"Fred, I asked you to take that girl to the altar in the suburbs. How dare you not listen to my orders? And what's the matter with the blood outside? I can't stand you anymore. The indiscriminate killing will disturb the city. The Dominator Demon in, if this continues, my evaluation of you will be even lower..."

Asia was a little panicked, but the black-haired young man raised her index finger and smiled at her.

"I said, Asia doesn't care about anything."

The nun suddenly became obedient and quiet.

Soon, a girl with long black hair walked through the front door of the church.

She wore everyday clothes and stared in surprise at what was happening in the church.

"Who are you? Where is Fred?"

Lina Li instantly entered a state of alert.

She was not the crazy fellow Fried.

Even if Lias' evaluation of her in the original book is "a woman with no brains", Lina Li is also the lower fallen angel anyway, and she has both the analysis of interests and the intuition of danger.

"Have you not seen Fred?"

Rope smiled gracefully.

"I remember he was out there. There was such a big pool of blood that no one would look away, right? Unless you don't have eyes, Miss."


Linali gritted her teeth, and instantly spread her jet black wings behind her back.

The power of the light in her hand began to condense, forming the shape of a spear.

"Although I don't know who you are, I will make you regret joining us!"

With that said, Lina Li threw the light gun towards Rope.

Fallen angels can use the power of light even if they fall. This is also the reason why they were able to occupy one of the three ethnic groups with the fewest members of the tribe in ancient times without being instantly annihilated.

But the power of light is not omnipotent.

In Linali's surprised gaze, the black-haired young man easily took the light gun she threw out almost with all his strength.

"The spear of light?"

Rope shook his head.

"Miss, the power of light is not used in this way. Thunder and light are twin brothers. Where there is light, there is naturally thunder. Combining the two can form the most basic destructive power. The light gun that your creator God strikes casually, but Have the power to evaporate a city."

A golden thunder and lightning appeared in the palm of the black-haired youth, giving the light blue light gun a layer of dusk, turning it into a sparkling sun gun.

Before Linali could tell what was going on, a blast of wind brushed her ears, cutting her cheeks and taking away a few strands of hair.

Then came the explosions resounding across the sky, and the storm roaring from behind.

Linali firmly grasped the door frame, tried to close her wings so that she would not be blown away, and then turned her head to look in the direction of the young thunder gun attack.

Then, her legs softened and she knelt down on the ground.

The mountain that was once clearly visible on the edge of the city was melted directly from the mountainside under the power of the black-haired young man's thunder gun, bursting in mid-air like a nuclear bomb, blowing away the clouds in the entire sky. The wind was violent and disorderly, and even shattered the glass of many tall buildings on the edge of the city.

The sudden burst of attack caused Asia to hide behind the desk of the church podium in fright, covering her ears.

"I haven't used this kind of straightforward attack for a long time, but I'm still so skilled. I'm so perfect."

Rope sighed.

"Exactly, right in the bullseye."

In the increasingly hearty laughter of the black-haired youth, the lower-level fallen angel Linali was strangling her throat as if death was strangling her, and her whole body began to tremble.

Unheard of, terrible attacks that only the gods were fortunate enough to be able to see in ancient times appeared here in the remote cities of the far east.

The fallen angel is already stupid.

Chapter 79: Frightened Fallen Angel Girl, Man in the Sunset

A mountain on the edge of the city evaporates out of thin air, bursting into the air with the effect of a nuclear bomb detonating.

If this fails to attract the attention of the citizens, I am afraid everyone in this city will have to go to the emergency department of the ENT department.

While the civilians were panicking and talking with the fire trucks and police cars, the demons of the Jimongli family and the Xidi family, the world leader in the city, dispatched at the same time.

Surrounded by magic that cuts out the line of sight, the demons soared in the sky with their bat wings spread.



Cang Na opened the magic barrier with one hand to block the roaring storm, and approached the red-haired girl.

"Lias, this phenomenon...well... don't you have a clue?"

"It's a headache. I was just preparing a painting for the poster in the class."

"This must be the ghost of the fallen angels." At Lias's side, Juno Himejima said affirmatively, "That is the "power of light"! In this world, only the heavenly angels and fallen angels can use the power. I'm too familiar with this power! "

"The fallen angel came to this city?"

Cang Na was a little surprised.

After all, fallen angels are not as active as demons and angels. The scarcity of numbers means that every fallen angel will have an important division of labor. "Fallen Angel Governor" Asasel has not allowed fallen angels to go out privately for hundreds of years.

"That's right. My family received news from the Fallen Angel a few days ago and is planning to deal with this matter tonight, so there is no time to talk to Cang Na."

As Lias said, her expression became gloomy.

"But...according to Kiba's judgment, it was only a few small trash fish that came. An attack of this intensity is almost equivalent to a blow by the senior cadres of the fallen angels left over from the war with all their strength. If Azazel does not intend to It is absolutely impossible to make a decision to let the fallen angel senior cadres use such a degree of power in the human world to start the war again with the heavens."


Cang Na waved his hand and gave orders to her family members.

"Yingsha, handle, and liuzi! The three of you go to the city to calm the riots of the residents, and allow the use of magic and artifacts! Lianye and Tao, you two go to the humans that you usually negotiate, and let them immediately prepare for the evacuation of the masses! "


The girls of Xidi's family nodded and said yes, and then flew away.

In the end, Sona's side was the same as Rias, and only Shinra Tsubaki who was the "Queen" remained.

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