He put down the plan.

"Sister Shabu, I have a new idea."

"Little Rope can just say it directly~"

"I want to call the "God of Insects" Sadha Hegla, so as to study the "Head of Demons" Asathos. "Rope said earnestly: "My strength is no longer weak today, it's time to get in touch with the deepest chaos. "


The small mirror in Shabu's hand was not held firmly, and fell to the ground, his mouth wide open.

This is the first time that the Supreme Mother has been so gaffe in front of Rope.

Chapter 39 The Curse of Azatos, "Head of the Demons"

Shabu Nicholas hasn't heard the name "Asathos" for too long.

The source of chaos at the end of the ancient times, the starting point of all evil gods, the supreme belief in eternal evil. The "head of all demons" Asathos is not only the mother of their three-pillar gods, but also the chaotic figurative deity before the multiverse. Strictly speaking, its status is still above the ancient snake of order.

But in that war that could not be completely described in words, Asathos was divided into two, his soul disappeared, leaving only a blind and foolish body, and the power that was enough to destroy the entire multiverse. Asathos was forever indulged in the giant palace in the center of the universe, listening to the maddening monotonous music.

Contrary to Nyarlatotep's knowledge, Yug Sotos's omniscience plan is different. Sab Nicholas does not know about it, nor does he care about the affairs of the "head of all demons" Asathos.

Perhaps the Supreme Mother also has hatred of the ancient gods in her heart, and she wants to revive the evil gods and spread the filthy life to the entire multiverse.

But in the final analysis, Shabu felt that it had nothing to do with Asathos. After all, before the Primordial War, the head of the demons had little contact with evil gods other than Nyarlatotepu.

That's why Rope was so surprised when she mentioned the "God of Insects" Sada Hegra, the incarnation of Atathos.

A steady stream of memories emerged from eternal thoughts.

Shabu's shocked expression continued for a moment, and then returned to normal, squatting down to pick up the glass shards he had broken.

"Sada Hegra... the **** worshipped by 70% of the evil insects in the multiverse is also the most famous incarnation of my mother, Asathos. Little Rope should know the dangers of it? And those of us possess it. The sensible gods are different. Sadha Hegala is completely mad under the influence of my mother and other mothers."

"I understand."

"No, Little Rope, you don't understand."

Shabu stared at the black-haired young man and said.

"The "crazy" I said is different from the madness of other evil gods. There is no way for Sada Hegla to communicate. It is an extension of the chaotic state before the birth of the multiverse. Although the Shagai Zerg is somewhat self-inflicted, their demise is enough to illustrate this point. "

"Intuition tells me that it will be fine."


"Yes, intuition, doesn't Sister Sabu believe in intuition?"

Shabu's expression was a bit suspicious, but he didn't pursue anything too much. Inspiration and intuition are also important ways for higher creatures to judge bad luck.

Only the black-haired young man knew in his heart that he dared to summon the "God of Insects" Sada Heguera, of course, not relying on instinct.

Rope trusts Azalea very much, even more than any existence he has experienced.

——Without Arcelia, there would be no current "demigod" Rope.

Therefore, after Acelia had repeatedly recommended the "God of Insects" Sada Hegra, at this moment in time, Rope finally approved this recommendation, intending to face the incarnation of the head of the demons.

However, these reasons are not something that can be said to other evil gods.

Although Acelia hadn't said that she could not tell other evil gods of her existence, Ropey felt that she should take care of her own mouth, considering the unexplained cumbersome rules and taboos.

Say less, do more.

'it is good! ’

Acelia, who was routinely silent, suddenly screamed in Rope's mind.

‘I’ll give Ape the incantation about the "Insect God" Sada Hegra! Don't worry, that is the safest and most outstanding summoning spell! You will never have anything to do! ’

‘...Why are you so excited? ’

'nothing! do not worry about it! ’

Acelia's mood is joyful.

Although she was completely separated from the body, Sada Heguera was after all the incarnation of her once-in-arms, and within the scope permitted by the rules, she could still influence the operation one or two.

Finally, I can breathe a sigh of anger.

Although there is only Sab. Nicholas in front of him, and it is a pity that he is still an incarnation, it is definitely a very enjoyable thing to educate these guys on what it means to "other people's lovers don't act at will."

Azalea's tone was a little weird, but before Luo Pei could study it, the spells flooded into his mind.

How secretive and highly toxic.

Without his power and personality at the moment, this spell would be very dangerous knowledge even if Azalea carefully eliminated the extra parts.

...It deserves to be the incarnation of the head of the demons, and this spell alone is different from the summons of other evil gods.

"Since Little Rope has made a decision, then I won't say anything. With Little Rope's current personality, facing the source of the chaos is indeed quite beneficial."

Shabu sighed.

"Even if Sada Hegra is really summoned, I will protect you from Little Rope a little bit...In other words, do you know Little Ropee's summoning spell? I have it here."

"No, Sister Shabu, here I have a spell to summon His Majesty Sadha Hegra."

Rope unfolded a thin volume of books and wrote strange and twisted texts on it with the tip of his pen.

Shabu leaned over to take a look, and frowned deeply.

This spell...should not...

The Xiagai Zerg has cut off even civilization, and it is impossible to leave a cult record about Sada Hegla. But the incantation that Rope wrote at this moment was knowledge that even Shabu Nicholas didn't know, and it was two grades better than the summoning incantation she had mastered.

"Little Rope, where did you get this spell?"


Rope hesitated for a moment.

"From Your Majesty Yug Sotos..."

He threw the pot to the One of All Things.

After Shabu heard this, even though he felt that Rope must be hiding something, the name of Yug Sotos made her swallow the doubt back.

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