"Sleep first, absolutely evil." Luo Pei smiled: "Wait until two thousand years of human history, it will be time for you to act in a new identity. I will be waiting for you at that time."

The devil dragon didn't speak, it just stared deeply at the black-haired young man, the demon king who was also the final test of mankind.

Until the end of the body disappearing and the seal, its sight did not take away from Rope.

Chapter 14 The invitation of Emperor Shitian, the first seat of the good god

After sealing the "Absolute Evil" Az Dakaha, the 12-day protector of the gods invited Luo Pei to go to the palace of the Emperor Shitian to start a celebration banquet.

It is indeed a happy victory worthy of twelve days of protecting the law.

None of the demon kings finally tried by humans is a fuel-efficient lamp. In a strict sense, it is difficult to comment on the “digits” that Hakata’s customary "digits". The number of gods and Buddhas are bound, unable to fully perform.

Az Dakaha's "absolute evil" is a typical example of this.

So being able to seal before the three dragon demons is fully formed is a very good thing for both the Tianbe and the general public in Hakata.

Di Shitian’s palace is located in the three-digit "Lingshan" of the box garden. As a symbol of Indra's belonging to the "Buddha", one left and one right echoes with Brahma's shrine, guarding the leader of Buddhism as a guardian. location.

The palace is extremely luxurious, with precious jade paving, and golden rain bursts.

Although Di Shitian belonged to Buddhism, he was still a demon king and **** king before. He didn't suffer and cultivate as an ordinary Buddha. Basically, he had five poisons for pleasure, to the point where his colleagues called him "useless chai."

Of course, this is just a small matter of personal habit.

In the hall, the maids served wine to the eleven main gods and one demon king present. Behind the curtain, there is a sound of heaven, which decorates the place with elegance.

Di Shitian leaned back on the chair in an imageless manner, and raised his glass to Luo Pei.

"Thank you for your previous help. If you hadn't helped me with that attack, I would have suffered great trauma even if I didn't die."

"Falling to the sky as a human" is basically a double-edged sword, with both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that it can bypass the restraint effect of the final human trial on the gods and Buddhas.

"It's just a matter of effort."

Rope drank the golden wine in one glass.

"I still have arrangements for Az Dakaha. I will definitely go to war with him in the distant future. There is nothing to help you once."

"The Demon King who devours the Demon King?" Di Shitian smiled bitterly: "The time you added "The Bull of the Sky", you reminded me of the "Wind of Decadence". "

"I am different from the realization of that kind of rule."

"I understand, so we can sit here and drink peacefully now."

"From the beginning of the "Solar Sovereignty War" to the present, this is the first time in these years that I sat down and drank with the demon king who was finally tried by mankind. "

The earthly Phoritivi. Mata smiled.

"The world is really making fun of people. I heard that Surya almost peeed his pants when he saw you."


Suriyah, who was shining with divine light, was choked by the drink.

Before it happened every day, Marta immediately added.

"It's just a description."

"...If it weren't for my familiarity with your temperament, you are really easy to get beaten like this, Marta."

"Who can beat me?" Politvi Marta said nonchalantly: "I have been a protector for twelve days, and I can't speak without taboos, so what else can this protector **** do?"

"Are you being a "twelve-day guardian of the law" just to harm your colleagues? "

"if not?"

"alright, alright."

Ye Motian stood up as a peacemaker.

"His Excellency Rope is our guest at the moment, you should pay a little attention to your own image."

"Don't care about me, you are free."

Luo Pei continued to pour himself a glass of golden wine, and his eyes scanned this Buddhist palace.

"Di Shitian, if I remember correctly, before you change your mind and become a good god, you should be in the most direct hostility with Buddhism, right?"

"Yes." Di Shitian nodded: "At the beginning, I and Buddhism fought in the Temple of the Moon. It was that battle that made me lose my favorite person. With her self-sacrifice, I can sit today." Di Shitian in the position of "Twelve Heavens". "

"A self-sacrificing "Moon Rabbit"..."

Rope shook his head.

"This is not what I want to ask. I want to know, why did you choose Buddhism? Do you really have no grudge against Buddhism?"

"If there is no resentment, it must be bullshit."

Di Shitian was holding the wine glass and looking up at the top of the palace.

"It's just... I have been thinking about it over the years, and I feel that in the final analysis it is the mistakes I made. Buddhism has just fulfilled the idea of ​​its existence. The result of mishaps makes everything the best memory of the past. There is no reason. Dhara, only Di Shitian is the answer sheet I handed over to this world event."

In Hakata, it is not so much the deity's actions that transform into the spiritual figure, but the spiritual figure influences the god's concept of life.

The scene was a little quiet, Di Shitian smiled as he reacted, and said with a glass of wine.

"I'm a little addicted in it, I'm sorry." He turned his head and looked around: "Speaking of which, why are there only eleven of us? What about Pishamenten?"

"Bishamon has gone to find someone who has given the godhead."

Hearing that Vientiane was useless, Brahma, who had been secretly looking at Luo Pei, responded.

"It seems to be called Uesugi Kenshin? The outside world is rumored to be the girl who is the incarnation of Vishamonten. Probably soon, that girl will come to Hakata with the godhead of "Bishamonten" and will rejoin the guardian for twelve days. "

"It's no wonder that I didn't see Bishamontian during the conquest of Az Dakaha." Yuetian frowned slightly: "I didn't even notify us in advance of such a big thing."

"It may be that Bishamon knows that we are about to face "absolute evil", so he doesn't want to cause inexplicable trouble. "

After all the chattering was over, Suliye got up and said.

"Your Excellency Rope, regarding what I promised you before, I will tell you the location of the White Night Demon in detail at this moment."

"Don't be so urgent, it's never too late to talk after the banquet is over."

Rope waved his hand.

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