It's just that, when will this kind of life last until when will it be headed... Baiyin...

Walking in a daze, Hei Ge sat down next to a towering tree. The shade and the empty environment with only the sounds of birds made her mind and body slowly recover.

"This is not a place to sleep, miss."

In a trance, Hei Ge heard the voice of a man speaking.

Although the content is not clear, the male voice is soft and magnetic, and has a sense of presence that cannot be ignored.

The next moment, she opened her eyes and stood up with overreaction.

Seeing that there was nothing but a black-haired young man in front of her, not some evil beasts and monsters, the cat mandrill girl breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Hei Ge noticed the youth's appearance.

It is as beautiful as a god-crafted, breathtakingly beautiful.

Chapter 63 I want to kill, do I still need a high-sounding reason?

The trench coat made of black delicate fabrics is outlined with a simple pattern of gold threads, like some kind of abstract creature, but also like a weird monster that can only be seen in a nightmare.

The youth's gentle smile almost matched the sun's rays, and the cat mandrill girl couldn't help but sway for a moment.

But at any rate, it was a girl who had experienced wind and rain and carried a heavy responsibility. Hei Ge quit this natural state of charm by biting her tongue.

"It's really scary. I thought there were monsters coming to eat them~"

Hei Ge stretched his waist, and his face was naturally cynical with a smile on his face.

No matter who the young man suddenly appeared in front of him, judging from that extravagant outfit, there is no wrong way to respond with a smile.

Heige is very good at disguising.

Whether it is painful or happy.

In the underworld that is struggling to survive, a situation like her is not a good way to transform demons, and managing one's emotions is a very important skill.

"However, fortunately, it is my brother, you have come to remind others, thank you very much~"

"Is the territory of Nabelius so dangerous?"

The young man touched his chin and asked curiously.

"As a family of the seventy-two pillars of the front sequence, didn't Nabelius' territory completely eliminate the beasts and monsters? This is quite surprising to me."

"It may be that the master's family didn't care too much about this matter, anyway, it is impossible for the monsters to rush into the town and castle of Nabelius."


"How could the little brother appear in the forest near the main house?"

Hei Ge tested Rope's identity with a chatty tone.

"Judging from the costume of the little brother, it shouldn't be an ordinary demon, right? He has never seen you in Nabelius's house. Oh! If it is a demon from another family who visits Nabelius's house, then forgive them magnanimously. Is it rude~ After all, it’s my brother, you suddenly appeared in front of others~"

"It's nothing, just wandered over occasionally."

"Wandering here occasionally..."

Hei Ge narrowed his eyes, then chuckled and saluted.

"Then the unknown brother, please take your time to enjoy the fun of strolling, others will not disturb you. I will definitely not meet again in the future. Finally, thank you brother again for your reminder~"

After speaking, the cat mandrill girl planned to leave here.

Although Hei Ge cannot judge the identity of the youth from just a few words, whether it is a noble demon from another family or a strange existence, it is the best choice not to be involved in the relationship when meet by the water.

"Miss, are you planning to go back like this?"


The black-haired young man pointed to Hei Ge and said with a smile.

"Isn't your injury light? If you miss the best treatment time and force yourself to hold on, it will be very troublesome even if you use magic to treat it."

Hei Ge's golden eyes widened. She didn't expect the youth to see at a glance the injuries caused by the fusion of immortality and magic.

To be honest, if this kind of injury hadn't been for the black song, he would have been familiar with the road a long time ago, and someone else would deal with it.

The arrogance of Xianshu that was used incorrectly is not something soft.

"Is my little brother good?"

Hei Ge turned around.

"Since you are such a knowledgeable and noble brother, people can't assume that they haven't seen you. As the servants of Nabelius Sovereign, they also have to be responsible for the master. If it is convenient, brother can tell me you Identity?"

"Don't be so wary of me, Miss Cat."

The young man sat on the floor, not caring that his precious clothes were stained with grass.

"Don't worry about who I am, just come and sit down and treat yourself. It's a stranger you met during a break. Someone chatting is always more comfortable than looking up at the sky by yourself, isn't it?"

"Brother, has anyone told you that the way to strike up a conversation is terrible? To make a demon believe in another unfamiliar demon in the underworld, isn't it a confession to make people commit suicide..."

Hei Ge stared at the black-haired youth with a smile.

But looking directly at the young man's blue pupils, the girl couldn't help but tremble in her heart.

Hei Ge hasn't seen such a look in his eyes for a long time without haze and contemptuous magnanimity.

Reminiscing that her injury was really not suitable for exercise and procrastination, and that she also had some sense of boredom that wanted to chat with strangers, Hei Ge finally closed her mouth and sat down on her knees not far from Rope.

The girl didn't realize how incredible what she did.

It's like the youth has a certain innate affinity that allows her to let go of her vigilance and defensive sense.

"Is the young lady a demon from Nabelius's house?"


"Look at your ears, it should be an acquired demon transformed from a cat demon, right?"

"Japanese cats are another family. It would not be surprising if the little brother hadn't heard of it. After all, it is not a big monster race."

"No, I know cats well."

"That's really fateful."

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