Immediately, an inexplicable sense of throbbing continued to emerge from his chest.

He seemed to have absorbed something.

When Rope took a closer look, he found that the linguistics of the "Cthulhu God Group" that should have belonged to the projection-like group of Hakatai, because his arrival as the source had all spontaneously converged to a point.

Is it just that?

No, it's not right!

The black-haired young man frowned, his index finger pointed at his temple, and endless black energy emerged from his body.

The darkness is "unknown" and the darkness is "fear".

Everything is decided when the intellect is first given to life.

"The oldest and strongest human emotion is fear, and the oldest and strongest fear is the fear of the unknown."

"How far away is the universe is ancient, mysterious and vast, and the total knowledge of human civilization is not even as small as a drop in the ocean. The real universe and the ancient creations in it are much older than human beings and were once the real masters of the universe. They are anti-ethical and perverse common sense." Even anti-logical, their true side is absolutely incomprehensible for people."

"The history, glory, myths, and achievements of mankind are not worth mentioning in the face of the vast unknown and the vast expanse of deep space."

The central theme of Cthulhu mythology flows through my heart.

Rope naturally understood the last one, and the most important identity imposed on him.

-This is a trial, which belongs to the last trial of mankind.

-Failure to cross will bring absolute destruction and end human history in pain.

-Even Shura gods and Buddhas are afraid of the truth about the oldest demon king who wants to escape.

The final trial of mankind (LastEmbryo).

And Rope's trial identity is based entirely on the world view of Cthulhu's mythology, coupled with his own noble personality from the three thousand worlds of Hakata, thus blooming and fruiting "human uselessness."

If it's wrong, find a more definite name.

That is "the final trial of mankind. Vientiane Useless (Vientiane Useless.

Denying the glory of mankind based on the infinity of the objective multiverse world view, denying the importance of mankind in the universe.

The **** and Buddha Shura, who depends on the history of mankind, will be permanently reduced to a weak and weak human being; the existence of legends such as phantom beasts, divine beasts, and fantasy species will be instantly denied, leaving only the truth of the objective universe; even if it has nothing to do with human history The sublime protoss will also be partly sealed by the "multiverse worldview."

Because of the stars, it is also not enough for the multiverse.

"This really gives me an amazing identity..."

Luo Pei sighed helplessly, and contained the dark "unknown" around him.

Even the light of those dazzling spiritual figures became ordinary.

"...Does the demon king who downgrades and denies human history want me to destroy this world without leaving any room for it? Unfortunately, my pre-determined policy in this world is not like this."

‘Ape is not going to carry out the act of being the final test of mankind in this three thousand world? ’

Acelia asked.

Rope shook his head.

"Once my trial begins, it will not be something that the Gods and Buddhas of the Hakata are able to do easily. I am not neurotic. I just came to the Hakata and didn’t find any fun, so I pulled everyone onto my chessboard...No Sorry, I have passed the age of a "problem child" a long time ago. "

‘Well, the personality of this world is very high anyway, it’s up to you. If Ape wants to, your current strength will be close to the minimum level of coronation. ’

"I want to do it, of course I must do my best."

There is no word "inferior" in Rope's dictionary.

The top of the seat that truly belongs to the multiverse can only sit with himself.

"But that being said, even the "simulated star creation map" that belongs to my cosmology is being generated in my soul. If I don't do something that the "devil" should do, I would be too ashamed of my identity... "

Rope scratched his cheek and finally made a decision.

"Then first meet all the upper Asura gods and Buddhas in the box garden at this moment."

The gods will also be afraid of fighting with a thought.

This is Luo Pei's courage, and it is also the attitude that a noble demon should have!

Hiding the elements of the "ultimate trial of mankind", the black-haired young man appeared behind the head of the sacred and filthy divine light wheel of time, walking into the box court on the ripples of the void.

Passing through the curtain, the world axis came into view.

Then there is the infinite strange sky and stars scene.

The sun, moon and star are in the sky at the same time, regardless of day and night. The stellar land in the box garden exudes the light of misty air and spirituality of gods and Buddhas everywhere.

The original appearance of the gifted game is taking shape, and the sponsor authority of Link Box Court is still being constructed.

The lower species are surviving amidst difficulties, the final trials of mankind are sprouting, and the strongest primordial protoss conquer the gods and Buddhas of the heavens.

Here is the dawn of Hakata.

Chapter 2 "World Dragon" Kulimo

The sight of the sun, moon, and stars appearing in the sky at the same time is not unfavourable. Each star has a strong sense of sovereignty, declaring that they have a master and a celestial spirit to drive them.

In the sky where the upper layer of the box court was 100,000 meters above the ground, Luo Pei sat on a dark cloud shining with thunder and looked at the ground below with relish.

The high elves ran and jumped with the phantom beasts, various gods shining, and the distant mountains still faintly saw the pure blood of a dragon lying prone, each with extraordinary power.

The gift game has not yet been fully confirmed, this is the most savage paradise for gods and Buddhas.

Lopey's location, calculated according to the distance from the world axis, should belong to the "three-digit" earth. Originally, with his swelling spiritual figure at this moment, the "double-digit" full power domain can also be obtained, but even the "double-digit" of later generations will only be as many as seventeen. It is meaningless to go to that empty place. action.

On the other hand, in the three-digit place, most of the gods are lined up, directly linked to the "four-digit" and "five-digit" areas. The main gods also settled here, which is exactly the place where Luo Pei's heart is looking forward to at dawn.

The eyes of the gods observed the subtleties of autumn, and within a short while, Rope saw an interesting scene.

Approximately to the southwest, a sky pillar stands there. Within the scope shrouded by the pillars, time accelerates to flow, forming the principle of reincarnation of era replacement.

The oldest Sanskrit script on the pillars is inscribed with the cosmos view of the gods.

Under the control of the black-haired youth, the space narrowed in an instant, and it came to the bottom of the pillar in an instant.

From a closer look, the magnificence of the pillars is no less than the world axis of the center of the box garden. The faintly radiating aura and the waves of the times that constantly entangled him made Rope sure that this pillar, or something similar to that pillar, was a certain demon of the "kind" to him.

In the conventional sense, the demon kings recognized by Hakata are divided into two types.

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