"I hope they are self-aware, otherwise I don't recommend adding some "feed" to the fish in the ocean. "

He has never put the Lion King organization in his eyes.

If the other party knows nothing about the troubles and plays the "dating agency" routine as in the original book, then Rope welcomes him infinitely.

But if there are other plans...

He killed more people but not many Lion King agencies, and not many Lion King agencies.

"It looks like I'm worrying about it."

Nangong left Rope's house that month.

Compared with the demon **** who doesn't care about anything, Nangong, who has a foundation and friends in this world, was much busier in that month, and Xianjindao Commune had to deal with things.

If Rope intends to let Orola establish the "Empire of Night" on Xianjin Island...

What a trouble...

Gothic Lori looked at the clear sky of Xianjindao.

How long can this peace be maintained?

——I'm afraid it's not far away.


A freighter docked quietly under the scorching sun at the wharf in the eastern district of Xianjin Island.

On the ship's side, a thin middle-aged man with a dé emperor-style beard is holding a handrail and looking at the entire Xianjin Island.

Behind him, there are a few weirdos in black.

The length of the hands and feet is abnormal, the muscles at the shoulders are incredibly bulging, and the face wears a mask made of beast bones. From the gaps, you can see the sharp teeth that are not neatly arranged.

The Huns of Nilepusi, and their councillor "Dead Merchant" Balthasar Zaharias.

"Is it here? The twelfth "Flaming Night Uncle"..."

The businessman's heart throbbed.

The extinct dynasty’s "Flaming Night Master" body has been obtained. With the addition of this one from Xianjin Island, the remaining "Flaming Night Master" is only three from the Warlord Domain and two from the Chaos Domain. Tool.

Then, with the awakening of the Fourth True Ancestor, his "Empire of Night" can truly stand above the world...

"Let the elements get ready." Balthasar told the Hungarian ghosts: "Although the prerequisites for the deal have been reached with the MAR Group, if Xianjin Island intends to hinder, use the power of the elements. No. 12 , We are bound to win."


The container on the freighter was opened.

Inside are six exquisite sarcophagi.

And those sleeping in the coffin were young girls who looked the same as Orola.

No. 1 "King Kong of the Sheep", No. 2 "Amber of the Bull King", No. 7 "Black Sword of the Night Horse", No. 8 "Purple of the Tiger", No. 9 "Deep Scarlet with Two Horns" ", No. 11 "Stainless Steel of Water Essence".

Half of the body of the strongest vampire's beast gathers here.

The ignorant is dreaming of his "Empire of Night", but he does not know that this behavior is like wrapping a gift carefully and then walking into the magic cave to present it with the hands of the supreme demon god.

-Together with their lives.

Chapter 36 The first encounter between Lan Yu Qian Cong and Orola, "Yebo of Flame"

It is another hot day that makes people want to die. The middle section of the private Caihai Academy is a little bit lively today.

"Have you heard? Foreign transfer students with blond hair in the middle school are coming..."

"It seems to be a terrific beauty?"

"I just saw it when I passed by Teacher Nangong's office. It was as cute as an illusory doll! I personally think it is even more cute than Teacher Nangong!"

"Teacher Nangong from the Higher Education Department? Why are the transfer students with her?"

"Who knows."

The students in school uniforms were permeated with excess vitality, discussing small news in twos and threes.

For this group of students, their world is fixed in this Caihai Academy, so any new things that happen can be discussed by them.

Lan Yu Qian Cong did not participate in their discussion group.

The girl wrapped her black hair with her fingers, sitting in the second-to-last seat by the window as usual, staring at the white clouds outside the window in a daze.

Soon, the class bell rang, and the students returned to their seats.

From the door of the classroom, a mature woman in a white cheongsam walked in.

"Ms. Sasaki?" the student said in surprise.

The visitor was Cape Sasaki.

But Sasaki Misaki's identity is not a teacher of Chinese language, and she who teaches physical education is not the teacher who should be in the classroom at this moment.

Sasaki Misaki folded his hands together and smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, I'm sorry for taking up Mr. Morihiko's time for a while, he will be here soon. I'm here to introduce the transfer student... The identity of the "Princess Lord" is a bit special, so I can only handle it myself. "

"Huh? Is it our class?"

The students boiled.

Even Lan Yu Qiancong turned his gaze and stared at the door of the classroom.

"Aurora, come in."

Sasaki Cape greeted the door.

In the concentration of the students holding their breath, a little blond head poked in timidly.

Then, a girl who was so beautiful that she did not look like a human appeared in this ordinary classroom.

Wearing the uniform of the middle school of Caihai Academy, the long blonde hair has a ponytail tied behind his back, and his feet are knee-length black student socks and indoor shoes.

"Oh oh oh!"

Both men and women uttered deafening cheers.

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