"This is the godhead of the "Yasha". From now on, the White Night King will travel freely between the upper and lower levels in the name of Buddhism, and will no longer be bound by rules. In addition, as your collaborator, I will recognize the correctness of all your actions except for destroying the box court and launching trials from a Buddhist standpoint. "

Hearing this, Rope laughed out loud.

"Do you really know what you are talking about? Sakyamuni? You have to admit what I have done from the standpoint of Buddhism and the correctness of the final trial of mankind. While full of sincerity, the Buddha's compassionate heart is crying? ."

"I just believe in your correctness as a consultant for the "Twelve Days of Law Protector". "Sakyamuni said: "And I also want to use this matter to repair the rift with you. "

To put it bluntly, the half-star spirits of the earth are indeed important, but the more important thing of Buddhism is that they want to find Rope himself for the reason of the Seven Heavenly Sage.

If you can't beat it, you will become one of them or an alliance. Facing the final trial of this extremely terrifying human being, Sakyamuni made his own decision.

"very interesting."

Rope took over the godhead of "Yasha".

"Although I don't think my actions need to be borne by you weak people, if you say this, Sakyamuni, then I will accept your kindness. It's just that, maybe there is my action, maybe things won't Develop as you expect."

"Please feel free. All I need is the fact that the half-spirit of the earth is attached to Buddhism. As for the final question of whether the half-spirit will stay or leave, the right to decide is yours."


The evil forces reached a consensus once again.

Chapter 25 "Seven Heavenly Sage" and "Heavenly Court"

I don't know when it happened.

The seven congenial brothers and sisters drank the wine of Yijie Jinlan and became brothers and sisters.

Among them, there are half-hearted earth stars, monsters that drive gods, princesses who run away from the group of gods, and big monsters from the far east...

It sounds like it is impossible to have a few people at the same time, but just like this, the seven flags symbolizing their respective flags are flying above the blue sky, becoming one of the best alliances in the garden.

At the beginning of the grievance with the heavenly court, the Monkey King, who was a half-star spirit of the earth, committed the crime of disturbing the heavenly court and was arrested by the heavens in the heavenly court.

Of course, the remaining six demon kings could not agree with the end of the brotherhood. They tried hard and exhausted their force, and they did not know how many methods they used to rescue the Great Sage Qitian from the heaven.

However, this is just the beginning.

From the indifferent mouth of Lord Taishan Mansion, the demon kings knew the facts.

It turns out that all this is no more than a guise. The so-called crime of "disturbing the court of the Emperor of Heaven" is just the crime of the gods' desire to capture the half-star spirits of the earth.

The heavenly gods admitted that the Monkey King was the "weapons of kings" bred by the stars, but they felt that those who were born under the rule of the heavenly emperor with such brilliance, those who wanted to take advantage of the flattery would definitely appear. Before the earth half-spirit grows up and joins forces that hate the emperor of heaven, it can be regarded as the correct way to guard the order.

How absurd.

Who is born with sin karma? Who is born to be condemned to extreme evil?

The six demon kings sneered at this unreasonable judgment from the bottom of their hearts.

So, they made a decision that could be called stupid.

"Mr. Taishan Mansion! This is the Great Sage of Qitian! If you have any dissent, please come out! Our Seventh Heavenly Sage has taken this fight!"

At that time, the king with the symbol of bull roared like this.

No demon king raised an objection, nor did any demon king flinch.

Guiding the inhumane to continuously gather attacks like a small bonfire, they did not hesitate to take in for their own fetters.

At that moment, Qi Tian was branded as seven demon kings.

In order to prove the correctness of the righteous brother; in order to fulfill the oath of a cup that is stronger than blood; in order to trample on her life, it is a verdict that was born "evil".

The enemy is so powerful, so powerful that even in the upper level of the box court where the Shura gods and Buddhas gather, it still occupies a terrible power and position.

The heaven where all the stars and priests are, the Taoism that is disconnected from the heaven, the Buddhism that entered the merged period...

But whether it's destined to be destroyed, it doesn't matter if you fall into **** steadfastly.

The seven demon kings still firmly believe that the connected hands and fetters are eternal and unchanging, and they can give everything for this.


Four-digit number, inside the outer gate, the temporary base camp of the "Seven Heavenly Sage" is located here.

Surrounded by inhumans gathered, the grass and wood spirits who were inspired by the seven demon kings spontaneously formed a legion and belonged to the rule of the seven demon kings.

They may not be strong, but their rebellious attitude is obvious.

Even in the face of the crushing power, he can still laugh out loud.

Inside the Cang Cave, the seven demon kings were sitting one after the other, and the emergency meeting before the war began.

"Sorry, let you be like this for me..."

The girl who spoke first had long hair like an ear of rice.

She is petite, and her appearance is about 13 or 14 years old, but anyone who sees the girl's eyes once will not be deceived by her appearance.

That is the pupil of starlight without a doubt.

The half-star spirit of the earth, the Monkey King.

"If I hadn't been tempted to run to the site of Emperor Niaotian, everyone would not end up with the current result."

"Sister Monkey, don't say that."

"The Great Sage of the Sea Covering" said the Flood Demon King.

"Heavenly Court arrested you and executed you for that reason. If we could still ignore it, wouldn't it be ashamed of the "Seven Heavens"? "

"Yeah, anyway, I couldn't get used to those guys a long time ago. It's okay to be able to fight with real swords and guns now." The macaque king, who slammed the wine jar, said with a smile.

"Now it's done, saying that these have no effect."

The most stable person present took the topic again.

The tall and straight figure, the moist black hair, and the horns rising above his head all show his identity-the "Pingtian Great Sage" Bull Demon King.

"The enemy we have to deal with is mainly Heaven. Taoism and Buddhism should wait and see for a while before the war begins. This is our opportunity. As long as we can repel the forces of Heaven, we will be able to regain the initiative."

"The one who has been dispatched is Taishan Mansion and Tai Sui Xing Jun, and Taishan Mansion will leave it to me to deal with! Watch me smash his crown to pieces!"

"The Great Sage of the Mountain", the lion camel king slapped his chest with a loud sound.

"Don't despise your opponent."

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