Under this premise, Nangong, who was Ollola's guardian and tuition teacher, had to board the ship that month.

Gothic Lolita actually doesn't like going out.

As for the last girl who went with her--

Sitting on the edge of the recliner, Nangong Nayue looked at the girl in the corner of the deck.

It may be because no one reminded me. Even in this weather, Mizaki Mizuha is still wearing dark school uniforms and tights, which gives people a sultry feeling only from the visual perspective, and she can also see sweat on her forehead. Beads.

"Where are you going to place that child?"

"Fizaki misty leaves?"

"Who else is there except her."

Nangong sighed that month, took the sunscreen on the table and applied it to his arm, and said as he wiped it.

"Since you have made a decision to **** someone from the Taishi Bureau, don't torture her mentally anymore, it looks pitiful..."

"When did I torture her?"

Rope raised his brows.

"After boarding the boat, did I ever say that she was not allowed to stay there? A swimsuit was also prepared for her. Her current behavior is the result of her own choice."

"...Do you really plan to keep her by your side like a pet?"

"I'm just waiting for her to take the initiative to come over." Luo Pei said leisurely: "But it seems that the spirit of the "six-blade" demon attacker is unexpectedly tough. "

"Bad taste."

Nangong glanced at the white and black-haired youth that month.

"I can’t control or dare to care about Lord Devil’s personal interests, but if you don’t intend to play with her as a pet, it’s best to go and talk with that child for the sake of "harem harmony" and give play to your deceptiveness. charm. As far as I know, the relationship between Fizaki Kiriha and the two little ghosts in the Lion King mechanism is already a bit bad..."

"What happened to her with Yukina and Saiyaka?"

"I don't know, it looks like we had a fight...oh, yes."

As if thinking of something that month, there was an extra paper in his hand out of thin air.

After obtaining the "steel chain finger", the witch's space control ability has become more refined.

To be able to install "zippers" in the space without leaving any traces, or even precisely link to her own room, this kind of operation cannot be done with the ability to stand alone. It must be combined with the witch's own skills and experience.

"The letter from the third true ancestor to you."

"I will arrive in the Chaos Realm four days later. What is Gada doing to give me a letter at this time?"

"How do I know what Gada Kukokkan thinks. The letter has not been opened, you can understand it by yourself."

Rope took the letter, opened it and scanned it in ten lines.

Immediately, the black-haired youth frowned slightly.


Nangong squinted his eyes that month, and was interested in the name.

"This name, I remember that it was the honorific name of the "Cthulhu" Sasara Machu that Shanty City believed before the establishment of the "Chaotic Realm"... Along with the destruction of Shaty City, the name of Sasara Machu was also It is buried in history just like those ancient heavens. Has the third true ancestor found the remains of the King Xuan Ming in the city state of Xia Ti? "

"Do not."

Rope put down the letter in his hand and smiled meaningfully.

"Gada found something even better-the "bride" of Sasara Machu. "

"Bride? Isn't that Sasara Machu, like you, a **** of personality?"

"Said it is the "bride", but that is just the title given to the sacrifice by the priest Sasara Machu. In addition, don't think that Sasara Machu's kind of trash can be compared with me at that month. That guy seems to be just a bunch of dignified aggregates. "

"Aura" is another unique power in this world in addition to magic and spiritual power.

Angels possess a spirit, Ji Tuan Xuecai's "Xuexia Wolf" also possesses a spirit, and the power of the Holy Annihilation launched by "God of Blame" Cain also belongs to the spirit.

But to put it bluntly, it's no big deal.

In Rope's eyes, the power named "God" by this world is nothing more than a kind of high-dimensional energy, and its use is poor.

Except for annihilation, swallowing, phase pollution and space occlusion, there are almost no new tricks to play.

"The bride is a sacrifice, and the sacrifice is something dedicated to God..."

Nangong groaned that month, then frowned and asked.

"In other words, from the time of Shati city-state, do the followers of Sasala Machu plan to use the "bride" to resurrect their gods? "

"Probably so."

The dark-haired young man raised the letter in his hand.

"The magical forces of the United States of America also focused on the "bride", but after breaking through the temple and the orc priests, they were cut off by Gada's subordinates. Now the "bride" is on the way to the Gada Palace, she seems to be planning to give the "bride" to me as a gift..."

"Are you interested in Sasara Machu?"

"Well, after all, this is the first time I have to meet a native **** in this world. It is impossible to say that I am not interested."

Luo Pei lit a flame with his right hand, burning the letter to fly ash.

"——I really want to see how capable the guy who dared to name such a cool name "Xuanming Divine King" is. "

The devil hasn't moved his body for a long time.


Chaos realm, a resplendent palace.

This is the residence of the third true ancestor "Emperor Chaos".

Although it is usually difficult to see Gada Kukokkan himself, this place is still the holy place in the eyes of the vampires of Chaos Realm, the place where the true ancestor sits.

In the exquisite and elegant European-style garden, led and guarded by two old-generation female vampires, a young girl is lowering her head and following the pace absently.

The delicate brown skin, long honey-colored hair, a beautiful childish face, and the luxurious foreign clothes embellished with pure gold all proclaim the extraordinary of a girl.

Finally, the female vampire leading the way stopped.

"Your Majesty, the person you want has been brought."

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