With a proud voice, Canary and Death turned their heads.

She was about sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a red and white dress, and her long golden hair was closer to "golden" than a canary.

Comparing the appearance of the canary's objective judgment, Cloa Baron took a breath.

The four-digit voodoo **** of death knows who the girl standing in front of him is at the moment.

"It's polite to call it a guy, you problem child!"

Di Shitian introduced to Canary and Cloya.

"Even if you are in the lower level, you should have heard of her name, the protoss of gold and realm, the leader of the community "QueenHalloween", the Queen of Halloween. "

Even in the box garden of the Shura God and Buddha, he rebelliously claimed to be the "Queen".

And it also possesses powerful capital recognized by the gods.

Throughout the ages, there has been only the Queen of Halloween.

"Cut, I didn't expect that not only Di Shitian, but also such a big man would come to see us... I was really flattered." Cloya Baron whispered.

Canary noticed that the Queen of Halloween was looking at her, obviously there was no hostility, but it made her breathing naturally tense.

It's like facing a dazzling star, knowing one's own insignificance deeply.

"Relax, I won't hurt you."

The Halloween Queen said softly, as if there was magic in her words, letting the canary relax.

"It's called a canary, right?"


"Well, a name that matches you well, a girl imprisoned in a dystopia."

The Halloween queen looked at death again.

"Black Magic Sovereign, you still have something I admire occasionally, you are vulgar. You wander around the dystopia at the risk of falling. This kind of behavior is just right and stupid, and it makes me want to praise you a few words."

Cloya felt uncomfortable for a moment as if he had eaten a fly.

He hates the title "Black Magic Sovereign" very much.

Because it was a slanderous name for him, a name used to attack his poor believers.

But the person in front of him was the Queen of Halloween, and Cloya could only swallow his anger in silence.

"Now that I'm familiar with it, then I won't say anything more."

The Queen of Halloween naturally occupied the throne of Emperor Shitian, and the leader of the Valkyrie just shook his head helplessly.

"For some reasons, I will actively take action against dystopias. For the human beings whom Di Shitian so vowed and respected, I also feel that it is necessary to try it and place my hope on you. It is more able to survive the final trials of mankind, forever Just the hero of humanity."

"If you say that, my pressure has soared..."

The canary held her forehead.

The Halloween queen didn't care at all, smiling sweetly.

"Appropriate pressure helps progress. You have the spirituality of a "poet", and you are hailed as the fourth strongest species of Hakata. It is extremely terrifying when you grow up. "

"What can you teach me?"

"Everything you need." The Halloween Queen said confidently: "I can give you everything that Di Shitian can teach you, but I can't teach you."

"...Is this too cheap for me?"

"What stupid thing to say, the gods bestow knowledge and force on heroes, it has been the same throughout the ages."

The Halloween Queen shook her head.

"And, compared to us, don't you have your life pressed? Is it possible that you think you can survive the final trial of mankind and fail?"

"I'm not that naive."

"That's fine."

The Halloween Queen said to Di Shitian.

"Let this girl live with you for the time being, I will come over and teach her every few hours. In addition, Di Shitian, don't be lazy to work, and teach this girl how to build a qualified community."

"Ah? I am not very good at this matter myself..."


The blonde queen did not hesitate to greet the emperor Shitian with evil words.

Probably he had heard such comments a long time ago, and the head of Valkyrie just shrugged.

At this moment Canary interjected.

"Do I still need to build a community?"

"Of course." said the Queen of Halloween: "The power of human beings is its clustering. This clustering shining on the Hakoi, so a variety of gods are formed. The power of many people is always better than a few. It never changes from its sect... Well, speaking of it, you should also visit other beings to learn when you come to the upper level? Just like me and Di Shitian."

"That's right."

Cloya said.

"Master Di Shitian also intends to introduce his contacts to Canary."

"The Twelve Days of Dharma Protector is indeed excellent, but I now want to recommend a better candidate. If he can nod his head, you will definitely be able to get twice the result with half the effort."

"Hey, are you planning to introduce him to Canary?"

Di Shitian's expression was a bit solemn.

"Although he did say to deal with dystopias, he is currently raging on the box court. It is not someone else who is aiming at him. It is the body of the gods and Buddhas who are waiting for me..."

"It's just a recommendation. It depends mainly on the Canary herself, right?"

The Halloween queen asked the canary.

"What do you mean? Do you want to accept my recommendation?"

"There is no reason to refuse, right?" Canary smiled: "It must be an existence that can make you two treat me so carefully."

"It may also be a reminder."

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