A feeling of dedicating oneself to a lofty cause spontaneously arises from the depths of my heart.

"Mr. Cronney..."

The young man in charge of starting the wake-up work poked Bell, and the white-haired boy woke up like a dream.

"Do you... have anything you want to say?"

Bell was silent for a moment, and finally walked to the front desk, looked at the person who was a farmer and peasant woman before the stage, and said in a calm voice.

"I have said more than once that I believe in the **** of miracles. It was he who enlightened me when I was most naive and gave me the goals and aspirations to truly fight for. It is also that he will come from another world miraculously Entrusted to me with his thoughts, so that I can lead you to see the truth of the unfairness of this world."

Bell took a deep breath.

"It's the same at the moment, that adult always gives me what I need most like a father-means."

"Mr. Cronney, have you made a decision?"

The people in the audience were a bit agitated. They had cultivated for too long and needed a shot in the heart urgently.

"Ideas have no weight, but they can shake mountains. Ideas have no rights, but they can command thousands of orders. Ideas have no power, but they can destroy the kingdom. Before everything exists, ideas must exist first." Bell said: "I The previous choice was a bit wrong. We should not gather together like this, we should disintegrate into parts and guide the idea that can support our dreams, and plant the seeds of that idea in more people's hearts."

"But, what do we need to do?"

Bell also knew that it would be very difficult for these people who might not have received several times of education in their life to understand his words, but the God of Miracles had put the explanation he needed most before him.

The white-haired boy stepped aside, showing the white mask with a smile behind him.

"Method, haven't we seen it just now?"

There was an uproar at the scene, and the old man stood up tremblingly.

"Mr. Cronney, I support your statement very much. But in this case, I am afraid our situation will become very dangerous by then..."

"It won't be worse than it is now, is it?"

Bell Cronney turned his back, looked at the white mask and continued.

"Whether to be a coward for a lifetime, or a true hero of the people, I made a choice while standing in front of Euler's Gate in the center of the world, and now it's up to you, my friends."

It's not just the kingdom of Bell Cronney.

A single spark is starting a prairie fire.

However, these are not things that Rope, who is far away from Eulerie, knows or cares about.

At this moment, he is walking on the road of Daedalus under the bright moonlight, heading to the residence of the moon goddess Artemis in Euler.

After walking for a while, the black-haired young man looked up and saw that the mansion no less brilliant than Villa Ropey stood in the courtyard. The clever design was obviously made by famous artists, allowing the moonlight in the sky to be refracted on the walls of the mansion. A holy gesture.

It seems that Artemis is not simply living a wandering life, the money accumulated by the family for a long time is completely enough for her to live well in Eulerie.

This taste of architectural objects is also very suitable for the identity of the goddess of chastity.

After knocking on the door, there was no need to inform them, and the girls from the Artemis family enthusiastically invited Rope in. After all, the **** of miracles is strictly speaking their benefactors, and since Artemis began to relax and not prohibit love, the girls are quite curious and longing for this extraordinary **** of miracles.

Artemis, who was still in a uniform, abandoned those useless reservations after seeing Rope, and trot to the black-haired youth with joy.

"Rope, how come you come here suddenly?"

"I wanted to come and see you, so I came here."

Rope smiled and took the Moon God's hand, and Artemis blushed and did not resist.

The girls of the family members who peeped outside the door quickly stared out—they had never seen this picture of their own goddess.

It is one thing to know that there is an unclear relationship between Artemis and Rope, it is another to see it with your own eyes.

The family of Artemis suddenly thought that, coupled with the public love affair between Rope and Hestia, wouldn't it be that two of the three famous goddesses have fallen?

An alternative sense of respect for the **** of miracles spontaneously emerged in the hearts of the girls.

Chapter 97 The Open Truth

After the excitement of meeting again, Rope released Artemis' hand appropriately.

"Where are Hestia and the others? I heard that they have come to you since the morning. They have not caused you trouble, Artemis."

"No." Artemis said with a smile: "Hestia and the others are in my room on the third floor. They seem to like my environment very much. I also propose to let them stay for one night and give them a treat. After all, I Hestia and Hestia are rare friends in the heavens."

"It's because your character can be said to be the same as that house goddess."

"Compared to other gods who have to make trouble all day long, Hestia is a very good friend."

Artemis beckoned outside the door, apparently sending her family members peeping from the very beginning.

The girls opened the door a little embarrassedly and came in.

"You go and prepare the food and wine for the banquet. I plan to entertain Rope and Hestia here in a while."

"Yes, Master Artemis."

The girls of the family members left happily.

Regardless of the reason, it is not always possible to be able to enjoy the banquet, especially the light of the lord god, and the miracle **** who brought them back from the underworld, which added to the excitement of the girls.

Seeing his family leave behind, Artemis shook his head with a smile.

"The kids love you very much, Rope."

"I care more about your smiling face than them, and that's why I raised them from the underworld."

Luo Pei smiled slightly.

"Listening to you, you originally didn't plan to hold a banquet for Hestia. Strictly speaking, did they enjoy my treatment incidentally?"

The black-haired young man thought that this joke would make the Moon God shy and shook his head, but Artemis confessed it openly.

"Yes. Even the gods are partial to the person they like."

"...You haven't eaten anything weird recently, have you?"

Rope stared at the calm and generous Artemis weirdly.

The goddess of the moon in a uniform covered her mouth and chuckled.

"You can't always indulge in the shame of the past? With enough time and figured out, I think this change shouldn't surprise you."

When we met last time, Artemis always used "longing" and "respect" to make excuses for himself. As a result, the Moon Goddess found that these excuses couldn't convince herself at all, so she looked at her inner state squarely in the end.

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