Watching the whispers of the three people, Paul, who succeeded in throwing the pot to the bronze black cross, let out a long sigh of relief and leaned back on the chair to relax.

At this moment, the door of the meeting room was violently pushed open.

The eyes of Paul and the remaining three commanders were forcibly gathered together, staring at the rude person in front of them.

Surprisingly, it was a fairly familiar face.

"It's strange, Andre what are you doing here?" Paul asked suspiciously.

As an old friend of the sword king Salvatore Tony and his confidant great knight, Andre Rivera, who has the synonym of "Deacon of the King", basically will not leave Tony for half a step. Yes-in order to keep a close eye on him and not cause big trouble.

"Stop talking, give me the current location of the new king."

As if he had just crawled out of the soil, Andre was covered in dust, and the beating veins on his forehead were indicative of his anger.

"That **** Tony knocked me out and buried me in the ground, went to find a new king, and said why he was going to fight him!"


Paul heartily mourned the old man for a second before realizing the seriousness of the matter.

"You said Salvatore went to find King Rope!?"

"Yes." Andre said, brushing the dust from his hair. "I have to stop the **** Tony before the two of them meet, or else look at it."

Have you ever opened your mouth!

Paul glared dissatisfiedly at the leader of the Lily City, who also seemed to realize that his poisonous milk lowered his head in shame.

After seeing each other, Paul could only spread his hands and said to Andrea.

"Unfortunately, I don't know the whereabouts of the new king. They asked me about it just now."

"This is really..."

Not knowing how to describe it, the four people present sighed in unison.

A new storm appeared--

ps: Three shifts with illness...I'm going to die...

Chapter 39—Leisure Moments

After India defeated Vishma, Rope and Erica traveled to several countries to find the whereabouts of the **** of infidelity.

But unfortunately, the gods are not Chinese cabbage. You can find them by just looking for them. The last time I was in India was a pure fluke.

Anyway, in the past month, Rope has never encountered any clues related to the gods.

"This kind of weather is really inspiring..."

Lying on the seashore, on the constantly beating waves, Rope involuntarily absorbed the essence of the Mediterranean while staring at the hot sun in the sky in a daze.

——This is Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia, Italy.

Rope, who went in a big circle and found nothing, finally gave up the idea of ​​killing God temporarily, and settled here with Erica, planning for the coming of the two gods in the future.

With the rare leisure time, the beauties waiting on the side, and the luxurious accommodation and food, Luo Pei finally lived a life of fine clothes and food.

Just when he was thinking about sweetness and lamenting whether money is such a good thing, Erica has already brought an iced drink from the beach.

By the way, Erika already has the ability to walk through the water after Rope's protection.

"Wang, would you like a glass of red wine?"

Erica, wearing a white bikini, squatted down beside Rope and passed the metal plate with two glasses of cold red wine in her hand.

"This is Miss Zola's tribute to you. It would be a big loss if you don't taste it."

"Witch of Sardinia..."

Rope thought of that hot figure, but her age was a fascinating mature royal sister-Lukulazia Zola.

She can be regarded as the origin of the story of "God Killer". If it weren't for Godo's grandfather who took Prometheus' secret book from her, Kusanagi Godo wouldn't know where he was crawling.

I grabbed the glass and drank it all in one sip. In addition to the taste that makes me a little regrettable, the cold feeling is not bad.

"Well...I've been not good at drinking since before." Thinking of something, Rope looked at Erica who was drinking red wine jokingly.

"Miss Browntree, if I remember correctly, you should be a minor."

Erica was sixteen years old at the beginning of the plot. If you push forward one more year, it will be a fifteen-year-old big Lolita.

I really can't see it at all...Rope glanced at Erica's figure without leaving a trace, and expressed admiration for her development.

"What's the... hiccup... relationship~"

The blond girl hiccuped cutely, and she threw herself on Rope, splashing a series of splashes.

"Hey, don't press me."

"Hey hey~"

Pushing Erica away, Rope placed her steadily on the surface of the sea, using her power to temporarily stop the nearby waves, so that the lady knight could sleep peacefully.

"Don't drink a glass... and try to get red wine."

The calm of the waves also took away the constant noise here. The beach was also covered by Erica. There were not many tourists. In this quiet environment, Rope could only put his hands on his knees and was in a daze. Looking at the sea level, I didn't know what I should do for a while.

Therefore, he can only turn to a good partner who is inseparable from him.

"Acelia, come up with an idea."

Rope said sadly. "I understand a little bit why those rich second generations are looking for excitement. It is really boring to live without being busy for a career and without a goal."

‘You guys are really toiling. ’

The girl voice's system said accusingly. ‘It’s only a few days, and you’re complaining about being bored. ’

"No way, I'm no longer a human being." Looking at his white palm, Luo Pei clearly knew how much power he had now.

"Nafaris are a race born to fight, and godslayers are also given the title of Son of the Fool. Without fighting, it's like depriving the meaning of existence in the bloodline. It makes people feel calm."

Seeking quiet when fighting intensely, but wanting to fight when quiet, this is also the inherent complexity of human consciousness.

‘Do something to kill the time? ’

Acelia pointed out a clear way to Rope.

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