"Huh? Oh..."

"So Little Rope, did you agree?"

"...Sister Sabu."

Rope squeezed these words from between his teeth, and then he was beaten to death without saying much.

But it is enough.

If it is expressed in cartoons here, there must be two more love patterns in Shabu's pupils. She embraced the black-haired youth happily and rubbed his cheek with her face.



Shabu Nicholas is indeed a different evil god.

She was not like other evil gods, coming in coldly, making blunt contact. But in a very down-to-earth and cheerful way, he established a mutual relationship with Rope in just one day.

The goddess knows very well that sometimes the gentleness of being sincere and not deceiving is far more powerful than the gift of power. .

Chapter 22 The Target of the Demons is the Holy Mountain of Olympus

One of the original gods of Greece, the "goddess of night" Nix, in just a few months, saw a situation she would never see in the Greek realm.

Whether it is the deviant Black Goat Children's Order, or the extraterritorial evil who took her for the first time, it seems to have opened a new door for her.

The goddess couldn't understand why a demon with such a powerful force would be so obsessed with trivial things. Aside from women, there are also many people who like women in the Greek gods. But a strong enough to kill the beasts of the world in seconds, and dominate the existence of the dragon kings who do not tame evil spirits, and even care about local agriculture. This is simply an exaggeration than the king's worrying about the lowest level of untouchables eating or not eating.

Wearing a conservative moon white robe, Knicks watched the black-haired youth squatting on the edge of the field with a complicated expression, placing the newly planted grains in his hands and looking carefully.

...Are you sure you are really an evil demon from outside the territory?

"Well, growth is not bad." Rope nodded, and said to Milia behind him: "Just keep this kind of planting, so that after several years of repeated interventions with the Secret of Abundance, Midian will be able to change from simple The nomads in China broke away and formally moved towards a farming civilization."


Milia looked at Rope in touch, her hands clasped together, and she almost knelt on the ground to pray on the spot.

Originally, the shepherdess only wanted to let her **** stay in Midian for a while. To this end, she not only took out the long-awaited funds of the Order of the Black Goat Sons, bought luxury goods and beautiful female slaves, and paid tribute to Luo Pei, but also recalled all the priests of the Black Goat Sons outside to serve Rope in the temple.

But the demons don't care about these at all.

Although occasionally playing with the beautiful girls that he bought, Rope spends more time with Sab. Nicholas and Knicks. For the extra priests and worship of the temple, he almost didn't wave his hands to get them out. Own sight.

In contrast, the demons took the initiative to improve the ecological habits and land crops for Midian under Miria's control while not paying attention to Miria's little care.

This love made Miria feel that she had no regrets even if she died immediately.

"Let your noble body touch the dirty soil, sir, Miria is really..."

"Haha, don't be so exaggerated, I wouldn't come over if I didn't make a whim." Rope wiped his hands with a towel: "You are also my servant anyhow. Since I choose to stay on this land, I am also responsible for you. His living conditions have become better. To tell the truth, your temple seems pitiful to me when I look at it. How can my servant of Rope live in that state? Last time, it will be as gorgeous as the most glorious palace in the world."

"It is Miria's fault for allowing you to live in such a humble place. I will order the craftsman to repair it for you!"

"I suggest you learn to listen to others and don’t let your inferiority complex dominate your soul. I have never despised your hospitality. These are my subjective views that are detached from the outside. I also know that you have done your best to do this. ."

It may be related to her previous identity. In front of Rope, Miria always has a strong sense of inferiority.

Obviously her appearance is already top-notch, and the power she holds after practicing the secret technique is not inferior to any magician in this world, but Miria still thinks that she is still the illiterate shepherdess, sometimes even and Luo Pei is struggling to communicate well.

Let's make an analogy.

Milia wanted to climb on Rope's bed for a day or two, but she just didn't dare, because she was afraid that her master would feel impatient if she did not do well.

In the end, Rope took the initiative to invite each other, and the girl happily ran over to the bed.

With a large group of mighty people, Rope returned from the fields in the countryside to the temple in the city, and on the road pointed Miria on the way forward.

"His Majesty Sab Nicholas has come because of me. Take this opportunity and don't circle me all day."

Rope said.

"Although Shabu cannot be said to be ferocious and cruel among the gods, it is rare to have such a gentle posture. She is a rich dark mother god, one of the sources of life. If you can further please her, you will get the benefits. Children and grandchildren will not be able to enjoy it."


Miria responded in a submissive low voice, but the girl's eyes overflowed with admiration for Rope.

It's also because of the particularity of Rope's identity that Shabu doesn't care about these things, and there are even deliberately flattering factors among them.

If you let other evil gods, your priests were not worshiping yourself, and the punishment would have been sent down to twist Miria's soul into something weird.

Rope is not too good to say anything, after all, Miria's fanatical belief object is him.

"Besides, it's best to slowly get rid of some particularly harmful things for the cult you have established. There is no opinion on developing and recruiting believers silently. Don't be overly sharp. Sometimes it is not a good thing to rush for quick success and quick gain. Indeed, mine. Power is enough for you to run wild in this world, but mortals are mortals after all. If you want to establish a stable order from top to bottom, it is not conducive to development to learn too much from the extreme ideas in the cult."

"But those are all the dogma you gave me, lord?"

"To learn to be flexible, I have said so myself, what's your opinion?"

"No! Miria obeys any of your orders!"

Looking up at the sky, Rope thought that his trip to Midian should be over.

It doesn't matter if the trial goal is not clear. He has a very strange hunch that he can always find clues in the end. Before that, the most important thing is to experience the fun of this new world.

Staying in one place always gets bored.

"Forget the time, I should go too... Orpheus is probably boring in Greece too..."

Miria was shocked when she heard the words, and quickly went to kneel in front of the black-haired young man, and asked eagerly.

"Excuse me, what did we do badly? Master asks you to stop for a while, I will order someone to find a better girl for you..."

"Come less, I didn't leave for this reason."

Rope waved his hand indifferently.

"Just as Milia, you are standing in the position of the high priest and worrying about the people of Midian, I also have my own business to do. Besides, what are you doing so excited? We are all immortal beings, and we can meet whenever we want. See you again."


Miria opened her mouth unwillingly, but she didn't dare to say anything to keep her.

She is Rope's servant, and the servant should obey the master's wishes, not to point the other party presumptuously, which is equivalent to consuming Rope's favor for her.

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