She raised her head, and the corner of her gaze swept over the silver braid of the person in front of her.

Seraphim grabbed the woman's arm involuntarily.

"Ahem... It's great. I am lucky to be able to meet you here." She said weakly: "Gurefia, hurry up and leave here with me... There are a lot of locusts chasing behind. I, it’s dangerous here. When you get to Sidi’s territory, don’t worry about your status as the Demon King’s faction being squeezed out, I will guarantee your safety..."

Later, Seraphus found that Gurefia stood still, no matter how she pulled it, she was unwilling to leave for half a step.


"Do you mean Elder Bartototi by the red locust?"

"Why do you know its name?"

Seraphim released her hand and looked at her former friend with her mouth wide open.

The beautiful face made Seraphim feel a little strange.

At this time, the ice magic behind the enemy was also broken.

The girl quickly turned her head and pointed her staff at the locusts who came, but found that the giant red locust was humblely lying on the ground, and the swarm behind it was crushed by the black.

The edge of the forest seemed to be a marginal line, and the insects were worshipping something and refused to take a half step.

"Forgive us... Your Majesty Sadha Hegra, the great Supreme Prince... I beg you, forgive us for our offense... We should not disturb this sacred place with noise... I beg you to forgive me Wait……"

"Insect Priest" Batototti murmured.

Seraphim was bewildered by the sight in front of her for a while.

Gurefia sighed and helped the girl up.

"You ran in the wrong direction, Seraphim, this is not the exit of the Riccarton Mountains, but the deepest point."


The silver-haired female demon pointed upwards.

Seraphim followed.

No longer the purple sky, the gloomy dark floating city is entrenched overhead.

And under that city is a magnificent and solemn pyramid with a huge stone statue resembling an amoeba on the top.

A handsome, black-haired young man in a simple black robe is floating in the air, with a hammer and awl in his hand, perfecting the details of the amoeba statue little by little.

Every time you strike, it seems that there is a unique rhythm in it.

It's not so much carving, it's more like an unknown ritual.

"This is the sacred altar of Lord Luo Pei, the "Devil". "

Following Gurefia's explanation, Seraphim slumped on the ground.

Chapter 43 The truth about the ancient evil and the devil girl, getting closer and closer

The grey stone powder kept falling, and the statue of the evil **** came to life in Luopei's hands.

The black-haired youth stopped the movement of his hands and flew back a little while admiring the statue he had carved.

"So-so, right?"

He hit his shoulder with a hammer.

"I have never done this kind of work as a servant craftsman. It's quite fulfilling to play occasionally..."

‘Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Apei's carving is really great! ’

Acelia said in a touched tone.

Originally, she felt like this kind of preparation work, and Rope’s fear of trouble would definitely be thrown to her servants to complete, but she did not expect that Rope would actually go to battle in person. This emphasis on the "God of Insects" Sada Heguera is really true. It was to make Acelia so happy.

Other evil gods rarely enjoy this kind of treatment, right?

"Why are you crying?"

Luo Pei didn't understand why his system mother was so excited.

"His Majesty Sada Hegra is the incarnation of that person. First of all, his attitude must be correct. It will certainly not hurt for me to be more diligent."

He paused and said again.

"In other words... are you sure it's really okay? Summoning the incarnation of Asathos always makes me feel very uneasy. After all, it is your Majesty Asathos, the chief boss of the evil gods..."

‘No problem! And Ape’s thoughts, Sadar Heguera, will definitely receive it! ’Acelia made a swearing promise.

It is true.

She watched Rope concentrating on sculpting her own idol bit by bit. If this didn't pass to her heart, then her emotional system would have to be deleted.

"Why can you say so sure..."

Although it was known for a long time that Arcelia admired the "God of Insects" Sada Hegra, but the nearest summoning, Rope felt that something was not quite right.

——Acelia is also too enthusiastic.

The black-haired young man's hand knocking on his shoulder slowly stopped, and his expression became hesitant.

"I have a question, Acelia."

'Um! ’

"Is your predecessor related to His Majesty Sada Hegla, the "God of Insects"? "

‘Um...I can’t say that. ’

"I know your difficulty, I just want to ask "Yes" or "No." "

‘Then be considered there. ’

It's no wonder that Arcelia is ambiguous, she is really unspeakable.

Rope scratched his face and said with some embarrassment.

"Although I haven't seen His Majesty Sada Hegala from the Theology Secrets to have a companion, judging from your performance, your relationship with His Majesty Sada Hegala should be unexpectedly close, right?"


"So, your predecessor is the wife of His Majesty Sada Hegra? It's like the relationship between Sab and Hasta, but the relationship between you two is better?"

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