The two demons at the head are even more aware of the existence of Hei Ge.

The demon king named "Lucifer", Serjeks. The devil named "Leviathan", Seraphim.

Chapter 65: The Crisis of Black Songs, The Lies Exposed

After receiving Serapura's notice, Serjax looked a little anxious.

Since taking the name "Lucifer" and gaining the throne of the demon king, this gentle red-haired youth has rarely disturbed his mind because of external factors.

But if it has something to do with the devil god, it's another matter.

Although the demon **** has stayed where he is for hundreds of years, it doesn't mean that the demon kings have forgotten the terrible horror of this terrifying demon.

Serjax led the demon army from the new capital of the underworld all the way to the location of Serapura, and asked with a serious expression.

"Seraphlu, what is it that made Lord Rope so violent?"

He asked.

"Leave aside the Nabelius family, the Nebiros family is one of the "Lucifer Six". Gurefia, who serves by Lord Rope, is the current Grand Duke of one of the six houses of Lukefergus, except for the status of the named demon king. This..."

"You ask me, who shall I ask?"

Rarely, the girl put on a tailor-made female devil robe, and scratched her long hair without an image.

"I received an order from Lord Rope to relay that paragraph to you. No matter what the reason is, we must rush to get rid of the two pure-blood demons before the moon rises, or Serjeks, your little one. Life is not guaranteed."

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Seraphim.

With her relationship with Rope, even if she sits in the mansion and drinks tea, the demon **** will not blame it.

But considering the life of her colleagues and the reason why Rope was so angry, Seraphim still stood up and participated in this matter. If it gets more and more out of control, she can still intercede with Rope a little.

Floating in the sky, Serjeks sighed silently while looking at the territory of Nabelius in the distance at dusk.

Unexpectedly, now that peace has begun to bear fruit, he can still issue such orders...

Then, the red-haired demon raised his hand and gave the order.

"The whole team was divided into two teams and led by the highest-level demon. One team went to the territory of Nebiros for clearance, and the other team went to Nabelius' home with me. If one team encounters strong resistance in Nebiros, then For the time being delayed, Lord Leviathan and I even rushed to the scene to support."


The demons flapped their wings and quickly disappeared beside the two demon kings.

"Don't Ajka need to inform him?" Seraphim asked.

Serjeks shook his head.

"No need. If Lord Rope doesn't mean anything, I can deal with these two families alone. There are already two demon kings who have come forward and let Ajka out of the research institute, I am afraid the entire underworld will be in an uproar."

"Then you just move faster."

Seraphim looked at the darkening sky.

"The moon will rise soon..."

When Serjax, Serapura and others rushed to the residence of Nabelius Sovereign, the noise in the house did not escape the ears of the two demon kings.

"Master Devil, it seems something has happened to Nabelius's house, we..."

"Don't worry about those things."

Serjeks waved.

"The target is all the pure blood demons in the Nabelius family. Well, be careful, don't do anything to the demons that have been transformed..."


The subordinate demon flew down with the troops.

Serjax hesitated for a while, and asked Seraphim for advice.

"It doesn't matter if I let go of the newly transformed demon? On Lord Rope's order, as long as we remove the pure blood demon."

"Well, no problem."

Seraphim stared at Nabelius' mansion for a moment, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Rope's words are more credible than Jinshi, since he said so, Serjeks, you can do that. But..."

The girl's eyes were a little solemn.

"Serjax, I have to warn you, if you feel compassion for the pure-blooded demon of the Nabelius family because you are a demon king, if you try to quietly preserve a part of the fire, I might say it to you here. indefinite."

Seraphim has already put himself in Rope's position just like Gurefia.

Even if it was her friend in front of her, if he violated the order given by Rope himself, Seraphim would not be seen as missing.

The girl knew her own identity very well.

"……I understand."

Serjax sighed again.

A good demon is hard to do, especially a demon king who is a subordinate of a group of minds.

Serjax, who has the strength of a "transcender", is probably the most authentic and gentle demon in this underworld.

After a while, Ceraflu noticed the movement of the woods below.

A female demon who looked like a cat demon ran out, staring at the demon kings in the sky and the other demon soldiers who were in charge of guarding them.

"That direction and appearance...A demonic belonging to the Nabelius family?"

Seraphus waved her hand, and the two demon maids beside her immediately understood that the bat wings moved to the side of the cat demon with a shock, pressing her to the ground one left and one right.

Although he wouldn't do anything life-threatening to the reincarnated demon, it was related to the Nabelius family, and Seraphim couldn't just watch the cat demon run away like this.

No matter what, catch it first.

"Okay, it hurts!"

The cat demon who was caught by the two maid demon didn't struggle, her expression immediately changed from dull to weeping.

"I accidentally offended Lord Demon Lord, please go around me..."

"Stop it!"

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