"You mean, when I am here, are you going to make the decision for me?"

The red giant locust pressed its body lower, and its voice trembled a little.

"No, dare not... It's just that your highness... the blasphemer who broke into the sacred altar, if you don't kill it, you will annoy the insect god..."

It is a devout believer of Sada Hegra.

"alright, alright."

Luo Pei didn't bother to embarrass the priest and waved his hand.

"Hurry up and go back. When the fictional star arrives at the right place tonight, the summoning will begin. Regarding this "blasphemer" lady, I will take care of it myself. "

"Yes, yes, follow your orders..."

The worms rustled back and returned to their positions deep in the jungle.

Rope returned his gaze to Seraphim again.

The young girl met the gaze of the ancient evil, and deliberately wanted to pick up the staff at hand for defense, but her fingers moved stiffly and then lay down flat.

This detail did not escape Rope's observation.

"Oh? Have you given up resistance?"


Seraphim lowered her head.

"Maybe if I met you normally, I would definitely say something like "See you in fear, please forgive me." But in the current situation, I don't even bother to call "you"... No need to talk nonsense. If you want to do it, hurry up, ancient evil. "

The corner of Rope's mouth bends.

He walked to Seraphim's body, erected a hand knife with his right hand, and pierced the girl's brain straight from the temple.

Seraphim's expression was dull for a moment.

But then it returned to normal.

Wonderful, no half of the wound was left.

"This is the essence of the "Illusive Poisonous Insect". "

Rope shook the silver fluorescent bug in his hand, then turned and walked towards the majestic pyramid.

"Gurefia, she can now be treated with healing magic. Heal her, and then bring her to me. I happen to have free time before tonight's banquet begins."

Chapter 44 The Door of Star Links, the Coming of the Supreme Demon

Gurefia's healing magic works very well.

Seraphus, who was caught by Rope's poisonous insects, under the light of gentle magical light, became alive and lively again in almost three minutes, no longer what the dying person was just now.

Perhaps there is a problem with Seraphim's own strength, but it is enough to show that Gurefia's skills are exquisite, and he is not ashamed of being one of the strongest female demons in the underworld.

The two girls were silent, and walked into the pyramid following the footsteps of the ancient evil.

Seraphim was shocked by the scene in front of him.

——That is the vast starry sky.

I don’t know what kind of paint is used inside the pyramid, and a gorgeous galaxy universe is painted on the top. The feeling of dazzling stars gave Seraphim an immersive sense of vastness, as if the words spoken were passed on to the real universe.

The black-haired youth stood with his back to them and stood in front of a weird device on the high platform.

Seraphim could not describe that device. It was like a globe made of sixteen metals and bones, arranged on a glass support into an extremely strange and regular shape.

"Welcome to the temple I created with my own hands, the sacred altar of the insect god, Miss Seraflu Sidi."

Rope's elegant voice echoed in the universe hall, breaking the tranquil atmosphere.

"Do you know? Miss. The so-called difference between the world and the world is far greater than you think."

Rope picked up two different parts.

"It's like gears with different functions. In some worlds, the starry sky can reflect the stars outside the world, while the night in some worlds is dark. General occultists and interstellar priests are involved in "calling gods". When it comes to technology, you must rely on those distant and illusory stars to determine the correct location and time, otherwise it will cause catastrophe. "

Seraphus blinked without interrupting, listening quietly to the ancient evil.

She is now considered a broken jar.

Although the "illusory poisonous insects" were removed, whether it was the ancient evil in front of him or the locust occultist staring at him in the forest, it was basically impossible for Seraphim to leave this place on its own strength.

All she can do is to follow the trend and see one step at a time.

At least the ancient evil didn't immediately kill her who had no resistance, which meant that her life was still in play.

"But what if the world where the occultists and interstellar priests are, like the underworld, cannot reflect the appearance of illusory stars? Should you give up or find another way?"

Rope shook his head.

"The attraction of Cthulhu is powerful, and they can't give up the highest honor of the summoning system of "Summoning God". The occultists and interstellar priests racked their brains, spent countless years, and finally created a genius great secret technique—ConstructionStar."

"Construct the stars..."

"This secret technique has no offensive power, any corrosiveness, and is not a trick used to deal with enemies. Its purpose is to construct a symbolic virtual star in a world without stars."

Luo Pei lightly stroked the sixteen simulated stars made of metal and bones linked with a glass bracket in front of him.

"Betelgeuse; Niandao increased by ten; Aldebaran; Jupiles; Agmoren... The priests of the Shagai Zerg used their clever ideas to condense the power of these sixteen stars into One point, the "door" was finally opened, calling out the deepest darkness and horror in the multiverse, that is, the "God of Worm" Sada Hegla, who was passed down by word of mouth among the occultists of later generations. "

"Why are you telling me this?"

Seraphim glanced at Gurefia, who was like a wooden sculpture, standing motionless, without blinking his eyes.

"Nothing special, I just want to explain, Miss Seraphim, how honored it is for you to be in front of me at this moment."

Rope said.

"The results of countless years of research by occultists and interstellar priests; the ultimate door-opening technique of the Xiagai Zergs linking sixteen stars. These two magnificent phenomena that you dare not even imagine will be in the early morning of tonight. Combine the two into one, recreating the scene of the arrival of the "God of Insects" Sada Hegla. "

"That "God of Insects" Sadha Hegra...who is it? "

"who is it?"

Rope smiled softly.

"It is the beginning, it is the end, it is the cause and effect that runs through everything, and it is also the ubiquitous entropy. The noble starting point for countless evil gods to kneel down and worship, the supreme demon that countless ancient gods feared. But in words that you can understand. Say, "The God of Insects" Sada Hegla is the same deity from outside the world as me... It's a simple explanation, isn't it? "

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