Although the daughter's peaceful return moved the current Sidi Sect Master very much, for the man who followed Seraphim, Sidi Sect Master had nothing but anxiety and fear.

Sidi Sect Master is an older generation of demons who have been on the battlefield of the three races.

But even such a demon, standing in front of a black-haired youth with a hint of majesty, felt that his legs were not at his disposal.

This has nothing to do with psychological quality, but just the instinct of living beings to judge interests. Instinct told Sidi Sect Master that the ancient evils were dangerous and terrifying.

"Master, let Serapura stay with that ancient evil thing, is this really okay?"

In the aristocrat's spacious study room, Seraphim's mother stood beside Sidi Sect Master and asked sadly.

"Since we have returned, why can't we protect Seraphim from his hands?"

The middle-aged man shook his head helplessly.

"If you can't, you can feel the power. I don't think the ancient evil will show his power to us for no reason. This behavior is to warn us not to mess around. From the perspective of the relationship between Seraphim and him , That’s the only reason why he didn’t kill us casually. If we don’t know what to do, we will take all the leaders of the Xidi family to their deaths.”

"Will Serapura continue to be enslaved like this?"

Mrs. Sidi wiped her tears.

"That child has been excellent since she was a child, and joined the anti-devil government without neglecting her work. It is precisely because of this that she will be caught by the terrifying demon..."

"Oh, I have already notified Lord Baal and the Commander of the Gremory Legion. They will arrive in Sidi Ning tonight, so let's see the results of their negotiations with the ancient evil things. The resources and powers we have are really It's too weak."

"Poor Seraphim..."

It seems that Seraphim's father and mother had quite bad imaginations.

But it also makes sense.

Anyone who reads the "lost whereabouts" daughter and the notorious ancient evil appearing together in the battle report will think of terrible words such as "slavery" and "slave". Besides, it is not uncommon for the current demonic society to raise slaves. What kind of life the demonic slaves like those untouchables are like, the Sidi couple understand more or less.

Putting this experience on their daughter, Seraphim, couldn't help Mrs. Sidi not crying.

However, the real facts may deviate from what the couple thought...

The "poor Seraphus" in the Sidiff population is now lying in front of a TV that will never exist in this era, staring at the cartoon on the screen with his eyes wide open.

"My name is Takamachi Naha, the third grade elementary school affiliated to the private Sho Sho University, and I became a magical girl by chance and coincidence..."

The girl did not have the caution and worry a few days ago, and some were all attentively attracted by the story on the screen.

After Rope deliberately wanted to advance Seraphim's interest, he didn't confuse people's appetite, so he immediately took action. A pile of magical girl movies, including the classic "Naba" and "Sailor Moon", were exchanged by him and given to Seraphim.

At first the girl didn't know what these things were, but after Luo Pei taught her how to screen the show, Seraphim immediately became addicted to it.

Note that although the current demonic society has some traces of magical civilization, it can barely be counted as a medieval background in the strict sense.

Where did Seraphim see this kind of high-tech.

I don’t know how many times more gorgeous than an exaggerated drama, and a more efficient information transmission than a paper novel, plus the type of magical girl who can easily capture the heart of a girl, Seraphus is addicted to it after just watching a few episodes. .

Even the ladies of high-level demon nobles can't stand up to this kind of super-epoch animation.

Especially in the transformation scene of the magical girl inside, Seraphus can't wait to develop a magic technique right now to satisfy her surging heart.

Sitting on the sofa, the black-haired young man sipped the black tea made by Gurefia himself, and asked with a smile.

"Does Gurefia care?"

"……Do not."

Gurefia, who was standing behind Luo Pei, retracted her eyes staring at the TV, but she still glanced at her from time to time, and her expression became cute.

"These... are also the products of Lord Rope you come from outside the world? It's really amazing."

"Hahaha. These are not things from outside the world."

Rope chuckled lightly.

"It is a technological product that will inevitably be produced in the future. It is invented by humans who are generally despised by demons, dragons, and gods."

"Humans? Do they have such magical powers?"

"Because they have no power, in order to climb to the top of the food chain, humans rely on foreign objects called "technology" to fill their own weaknesses. While scorning the weakness of human beings, we should also recognize the splendid and colorful civilization of this group of short-born species. Isn’t the current social form of demons the result of your frequent contact with humans? "


Gurefia had never considered these things in his thoughts.

She looked down at the handsome young man who chuckled, but felt that the inherent impression of the ancient evil was being shattered bit by bit.

Sometimes it is as gentle as white clouds passing by in the sunny afternoon, and sometimes it is like violent thunder and rain.

There is no trace of the fusion of the two contradictory personalities in Rope's body.

Gurefia suddenly reacted, a word in the words Rope just said.

"...Future?" The silver-haired beauty frowned slightly: "Master Luope, with your strength, have you been able to observe the future?"


Even if there is no foreseeing the effect of the plot, Rope, whose "time" divinity is refined to a certain degree, he can really read a part of the future.

"Then you know...underworld...what will my father be like after this war? What about Lucifer Gus's family?"

"Does this kind of thing need to be foreseen?"

Rope shrugged.

"Gurefia, have you come to the conclusion yourself? More than 70% of the 72-pillar nobles support the anti-devil faction. The "king" Baal, who has aristocratic cohesion as a symbol of the anti-devil faction, is a young and powerful young demon. , Even if the Demon King faction has the blood heirs inherited by the four great demon kings as the orthodox heirs, the fighting power they possess is really not enough, and each of them is stupid, how can they fight against the excellent camp of the anti-demon king faction? "

Moreover, Li Zeweimu, the only transcender of the Demon King Sect, had been slaughtered by him.

In this case, the defeat of the current Demon King's government is only a matter of time.

Gurefia sighed in her heart and closed her eyes.

"Hey, Lord Rope!"

Seraphim, who was watching TV, turned her head.

"What's wrong, Seraphim?"

"Can I be like a girl in there too!"


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