But...but...that hot burning star, the leader of the flame vampire...the Ability God named "Ketugya"...that is, it is not wrong!

Michael's sacred posture was twisting, appearing as an angel with wings on his back for a while, and appearing holy as a gathering of flames like the sun.

In the end, several reincarnations were fixed on the traditional image of beautiful angels.

"The situation is clear."

Rope said mockingly.

"All of this is your own problem, Michael, it has nothing to do with me."

"No, no!"

Michael shook his head frantically.

"What's wrong, something must be wrong... I am Ketu Geya, I am Michael... Who is Michael?"

"Michael is you, the vice-prince of heaven, the greatest angel recorded in the Bible."

At this time, three more rays of light descended.

The dim **** flowing with magma will shine like daylight.

The light dissipated, and three eloquent angels appeared, and one of them calmed Michael with a gentle tone.

"You are the head of the four angels, our leader, don't forget this, Michael."


Michael woke up instantly.

The archangel in charge of the "wind", Raphael looked at the red dragon on the obsidian throne.

"Azazil, I apologize to you in place of Michael. Perhaps this incident is really a problem in our heaven."

"Hehe, it's good if you know it in your heart."

"Your responsibilities have been executed perfectly. We see this in our eyes." Raphael continued, "Many of the people who have been ravaged by the battlefield at the lower levels have tended to enter dystopias. In my heart, "Since the upper level gods and Buddhas If you can't protect us, then throw it into the arms of the demon king." This is exactly what our biblical gods want. "

"But, Azazil, heaven is not without seeing your behavior."

"Although something has happened to you constantly, you want to escape the established fate and the fate of being defeated by Michael?"

"Please don't do anything that bothers us anymore. You are a demon born from the concept of the enemy of God, and you naturally have to shoulder the responsibility of this spirituality."

"You can't escape."

After Raphael finished speaking, the scene fell into a long silence.

Then, a loud laughter spread far away.

"Hahahahaha... do you think so?" Luo Pei held the dragon's head, his eyes were full of joking: "At the moment you spoke, I was still looking forward to you, thinking you could judge The truth behind the mist..."

"Am I wrong? What are you hiding?"

"You will know, when the right time comes when the stars are in the right place."

Rope opened his hands.

"Now, are you finished? Please leave my territory when you are finished. Hell does not welcome the presence of the shining divine light."


Raphael wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Rope.

"I know, everything is still going according to plan."

"……Is it."

Without saying more, the four archangels turned and left.

Luo Peilong has been watching their backs.

In his line of sight, Michael's shadow has become Ketugya's appearance. Gabriel was filled with the breath of the deep sea, Raphael was dressed in a yellow robe, and Ulay was composed of various ever-changing images.

The erosion has already begun.

From the outside to the inside, and from the soul to the body.

The change of concept is only the first step. When the position is distorted, these archangels are no longer the sacred existence of heaven, but the indescribable evil gods in the folk mythology of the 16th century.

Together with their subordinates.

"What kind of tactics are you going to use to fight back against me? **** Christ..."

In the double-digit highest heaven, there is a middle-aged male wearing a crown of thorns.

He closed his eyes and wore a tattered white cloth for a long run, like an ascetic in the Middle Ages.

But it was such a simple image that filled him with a sense of supreme sacredness.

He is the tortured, the saint nailed to the cross, the core existence of the biblical system.

--Jesus Christ.

A white bird flew by and stayed on the shoulder of **** Christ. After a while, the bird turned into a cute child angel, playing beautiful music, awakening the Son.

"The boundless shadows, the boundless curses... are you coming? My trial, my catastrophe..."

Jesus Christ murmured, staring into the distant sky without focusing.

At the same moment, the three-digit outer door of the box court had two lower ranks entering through the realm door.

"Is this the three-digit land of Hakatai? It doesn't seem to be any different from the lower level..."

It was a combination of young men and girls.

The girl has beautiful features, short gold hair, a simple and extraordinary white dress, and a long walking stick in her hand.

"Baron, are you sure we have reached the three-digit outer door? Could that guy Di Shitian lie to me? Hey, if you don't speak, I will throw away all your rum."

"Asshole! Is anyone born who dared to threaten me with cigars and drinks!"

The man in the tuxedo spit on the ground in disgust, showing a vulgar posture.

I am afraid that no one believes that this tuxedo man will be a superior god, but will think that he is an uncultivated person.

The fact is exactly the same, Cloa Baron, the Baron of Crossroads, the **** of death is synonymous with vulgarity.

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