Basically, in the eyes of Europeans, except for Catholics, Prometheus' status is the same as that of Chinese Nuwa Empress, symbolizing the birth of human civilization.

-An absolutely powerful god.

If he can be summoned and killed, Rope can completely predict how powerful it will be.

However, these are slowly being studied in the future, and the things to be done right now are no simpler than defeating Prometheus...

Luo Pei looked vaguely, watching the alley next to him and got into it.

Scattered in this town are five incarnations of "boys", "white horses", "wild boars", "strong winds" and "warriors holding golden swords". Among them, "strong winds", "warriors holding golden swords" and "young" That is to say, only "wild boars" and "white horses" are left out.

The "goat", "phoenix", "banteng", "camel" and "male sheep" have no obvious hints in the original works. By the time Veleslana and Mekar met, he had already collected all of them, so let’s assume that they are here. Somewhere outside the town.

Gradually moving away from the noisy crowds, Ropey laughed while watching the slate in his hand.

"Stealing "White Horse"... "White Horse" is equal to the fire of the sun... Oh, the original author really buried an egg here. "

After Kusanagi Godo obtained the "Prometheus Cheats", he stole the power of the "White Horse", and then was targeted by Velesrana and was involved in the disaster of fighting against the gods. Similarly, in Greek mythology, Prometheus himself stole the flames from the sun carriage, was discovered by Apollo, and received catastrophic punishment.

If you don’t explain it this way, why didn’t Kusanagi Godo steal the "wild boar" but the "white horse" that symbolized the sun?

——It can only be attributed to the author's ulterior motive arrangement.

"Sure enough, you are here..."

Stopped, Luo Pei looked at the beast of the gods in front of him.

The pure white hair exudes a shimmer, the strong and beautiful body, every movement seems to be singing the miracle of life, the heat of the flame.

The beast representing the sun, one of the strongest incarnations of Velesrana-"White Horse".

"Such a huge divine power, doesn't it conceal one's own existence at all?"

When he walked near here, the dazzling light in his perception almost overwhelmed Rope, and he took it for granted that he immediately determined the location of his incarnation.

"White Horse" saw Luo Pei who was close at hand, and couldn't help but began to shave his hoof anxiously.

As the incarnation of the **** of disobedience, it has already sensed the smell of rope's deadly enemy. Not only the "Godkiller", but also the dampness of the "ocean."

Both, as the sun's beast, I don't like it.

And his displeasure was also perceived by Rope in a physical form.

The first is temperature.

In this gloomy alley, the temperature, which was originally at an average temperature, rose sharply, and soon exceeded the limit that normal people can tolerate, reaching a level sufficient to make wood burn.

However, this does not matter to Rope, who has a "body of steel."

"It is worthy of being the incarnation of the "God of Victory". Even in this situation, he must challenge his mortal enemy. "

Rope admired the will of the beast.

However, he did not choose to do it. Killing the "White Horse" here will not only not gain power, but he may lose the power of the imperial ambassador when he officially kills Veleslana. This is not what Rope wants to see. .

Facing the "white horse" that had already burned the "sun fire" all over, Rope raised the slate in his hand.

Under his urging, a gloomy wave of divine power radiated from it, like an electrocardiogram, sometimes steady and sometimes high.

"Prometheus Cheats" boarding is the power of Prometheus as the "God of Theft".

Not only the "white horse" of the sun, but even the divine power of the local land **** can be stolen and used perfectly.

——The holder of the year, Lukurazia, calmed down Kusunagod’s grandfather about forty years ago. The curse incident happened when Kusunai Ichiro and the others went on a trip to Noto, which was stolen using the "Prometheus Cheats" The supernatural power of the local land god.

Under the supernatural power of "theft", the white horse seemed to have drunk fake wine, walking crookedly with its four hooves, unable to maintain the flames on its body, and walked towards Rope.

"Very good, good boy, just sleep in the slate and turn it into strength for me to use."

When the "White Horse" approached a sufficient distance, the magic book of Shindai spit out a cyan flame.

Qing Yan wrapped all the strong giants of "White Horse" and successfully swallowed them. It burned for ten seconds and disappeared immediately.

As a result, the cyan flame and the "white horse" completely disappeared from the alley within 30 seconds.

Then came the feeling of scorching heat.

It was not an adjective, but the "Prometheus Cheats" was really like a piece of red iron, burning Rope's palm into blue smoke.

I'm afraid it is unwilling to be restrained, the "White Horse" will finally resist.

It is a pity that such a little final struggle was immediately suppressed by Rope.

"——I will only sleep peacefully under the death of my choice! Here, I refuse any form of harm, and all forces that intend to harm me will be isolated by an oath and cannot invade!"

The spirit of Vishma refused to burn, and the power of the "steel" locked the slate firmly, causing the last flame of the "white horse" to go out.

After the temperature dropped, Luo Pei put the slate back into his chest with satisfaction, ready to leave.

But when he turned around, a handsome black-haired boy in an ancient robe stopped in front of him.

"I didn't expect to meet our mortal enemy, the son of the dark fool, under such circumstances."

-"The God of the East" Velesrana!

Chapter 54 The Promise with the God of Victory

As the "God of Victory" and "God of War" in Persian mythology, Veleslana, also known as Bahram, is not only a symbol of royal power and heroes, but also the savior of mankind.

It is rumored that he defeated and bound the three-headed dragon Dahaka that endangered the world. He was a powerful **** worshipped by the Aryans of Iran during the Zoroastrian period and was known for his impermanent posture.

In the third volume of "Avista", Ashit, Chapter 14 "Bahram Asht", describes the method of Bahram's ten incarnations in praising and worshiping him. The description of the ten incarnations in the book:

1. A burst of wind that brings aura, strength, and resourcefulness.

2. A sturdy bull with golden horns.

3. A white horse with golden ears and a golden bridle.

Four, a fierce male camel that can bear hardships and stand hard work, run fast, and swear.

5. A ferocious and aggressive male boar with sharp teeth and claws.

6. A handsome fifteen-year-old boy with a radiant face, brilliant eyes and stubby legs.

7. A vigorous phoenix (eagle) with the highest flying speed.

8. A plump ovine with curved horns.

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