was chasing him.

In fact, it is.

Right above the cave, a huge crab was hanging upside down, coming at a leisurely pace, like a cat teasing a mouse.


No matter how you run, you can't get rid of this terrible crab.

The middle-aged man didn't pay attention and fell to the ground. He didn't care to check his broken calf, but immediately turned over and looked behind him.


The orange one looks like an enlarged version of a sea crab. The pair of crab claws are still stained with my son's blood. The next one will be my turn...

"Haha, hahahahaha, I must be having a nightmare, I'll be fine when I wake up..."

The middle-aged man burst into laughter, but before he could finish his words, he was lifted up by the crab.

It is like a gentleman, slowly tasting the human being in front of him with his ‘I’-shaped mouth, chewing his bones and meat, and swallowing it into his abdomen.

After he finished eating, at the fork in another cave, a fat man with a headless deformity walked out.

"Basatan, you have gone too far. The banquet is about to begin. His Majesty Cthulhu and His Majesty Hasta are already in the main hall waiting for everyone to gather."


The feared old ruler called the ‘lord of the crab’ and the ‘god of the ancient sea’ made a weird sound. It turned around slowly and looked at Igoronak and said.

"Sorry, as long as I enter the hunting state, I will be excited involuntarily. Have those **** colleagues gathered together?"

"Exactly, it's time to wait." Igoronak said.

"Hush, then go quickly."

The two alien gods marched toward the depths of the filth, and along the way, there was a leisurely sentiment to kill some family members to fill their stomachs.

Those terrifying races that are feared by mankind in the world, seem like ants in front of alien gods, being manipulated for fun at will, and they can't even resist.

When the two entered the hall, the most terrifying scene of the multiverse came into sight——

Numerous long rectangular tables were placed in the center of the large cave. No human being ‘sit’ on those stools, all were monsters, gods praised by alien races in the starry sky—the old dominators.

'God of Worms' Lulim Chaklos,'God of Toads' Satogua,'Father of Serpents' Ego,'Terror of Lakes' Birkrug,'God of Spiders' Atlas. Naka, the'God of Cold and Dead' Itakuya, and the'Terror in the Mountains' Chaugonar Fagen...

And sitting on the throne, two superiors who ruled in the past.

——"Eternal Sleeper" Cthulhu and "Yellow King" Hasta.

They shrunk their size, carnival in this fairly wide cave, devouring the neatly placed tributes on the table-humans, or other races.

The banquet of the evil gods is a nightmare of lower creatures, some of them are swallowed whole, and they retain consciousness when they are decomposed. Some were torn into pieces and cooked like a platter.

A place that can make the devil frighten-Cthulhu Carnival Banquet!

"I hate them, and in 10,000 centuries, they will not change this barbaric style."

Seeing the misty scene, Igoronak spit out long heads from both hands, pretending to be disgusting.

"Hush-silence, His Majesty Cthulhu seems to be about to speak..."

Basatan stretched out his crab claws and quietly pulled Igoronak to the corner of the banquet, standing next to Satogua.

This fat toad was more stable than other old rulers. He was motionless, and even eating was helped by his servant's uncertain hyphae-as if his servants were also serving as food.

"Your Majesty Cthulhu seems to be different from other times." Igoronak looked at the figure on the stage with wonder. "Basatan, what do you think?"

"Hush, it doesn't make a difference. Our form will never be finalized anyway. Doesn't His Majesty Nyarlatotep also like to appear in a human form."


On the high platform, Cthulhu stood up.

As Igoronak said, she is indeed different at other times now. Visually speaking, Cthulhu is the only salvation in this hell, the lily blooming in the silt.

-The posture of a human girl.

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