In the man-made labyrinth, Barga, the head of the family of Tanathos, was smoking a pipe, using the reinstalled prosthesis to look at the book of curses passed down from generation to generation.

Beside, "Reaper" Tanatos watched coldly.

"I ask you again, have you really made a decision?" Reaper asked.

"I can tell you very seriously that the power of the God of Miracles is not what you can imagine. If you continue to be detrimental to his servant heretics, I am afraid that in the end, you will end up worse than death."

"I really can say, Tanatos-sama, I really need money..."

"Don't interrupt me, Barga, it's a matter of life!"

Hearing this, Barga was silent for a while, then laughed out loud.

"What can I do if I am bound by the curse? If we don't catch those monsters, we simply don't have the funds to continue building artificial mazes. Now if we want to change careers and do other things to make money, it's too late. We can only make mistakes like this. Go down."

"People who play with fire are mostly burnt to death in the end."

"I know that the curse is not bad at the end of my generation."

Barga looked up, looking up at the man-made metal labyrinth.

"After all, my stupid ancestor still failed to fulfill his wish... At least letting his last descendants go vigorously, it can be regarded as adding a glorious resume to my adventurer's career. When people mention me in the future, it is always true. Can say "that stupid Barga". "

Tanathos stared at Varga for a while, then laughed slowly, finally very loudly.

"Because of you..."

He is holding his belly.

"I'm so obsessed with the lower realms!"

"Would you like to go?" Barga asked.

Tanatos said of course.

"I don't intend to return to the heavens like this. I can only distinguish between you who have gone mad. I hope that the benevolent God of Miracles will be able to see the details. This matter has nothing to do with me."

"I think it's very upset, you should have tasted your own bad results over the years, Tanatos."

"Before that, let me have a little hope."

The **** of death completely left his family.

Barga continued to flip through his book of curses, only to slowly utter a word after a long while.

"An unreasonable destiny... utterly stupid."

Chapter 103 The Dragon Girl, Vini, The Dawn of the Sword Fairy Sacred Tan

After passing through the tunnel, Ace found herself on a completely unfamiliar floor.

As a high-level adventurer, all levels of the maze must be memorized. An unfamiliar environment appears in front of her. The only possibility is that she has strayed into the "unexplored field."

The labyrinth is by no means a straight up and down building. Countless adventurers have spent many years unable to get a complete picture. It is normal for the familiar class to hide "unexplored areas".

But in the end, it was only the middle class. With her "LV.7" plus the super-specification of the war supernatural power, Ai Si didn't care too much about entering a strange area. Instead, she put her sword away and carefully searched for the heresy of the dragon species. trace.

She belongs to her teacher, just as her teacher belongs to her, the two are no longer separated from each other. Therefore, Rope's expectation is Aisi's responsibility. She has the need to take the newborn heresy out of the maze and let the dragon-kind heresy stay with her race.

After walking for a long time and entering a darker area, Ess's keen sight saw a heretical girl who was hiding behind a rock and poking out her head, carefully looking at her.

A gentle smile appeared on Ai Si's face, and she raised her hands to indicate that she was not malicious.

"You, can you understand me?"

The blonde girl asked, getting closer to the dragonkind girl little by little.

"I know you are scared now, but please don't worry. I am different from the people who chased you just now. I am here to protect you. There are many people like you on the ground, and I am their friend."

Aisi did not use "monster" as a name for heresy, but used a clearer "person".

It seems that Ai Si's natural intimacy is exerting its effect, and the Dragon Seed girl cautiously watched for a while, and slowly walked out from behind the rock.

"They, hit, it hurts..." The dragon seed girl had tears in her eyes: "Don't, hurt me... didn't do bad things..."

"No one will hurt you anymore."

Aisi stood in a relatively safe position and stretched out her hand to that Weiville.

"The bad guy has been driven away, and you are safe now. Come to my side, you have been injured, and I have elixir here to treat your injuries."

The dragon seed girl nodded and approached Ai Si.

When Jian Ji grabbed her wrist, the dragon girl's body trembled, as if instinctively afraid of the group called adventurers.

"Sorry, those bad guys left you a bad impression... Everything is fine."

Aisi unscrewed the bottle of the elixir, and sprinkled the magical healing potion on the bruised arm of the dragon girl.

She pursed her mouth in pain, but she seemed to understand that Ai Si was helping her by doing this, and she didn't shout, and she seemed very strong.

"Are you born recently?" Ai Si asked.

The dragon girl tilted her head, and she didn't seem to understand the meaning of "birth".

Aisi changed her questioning method.

"Did you wake up during this time?"

"Wake up, the monsters attack, run away, and then meet them..."

Speaking is a bit intermittent, which is difficult for ordinary people to understand. But only a little bit of interpretation, Ai Si understood everything that the girl had experienced before her.

The mother of the wayward maze was born suddenly, then was attacked by monsters, and was stared at by the dark faction when he escaped. If it hadn’t happened to meet her and Lyon, I’m afraid this heresy girl would end up badly.

"Haven't you met other companions?"

Ai Si asked again.

"It's someone who has the same identity as you."

"No, only me."


Ai Si watched the Dragon Seed girl recover from her injury, and said with a smile.

"Let's leave here first. The specific details will be explained to you by your friends on the ground."

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